Use "do without" in a sentence

1. Without files, without source code, you can't do...

2. We'll do without molasses.

3. We couldn't do what we do without Cisco.

4. We can do without him.

5. Yeah, how do I do that without hurting her?

6. Do what I tell you to do without complaining.

7. You can't do without a gun.

8. I can do without your advice.

9. She can't do without a secretary.

10. He can't do without a secretary.

11. He will do anything without scruple.

12. They make do without phyco­Bilins

13. Without a brain we cannot do anything.

14. You can do without all that hassle.

15. Try to do without tobacco and alcohol.

16. You can do this without magic, richard.

17. I can do without the king's affection.

18. I could do without all this hassle.

19. You can do this without magic, richard

20. But do not denounce him without proof.

21. Please, we can't do this without you.

22. She wouldn't know what to do without you.

23. Because he knew they'd do it without him.

24. We shall do without a holiday this summer.

25. You can't do a thing without bungling

26. How do you manage without a washing machine?

27. Ciao Couldn't Do It Without You! VIEW AWARDS

28. A car is something we can't do without.

29. I have to do this without your help.

30. Look, we can't do business without unloading goods.

31. How do you make milk without a cow?

32. A business can't do well without good management.

33. What'll you do without your good luck charm?

34. I don't know what I'd do without you.

35. If you do something of your own Accord, you do it without being asked…

36. But you cannot do it without an active commitment to the gospel, and you cannot do it without repentance where it is needed.

37. How do you fix a broken leg without splints?

38. We'll just have to do without for a while.

39. Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor.

40. It's nearly impossible to do without some simpering sentimentality.

41. We do not want to pillory people without cause.


43. We can't do without the help of your organisation.

44. In her work she cannot do without a computer.

45. Perhaps without realizing it, do I despise sacred things?’

46. During the flood we had to do without luxuries.

47. If there's none left we'll have to do without.

48. No one can do without sleep for very long.

49. Blindly Add to list Share To do something Blindly is to do it without looking

50. Without pregnant burden, without the harm with pestiferous sex, do not suffer the effect of body state.

51. We can do without all these theatricals,(Sentence dictionary) Andrew!

52. 1 Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor.

53. Elders, of course, do not accomplish this without Jehovah’s help.

54. What will we do without their razor-sharp political advice?

55. I can do without your advice, if you don't mind.

56. So find a way to do this without killing civilians.

57. SL: I could do without things like cockroaches and snakes.

58. I knew how to do this before without even looking.

59. What do you mean by opening my letters without permission?

60. They help that straight edge do exactly what you want it to do without any Boughing

61. Is he really, really going to do it without his walker?"

62. Without the sheriff's cooperation, there's only so much we can do.

63. Life in prison without possibility of parole would do the same.

64. I don't have any sugar so you'll have to do without.

65. 27 And they vow to do it all without raising taxes.

66. Most people can't do without a computer in the information age.

67. Mouse Without Borders is a Microsoft Garage project by Truong Do

68. How do we deal with a bully without becoming a thug?

69. Do not become a bulrush without thinking a person with thinking.

70. Do not try to prepare a codicil without professional legal advice.

71. 13. (a) Why do the Witnesses serve voluntarily and without payment?

72. Do you remember the time we played three hours without stopping?

73. The store doesn't have any, so you'll have to do without.

74. Neither should you arrogantly presume that you can do without discipline.

75. Breathing is something that we all do without usually realizing it

76. It leads to a lethargy I think we do better without.

77. She's not allowed to do anything without her father's say-so.

78. We can not do without his cunning, or his tinker friends.

79. You do not make important decisions without consulting the temple astrologer.

80. Ceaselessly meaning The definition of Ceaselessly is to do something without stopping