Use "do without" in a sentence

1. We'll do without molasses.

2. We can do without him.

3. You can't do without a gun.

4. I can do without your advice.

5. She can't do without a secretary.

6. He can't do without a secretary.

7. They make do without phyco­Bilins

8. You can do without all that hassle.

9. Try to do without tobacco and alcohol.

10. I can do without the king's affection.

11. I could do without all this hassle.

12. She wouldn't know what to do without you.

13. We shall do without a holiday this summer.

14. A car is something we can't do without.

15. We couldn't do what we do without Cisco.

16. What'll you do without your good luck charm?

17. I don't know what I'd do without you.

18. We'll just have to do without for a while.

19. It's nearly impossible to do without some simpering sentimentality.

20. We can't do without the help of your organisation.

21. In her work she cannot do without a computer.

22. During the flood we had to do without luxuries.

23. If there's none left we'll have to do without.

24. No one can do without sleep for very long.

25. Do what I tell you to do without complaining.

26. We can do without all these theatricals,(Sentence dictionary) Andrew!

27. What will we do without their razor-sharp political advice?

28. I can do without your advice, if you don't mind.

29. SL: I could do without things like cockroaches and snakes.

30. I don't have any sugar so you'll have to do without.

31. Most people can't do without a computer in the information age.

32. The store doesn't have any, so you'll have to do without.

33. Neither should you arrogantly presume that you can do without discipline.

34. Breathing is something that we all do without usually realizing it

35. We can not do without his cunning, or his tinker friends.

36. Mother says she could do without the children making so much noise.

37. If you can't afford a car, you'll just have to do without.

38. He could do without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.

39. The Bethel family agreed to do without their monthly reimbursements for a time.

40. There's no mayonnaise left, so I'm afraid you'll just have to do without.

41. 9. (a) What did the nations do without regard for the Kingdom message?

42. He's an integral part of the team and we can't do without him.

43. I'd ask them General for a leave of absence but you couldn't do without me.

44. Chemises Delicate and revealing, the Chemise is the piece of lingerie that you can’t do without

45. They work in the central and usually wealthy areas; people in the shanty towns do without.

46. The Bethel family of 800 members agreed to do without their monthly reimbursements for a time.

47. 20 With the world economy wobbling, this prolonged conflict is something Thailand could badly do without.

48. They help that straight edge do exactly what you want it to do without any Boughing

49. If you must use credit, make sure it is only for something you cannot do without.

50. The Bruins' dilemma now is twofold: They must do without Romar, and they must compete against Romar.

51. To do without to be is hypocrisy, or feigning to be what one is not—a pretender.

52. Number two. I'm pretty sure the federal government could do without your income taxes and be fine.

53. Oh, his Baloney's really worth a try Never fails to satisfy I can't do without my kitchen man

54. Producers in non-member countries are free to accept those burdens or to do without the Community market.

55. First of all awareness campaigns: these are something that Member States could actually do without too much difficulty.

56. Since there were five of them they could do without friends if necessary, and contrariwise this made friendship easier.

57. Military Accoutrements are those items that an air force uniform just can't do without: Name tapes, Patches, and Rank

58. Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. Frank Lloyd Wright 

59. 29 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 

60. 27 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 

61. 27 I wonder whether I lay waiting, having to do without him and lull myself the whole way to sleep.

62. The idea that there are forces and necessities in nature is spurious, a piece of mysticism which we can do without.

63. Most countries would prefer to do without the smut and the anti-government invective, but none wants to risk being left out.

64. * Thrift as she practiced the spirit of that pioneer adage “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

65. Similarly, you can manage the stresses that you encounter and successfully accomplish the work you need to do without causing damage to yourself.

66. 9 Most countries would prefer to do without the smut and the anti-government invective, but none wants to risk being left out.

67. She could do without large conscript armies to defend land frontiers and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods.

68. Their poor command of the Chinese language also makes the reading of Chinese Books and newspapers an unenjoyable chore that they would rather do without.

69. Today's Thoreau might be able to turn his back on many elements of industrial capitalism, but he will not do without his laptop and his Google connection.

70. A.i.m is a proud supporter of Dancers Responding to AIDS, which helps ensure that those most in need receive the care and comfort they would otherwise do without

71. Bios is an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and is the built-in firmware that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk

72. The Aeroplane today In just over eighty years Aeroplanes have developed from frail curios to machines we can't do without in the field of transport, communication and defence

73. Voice of the Jewish News: A community Broigus we can all do without This week's editorial reflects on the spat which has erupted between the JLC and CAA

74. The freezer staples I can’t do without are frozen rice, frozen man-tou, frozen dumplings and finally, some sort of savory bun, like these steamed pork buns (Baozi, …

75. Boot loader is an important factor to start loading your operating system, as it would be impossible to do without it, hence the failure to access the computer system

76. Abovementioned is an acceptable compound word (“the Abovementioned qualities”), synonymous with aforementioned, but better to do without either, and invert the last three words: “to the qualities mentioned above”

77. [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1993] Cult is a term which, as we value exactness, we can ill do without, seeing how completely religion has lost its original signification

78. The domestic banks put their earnings into unnecessary and non-productive accouterments, while offshore banks do without the fancy buildings and unnecessary frills and share their profits with their customers.

79. 30 If they can't get it to us in time,( we'll just have to do without. I could have done without being woken up at three in the morning.

80. It too was a time when people abandoned good moral standards and did whatever their selfish desires moved them to do without regard for the interests or the welfare of others.