Use "strict" in a sentence

1. Strict Constructionist or Strict Constitutionalist? By Christopher S

2. Good people be strict with themselves, bad people be strict with others.

3. They are strict vegetarians.

4. Opinion; Editorials; Strict Constructionists, indeed

5. The work requires strict measurement.

6. She's a very strict disciplinarian.

7. Dad was a strict disciplinarian .

8. The church demands strict loyalty.

9. She is a strict teacher.

10. Father was a strict authoritarian.

11. He is a strict teetotaller.

12. French privacy laws are very strict.

13. One should be strict with oneself.

14. Home Opinion Editorials Strict Constructionists, indeed

15. We should be strict with children.

16. Are you a strict non - combatant?

17. Mike had had a strict upbringing.

18. She's very strict with her children.

19. She's on a very strict diet.

20. Patients maintain a strict dietary regimen.

21. Light: Convert to strict (X)HTML

22. In response, he instituted strict laws.

23. There were strict sanctions against absenteeism.

24. He's recently become a strict teetotaller.

25. Her patriarch is strict with her.

26. My father was a strict authoritarian.

27. What it authenticate's strict extent degression .

28. Jacelin is a person of strict morality.

29. His father was very strict and unyielding.

30. He was a strict, old-school Freudian.

31. The finance provides the strict bookkeeping system.

32. The Bible’s standards here are very strict.

33. 24 There are strict limits on immigration .

34. In the strict sense, he was neither.

35. 27 He was raised a strict Catholic.

36. I tell you this in strict privacy.

37. Yasmin sticks to a strict vegetarian diet.

38. A "bluenose" is a strict, puritanical person.

39. The workers rebel against their strict supervisor.

40. Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.

41. The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

42. It wasn't illegal in the strict sense .

43. Rapid City ran a very strict program.

44. Weeds should be kept under strict control.

45. The club has a strict dress code.

46. This company is very strict about punctuality.

47. He is very strict with his students.

48. Parents must be strict with their children.

49. 2 Patients maintain a strict dietary regimen.

50. He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.

51. The strict curfew has now been lifted.

52. They were all treated with strict fairness.

53. Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas.

54. 4 Strict regulations that paralyze economic activity.

55. Strict censorship is enforced in some countries.

56. Alcoholics Anonymous has a strict code of confidentiality.

57. Neither does close attention and strict parental guidance.

58. She admits to being strict with her children.

59. The decree imposed strict censorship of the media.

60. 4 The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

61. He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.

62. They gave their children a strict Catholic upbringing.

63. She became a strict vegetarian two years ago.

64. She adhered to the strict Islamic dress code.

65. Members must conform to a strict dress code.

66. She was reared in a strict Catholic household.

67. Nevertheless, he set his children a strict regimen.

68. The sport has a strict code of conduct.

69. an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms.

70. Strict rules governing blends should be laid down

71. He is to start a strict rehabilitation program.

72. Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank.

73. Aggrandizement management, strict system of responsibility is spent.

74. to introduce a strict import quota on grain.

75. Such a strict law is not easily enforceable.

76. Arbitrationist unions, they applied strict control to boundaries

77. There are plans to introduce strict immigration quotas .

78. 11 Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.

79. There are strict laws against revealing trade secrets.

80. We should increase production and practise strict economy.