Use "something of the kind" in a sentence

1. I have heard something of the kind.

2. Beauts: something very good of its kind.

3. It's filled with the kind of craft laws that come from something being the first of its kind.

4. So there's something about aging that's kind of universal.

5. Shouldn't there be some kind of kick or something?

6. What kind of sicko would write something like that?

7. Shouldn' t there be some kind of kick or something?

8. It's some kind of, like, post-traumatic stress therapy or something.

9. Look, kind of something I used to do with my ex.

10. And something about it just kind of drew me towards it.

11. That's the kind of something the military would want to keep from the public.

12. Beware of (someone or something) Be cautious or mindful of something or someone, especially something or someone that might pose a danger of some kind

13. 15 A tree can only bring forth something of its own kind.

14. His kind, they've always got something hidden away somewhere.

15. Hypernyms ("Anointment" is a kind of): application; coating; covering (the work of applying something)

16. Hypernyms ("Conflagration" is a kind of): fire (the event of something burning (often destructive))

17. I was looking at the house yesterday, and it needs something, some kind of adornment.

18. Hypernyms ("Benignity" is a kind of): action (something done (usually as opposed to something said)) Hyponyms (each of the following is a

19. It became entertainment; it became a new kind of commodity, something I was selling.

20. Atypical definition: Someone or something that is Atypical is not typical of its kind

21. Do I look like the kind of brother that would be unsure about something like that?

22. “We truly believed in something back then, and we knew we were the kind of people capable of Believing in something - with all our hearts

23. Hypernyms ("Acquirement" is a kind of): ability; power (possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done)

24. The actual cash value is usually the cost of replacing the property with something of like kind and quality.

25. Alternative is used to describe something that is different from the usual things of its kind, or the usual ways of doing something, in modern Western society

26. A person who breaks up something: crime Busters. something that is very big or unusual for its kind

27. Hypernyms ("Addressee" is a kind of): receiver; recipient (a person who receives something)

28. Now there is another kind of mirror neuron, which is involved in something quite different.

29. There is something about train travel that prompts a kind of wistful, almost poetic, detachment.

30. Hypernyms ("Corporeality" is a kind of): quality (an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or

31. Hypernyms ("Approbation" is a kind of): approval (a feeling of liking something or someone good)

32. Can't we exchange this for a contract for buying something from you, some kind of work?

33. I think that kind of Conformity is something that is imposed by turning the citizen into a customer.

34. Hypernyms ("Appropriator" is a kind of): acquirer (a person who acquires something (usually permanently))

35. Hypernyms ("Attainment" is a kind of): accomplishment; achievement (the action of accomplishing something) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Attainment"): success (an Attainment that is successful)

36. Hypernyms ("Corporeality" is a kind of): quality (an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone)

37. Mom's kind of down in the dumps at the moment -- why don't you buy her something to cheer her up?

38. English words for Alius include another, other, different, someone else, of another kind, something else and diverse

39. Hypernyms ("Appendicle" is a kind of): appendage(a part that is joined to something larger)

40. And I started to hear these sounds, this "whoosh," kind of whisper, like something passing through me.

41. The kind of rejoicing associated with the words and actions of a court jester cannot be pointed to as producing something worthwhile.

42. Bribery is the act of offering or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return

43. But inside the echo were sounds not quite their own-a kind of threnody, a weeping, something melodic and sad.

44. 21 D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework, it look something like a pinwheel.

45. DS: This kind of project comes along once in a career, something so blue-sky and white paper.

46. Hypernyms ("Acquiring" is a kind of): act; deed; human action; human activity (something that people do or cause to happen) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Acquiring"): acquisition (the act of contracting or assuming or Acquiring possession of something) obtainment; obtention (the act of obtaining) catching; contracting

47. You can imagine a new kind of sculpting tool, where I'm kind of warming something up, making it malleable, and then letting it cool down and solidifying in a certain state.

48. Hypernyms ("Buttonhook" is a kind of): hook (a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something)

49. Amid definition: If something happens Amid noises or events of some kind , it happens while the other Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

50. Hypernyms ("Combustibility" is a kind of): quality (an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Combustibility"): flammability; inflammability (the quality of being easily ignited and burning rapidly)

51. -Bellied can be added to an adjective to describe someone or something that has a stomach of a particular kind

52. Hypernyms ("Cacography" is a kind of): hand; handwriting; script (something written by hand) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Cacography"): chicken scratch (cramped or illegible handwriting) squiggle (an illegible scrawl)

53. Hypernyms ("Adumbration" is a kind of): representation(a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something)

54. Ethan (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #0.5), Brightest Kind of Darkness (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #1), Lucid (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #2), Destiny (

55. Hypernyms ("Anteriority" is a kind of): position; spatial relation(the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated)

56. let's say you were trying to measure the, the curvature of some, some shallow water waves, something for which F prime is, is kind of small.

57. There was something about the way the air hung heavy all around even in the woods, that gave me a kind of nervous, prickly feeling.

58. Hypernyms ("Adducing" is a kind of): argument; statement (a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true)

59. To warn someone not to do something, usually in a kind way, or to tell someone to do something: His mother Admonished him for eating too quickly.

60. John lacks the kind of soft touch needed for this kind of negotiation.

61. Hypernyms ("Actuation" is a kind of): act; deed; human action; human activity (something that people do or cause to happen)

62. Kind of.

63. Hypernyms ("Chicanery" is a kind of): deceit; deception; dissembling; dissimulation (the act of deceiving) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Chicanery"): dupery; fraud; fraudulence; hoax; humbug; put-on (something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an

64. It's kind of exactly what you imagine when you imagine "iPhone knockoff;" something with the same design that's just not quite as good as the original.

65. Executive producer Zack Estrin spills about episodes: "In the fall finale we kind of reset the series again, something that we've done at the midpoint of most of our seasons.

66. Etymologically speaking, a fairy is something quite particular, related in kind to the naiads, or water nymphs, and while of the genus, we are sui generis.

67. Hypernyms ("Asserter" is a kind of): communicator (a person who communicates with others) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Asserter"): postulator (someone who assumes or takes something for granted as the basis of an argument) Derivation: assert (to …

68. Hypernyms ("Bathymeter" is a kind of): measuring device; measuring instrument; measuring system (instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something)

69. Comprised of (something) Made up of (something); consisting of (something)

70. Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.

71. So, we can say that Causal is something that comes from a cause and indicates some kind of link (between cause and effect).

72. From ultra-luxurious bed sheets to charming quilts, plush pillows to chic Comforter sets, Target has something to suit every kind of bedroom

73. Hypernyms ("Answerability" is a kind of): responsibility ; responsibleness (a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct)

74. The poet fancies to create a kind of great poetry which could surpass both female parent and the male parent . This is undoubtedly great humanity---something of the character of poetry.

75. Kind of ironic.

76. Hypernyms ("Aspirant" is a kind of): applicant; applier (a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission)

77. See also: comprise, of Comprised of (something) Made up of (something); consisting of (something)

78. Chock full of (something) Having a lot of something; very full of something

79. One required something called "charge-parity" violation, which is an example of a kind of asymmetry between particles and their Antiparticles that describes the way they decay

80. Counterfeiting, manufacture of false money for gain, a kind of forgery in that something is copied so as to defraud by passing it for the original or genuine article.