Use "put an end to it" in a sentence

1. It was Gloucester who chose to put an end to it.

2. I can put an end to myself in it.

3. She's had her fun, now put an end to it.

4. Judge Frossard, it seems, wanted to put an end to the inertia.

5. It was the Arachnophobica who put an end to most of them

6. 27 Judge Frossard, it seems, wanted to put an end to the inertia.

7. I knew it would be up to me to put an end to them.

8. It is absolutely essential that we put an end to policies of inequality.

9. Baca meant to put an end to that.

10. We need to put an end to this.

11. We must put an end to their threats.

12. It's time we put an end to plutocracy.

13. Abrogating: to put an end to by formal action.

14. Abrogates: to put an end to by formal action.

15. Abrogated: to put an end to by formal action.

16. Abolished: to put an end to by formal action.

17. Abolishes: to put an end to by formal action.

18. Even worse, it is impossible to put an end to the debate since it turns over an empirically unjustifiable causal reasoning.

19. How can we put an end to the fighting?

20. The ensuing cheers put an end to Evarts's address.

21. To put an end to; discontinue: The factory Ceased production

22. To put an end to; discontinue: The factory Ceased production

23. The government is determined to put an end to terrorism.

24. If you have had Akathisia, please register at to help put an end to it

25. It would put an end to the bitter tears shed in expression of grief and suffering.

26. I'll soon put an end to her silly little games.

27. It's time we put an end to the virginity fraud.

28. When are they going to put an end to this butchery?

29. While happy to appear tired of the Gingrich fight, Clinton has done nothing to put an end to it.

30. Cancels: to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)

31. Abort: to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)

32. The advent of Nazism put an abrupt end to Bayern's development.

33. I will put an end to all the sighing she caused.

34. The Napoleonic invasion in 1797 put an end to Noli's sovereignty.

35. Soon he will put an end to all badness on earth.

36. Let's put an end to these rumours once and for all.

37. Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.

38. 6 When are they going to put an end to this butchery?

39. He said he wanted to put an end to such a trifle.

40. This magazine explains why God has not yet put an end to evil and the suffering it causes.”

41. The Mahdist Revolt put an end to Equatoria as an Egyptian outpost in 1889.

42. It's time the community worked together to put an end to the violence.

43. I'd knight the man that put an end to that deviant's life.

44. 11 Let's put an end to these rumours once and for all.

45. Serving to put an end to doubt, question, or uncertainty; decisive: Conclusive evidence

46. The Philippines ' government required both sides to put an end to the attacks .

47. A call to the police should put an end to their little caper.

48. He could put an end to the suspense any time he chooses.

49. To that end Powell put a temporary gloss on an unstable situation.

50. The success of the press conference was demonstrated by the fact that it put an end to all altercations.

51. “The Bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations

52. President Obama should threaten to hold up future aid to Pakistan if it doesn't put an end to its double-dealing.

53. Workers’ unity throughout a United Europe can put an end to the low wages paid in many parts of the Continent and so put an end to Blacklegging in Europe

54. She put the end in her mouth and moistened it to a point.

55. I've been working on something that's going to put an end to all that.

56. That, he decided, would put an end to Irina's career, if not to Irina.

57. I hope that nothing whatsoever is done to put an abrupt end to this.

58. After international outcry, the country decided to slowly put an end to this practice.

59. They know that Jesus will put an end to all badness on earth.

60. 5 Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.

61. I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.

62. This confederation, under French influence, put an end to the Holy Roman Empire.

63. It is just fine to put the ellipsis at the end of the article.

64. Use Alphabetic labels to put an end to misfiled records and speed file retrieval time

65. 11 The police are trying to put an end to smuggling,( root and branch.

66. To add an article to this category, put [[Category:Augmentations]] at the end of that article.

67. • put an end to all wars, enabling his subjects to live in peace and security?

68. Subsequently, the abdication of Napoleon in order to put an end to his political career.

69. We should put an end to the prevalent social evil of parading one's wealth.

70. Towards the end, he had this prefabricated valve put in it.

71. Jehovah will soon put an end to all lies and liars. —Revelation 21:8.

72. Abolished; Abolishing Kids Definition of abolish : to do away with : put an end to abolish discrimination

73. Thanks be to God, who in his infinite wisdom has put an end to this mutiny.

74. The crisis and then the recession put an abrupt end to the old economic model.

75. They resolve that they must put an end to the war once and for all.

76. So that put an end to that ... no more dances down at Cotherstone for me.

77. The kings of France sought to put an end to this situation which seemed to them abnormal.

78. 28 Want to stress engineering construction quality, put an end to unqualified project consign to use stoutly.

79. Verb If someone in a position of authority Abrogates something such as a law, agreement, or practice, they put an end to it.

80. To this end, it shall put in place appropriate management, control and accounting systems and standards