Use "all of us" in a sentence

1. All of us are refugees.

2. Not all of us, chief.

3. All of us reek of alcohol.

4. ! They said they'd take us all or none of us.

5. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.

6. All of us sweating and swearing.

7. Enough irony for all of us.

8. The film intrigued all of us.

9. This matter concerns all of us.

10. All of us ought to go.

11. That goes for all of us.

12. She gave us all of Julie's passwords.

13. First of all tell us your name.

14. All of us couldn't fit in there.

15. All of us believe in some Conspiracies

16. All of us know what Afflictions are

17. All of us are surrounded by ghosts.

18. All of us can learn from this.

19. What mark do all of us miss?

20. That is manifest to all of us.

21. He bilked us of all our money.

22. Ok, all of us second the motion.

23. They were anathema to all of us.

24. All of us can identify, can’t we?

25. All of us were convulsed with laughter.

26. Global warming will affect all of us.

27. Of all of us, you shone the brightest.

28. First of all, they made us sign away all of our rights.

29. All us nerds are.

30. Decommissioned us all, and replaced us with the MXs.

31. The choice of Governor may confound us all.

32. All of us were touched by your thoughtfulness.

33. All of us have similarly felt pangs of conscience.

34. Evidence of God’s existence is all around us

35. And all of us sittin'down, and him sayin'grace.

36. Does your remark refer to all of us?

37. The mother of all asteroids screaming towards us.

38. It was rather frustrating for all of us.

39. This is his bequest to all of us.

40. My father expected perfection from all of us.

41. Instead resourcing issues impinge on all of us.

42. All three of us accepted personal Bible studies.

43. The deal was profitable to all of us.

44. Booth, we are, all of us, your squints.

45. They all seem a bottle ahead of us!

46. His mistake left us all out of pocket.

47. All of us would hang around together.

48. Actually, all of us are recipients of His goodness.

49. All four of them were stuck with us!

50. The majesty of the occasion thrilled us all.

51. All of us will participate in the profits.

52. His high spirits made all of us happy.

53. All of us joined lustily in the chorus.

54. All three of us cooed like arrant fools.

55. He raged and fumed against all of us.

56. They told us he betrayed his best friend, all of us for the money.

57. I wanted us to sail away together on the boat, all three of us.

58. Get us all at once.

59. informants are all around us.

60. Then God help us all.

61. All round us was desert.

62. His banishment shocked us all.

63. Compassion exists within us all

64. Death smiles at us all.

65. Global warming is something that happens to all of us, all at once.

66. Because of the Resurrection, all of us will have immortality.

67. 3 All of us must face the eventuality of death.

68. She lived farthest away from school of all of us.

69. The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us.

70. A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.

71. All of history Accustoms us to this way of thinking.

72. This matter is of great consequence to all of us.

73. What programs of Bible reading can benefit all of us?

74. The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us.

75. We all go together or none of us go.

76. And all of us are constantly looking for harmony.

77. Their courage was an example to all of us.

78. The accident tumbled us all out of the truck.

79. He thanked us all without a touch of irony.

80. It will make hicks and Bohunks of us all