Use "all of us" in a sentence

1. All of us are refugees.

2. Not all of us, chief.

3. All of us sweating and swearing.

4. Enough irony for all of us.

5. The film intrigued all of us.

6. This matter concerns all of us.

7. All of us ought to go.

8. All of us reek of alcohol.

9. That goes for all of us.

10. All of us couldn't fit in there.

11. All of us believe in some Conspiracies

12. All of us know what Afflictions are

13. All of us are surrounded by ghosts.

14. All of us can learn from this.

15. What mark do all of us miss?

16. That is manifest to all of us.

17. Ok, all of us second the motion.

18. They were anathema to all of us.

19. All of us can identify, can’t we?

20. All of us were convulsed with laughter.

21. Global warming will affect all of us.

22. All of us were touched by your thoughtfulness.

23. And all of us sittin'down, and him sayin'grace.

24. Does your remark refer to all of us?

25. It was rather frustrating for all of us.

26. This is his bequest to all of us.

27. My father expected perfection from all of us.

28. Instead resourcing issues impinge on all of us.

29. The deal was profitable to all of us.

30. Booth, we are, all of us, your squints.

31. Of all of us, you shone the brightest.

32. All of us would hang around together.

33. All of us will participate in the profits.

34. His high spirits made all of us happy.

35. All of us joined lustily in the chorus.

36. He raged and fumed against all of us.

37. And all of us are constantly looking for harmony.

38. All of us have similarly felt pangs of conscience.

39. Their courage was an example to all of us.

40. This was a horrible test for all of us.

41. Yet, all of us fail to meet God’s standards.

42. All of us were willing to work without timbers.

43. 25 The deal was profitable to all of us.

44. All of us hushed when the President walked in.

45. Actually, all of us are recipients of His goodness.

46. They continue to inspire all of us to action.

47. " We were panicked , but all of us are safe . "

48. All of us should answer these challenges for ourselves.

49. And all of us are responsible for this failure.”

50. All of us struggle with inherent weakness and imperfection.

51. All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences.

52. Why can all of us have a fruitful ministry?

53. Ken was a father figure to all of us.

54. When the American people speak, all of us should listen.

55. Believe it or not, It happens to all of us.

56. Because of the Resurrection, all of us will have immortality.

57. 3 All of us must face the eventuality of death.

58. (Romans 6:23, KJ) This rule affects all of us.

59. □ Why are the elderly a blessing to all of us?

60. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.

61. His stinginess with money is known among all of us.

62. All of us relive the pressure from work and study.

63. She lived farthest away from school of all of us.

64. The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us.

65. 1 All of us get tired from time to time.

66. There's a number on the wall for all of us.

67. All of us took up full-time service as pioneers.

68. 11 Their courage was an example to all of us.

69. He set up a fine example to all of us.

70. Why do all of us have reason to be overjoyed?

71. They're not going to send all of us to detention.

72. How can all of us strengthen our confidence in Jehovah?

73. This is normal, a shock, for all of us, Hana.

74. It was a very stressful time for all of us.

75. A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.

76. Be that as it may, all of us need order.

77. Assamese keyboard for all of us who love Assamese language.

78. Kristi’s deafness is an ongoing challenge for all of us.

79. Like diamonds, all of us have our own distinct qualities.

80. The news had a sobering effect on all of us.