Use "without doing anything" in a sentence

1. Nobody does anything worth doing without a degree.

2. Avoiders often tolerate conflicts, allowing them to simmer without doing anything to minimize them.

3. Think twice before doing anything.

4. Think twice before doing anything rash.

5. Are you doing anything this afternoon?

6. You should keep from doing anything rash.

7. That vulture is capable of doing anything.

8. I don't feel like doing anything today.

9. Are you doing anything nice this weekend ?

10. Are you doing anything over the weekend?

11. She is bashful in doing [ to do ] anything.

12. You guys aren't doing anything tonight, are you?

13. I just don't feel like doing anything tonight.

14. Angel, are you doing anything that'd dtinkingly important?

15. 1 I don't feel like doing anything today.

16. I don't feel like doing much of anything.

17. Without doing wrong; without responsibility for doing something bad Servants were required to live Blamelessly.

18. Nobody does anything worth doing with a degree.

19. " Are you doing anything this afternoon? " " Nothing special. "

20. Pretty much anything without scales.

21. Without thy liver rub anything.

22. Not doing anything wrong is what's keeping me afloat.

23. Have I told her to stop doing anything ever?

24. He will do anything without scruple.

25. You disappeared without saying anything, Vegeta.

26. I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.

27. By doing this, was Jesus ‘trying to prove just anything’?

28. Without a brain we cannot do anything.

29. " Uncle, " he said, " are you doing anything special to- morrow afternoon?

30. 19 I wasn't doing anything important - just gossiping with a neighbour.

31. No one is doing anything to help these poor defenceless children.

32. She could not eat anything without feeling nauseated.

33. I didn't want to say anything without Actually …

34. I often fish for hours without catching anything.

35. It's worrying that they're doing things without training.

36. Close enough to Rome to scare us into doing anything you wish.

37. Do I cooperate with it, not doing anything to upset the routine?’

38. Berthe often spends the whole day without selling anything.

39. 5 She could not eat anything without feeling nauseated.

40. We'd buy anything we wanted without a single rupee.

41. Don't start anything without a clear directive from management.

42. She can always dream up some new roason for not doing anything unpleasant.

43. This freighter can sail around the world without doing.

44. We are not interested, frankly, in doing anything that would exacerbate the tensions.

45. I'd never borrow anything of yours without asking first.

46. Are we doing anything as a family that is offensive to the Spirit?

47. 9 Hockey is doing nicely by itself without FoxTrax.

48. As it turns out, playing the ukulele is kind of like doing anything,

49. By not doing anything that will endanger our life or other people’s lives.

50. You don't want me doing anything except A Song of Ice and Fire.

51. Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.

52. He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.

53. I had better go now without saying goodbye or anything.

54. When pt-Archiver connects to --dest, host2, it will connect via the --source, host1, socket defined in host1.cnf.--dry-run¶ Print queries and exit without doing anything

55. Everybody at the meeting Babbled without saying anything of substance

56. You've probably never could gotten anything without paying for it.

57. You can't get anything done in a world without rules.

58. I'm not sure if this a good time for me to be doing anything.

59. Without it we cannot achieve anything of true, lasting value.

60. Initiative 10is doing the right thing without being told. 

61. I went into the woods without looking for anything in particular, and without any predetermined goal.

62. Andy: You know, doing the same thing day in day out, and not doing anything creative, or having any time to enjoy life.

63. I see this shit going on and I don't see anybody doing anything about it.

64. "Maybe the words can make the image without anything else happening.

65. I'm going to talk about why we are so fatalistic about doing anything about aging.

66. I don't feel like doing anything very energetic this evening. I've had a tiring day.

67. Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.

68. You may bite your nails without realizing you are doing it .

69. The most common sign of you being view Botted is if you randomly jump up hundreds (or even thousands) of views without being raided or doing anything differently in your stream

70. Because seeing anything without my husband, I can't even imagine that.

71. She's not allowed to do anything without her father's say-so.

72. What were you doing coming over to my house without calling?

73. ‘The investigator found that the council was not Blameworthy of doing anything wrong in the circumstances.’

74. Cheeky- This is a prefix, that is added onto anything that you are doing/having, without permission, when at work, or in some type of lesson, where rules are to be followed

75. Those keyboard warrior will post anything on line without all the facts.

76. Will my stomach have problem if I eat lobster without eating anything?

77. Circumstantial evidence is anything that suggests what happened, without directly showing it

78. I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first.

79. But she refused to take any money without doing any work, so...

80. He sets objectives without yielding to the latest fashion for doing so.