Use "there ought to be" in a sentence

1. There ought to be a loophole.

2. There ought to be traffic lights at this crossroad.

3. There ought to be more buses during the rush hour.

4. There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.

5. 11 Sibyl: There really ought to be compensation in cases like this.

6. You ought to be mindful.

7. That suit ought to be pressed.

8. Marriage ought to be for keeps.

9. Such unselfishness ought to be rewarded.

10. This discrepancy ought to be remedied

11. You ought to be kinder to him.

12. 29 Two people who are going to be married ought to be married ought to say ditto to each other.

13. I think everything ought to be aboveboard.

14. There ought to be a collimeter for lining up Cephalometers that are not made of one piece

15. Yet, amniocentesis sometimes presents its own complications, and so there ought to be caution about undergoing it.

16. You ought to be proud[], Herb.

17. 27 You ought to be kinder to him.

18. At this writing there seems to be a movement against circumcision on the ground that all unnecessary operations ought to be avoided.

19. He's crazy; he ought to be locked up.

20. There's no mistaking what ought to be done.

21. Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.

22. 25 Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.

23. The warship ought to be remanned right away.

24. Caesar's wife must [ ought to ] be above suspicion.

25. You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

26. People like that ought to be put away!

27. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe them.

28. No policeman ought to be remiss in his duties.

29. They ought to be under the barbed wire soon.

30. 12 He's crazy; he ought to be locked up.

31. If there are any left they ought to at least consider rehabilitation.

32. “Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?

33. This is what hierarchical systems ought to be about.

34. For alliteration it ought to be Pablo or Picauo.

35. She felt that she ought to be above suspicion .

36. I believe women ought to be ordained to the priesthood.

37. ‘He argues that ‘one doesn't want to be Boringly predictable, but one should be consistent’; there ought to be about four parts predictability to one part innovation, he says.’.

38. ‘He argues that ‘one doesn't want to be Boringly predictable, but one should be consistent’; there ought to be about four parts predictability to one part innovation, he says.’

39. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, playing with guns.

40. Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.

41. You're A hoot, you ought to be on Comedy Central

42. These new values ought, to be employed in actinometric investigations.

43. 8 Perhaps we ought to be a little more circumspect.

44. If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.

45. Women ought not to be in financial subjection to their husbands.

46. Really, David, you ought to be ashamed to repeat such blather.

47. 12 To what type of snare ought we be alert?

48. General ledger, journal ought to be used revise this form.

49. "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming.

50. Cheerful, too, as a place of worship ought to be.

51. By heaven, they ought to be worked in quicksilver mines.

52. Perhaps there ought to be an intelligence extradition agreement that all defectors are immediately put on the first aircraft back home.

53. You ought to be drawing a commission on these things. "

54. Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty.

55. Why was she dithering when she ought to be doing?

56. As the process, modern standard ought to be discrepant , grading.

57. Conclusion:Incidence of epidermolysis bullosa type eruption ought to be observed...

58. One ought to live up to what he knows to be right.

59. But it ought not be done Cavalierly

60. Each subsequent codicil ought to refer clearly to the initial will and all previous Codicils, and they ought to all be secured together

61. There appears to be widespread confusion between what constitutes healthy pride—something one ought to be able to express freely, when appropriate—and Boastfulness or bragging, something most

62. 25 There may well be all sorts of contributory factors which need stating but these ought to come after the full apology.

63. Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal.

64. To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely.

65. Ought to be enough in the tank to last out the winter.

66. Your watchfulness alone ought to be enough to make people back off.

67. 18 Behind all foreign policy there lurks, or ought to lurk, careful political calculation.

68. They ought to be rewarded for helping their customers save it.

69. 13 There may well be all sorts of contributory factors which need stating but these ought to come after the full apology.

70. You ought to be going somewhere in a dress like that

71. 6 As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

72. Acquiring a skill is a good way to pay the bills, but there really ought to be something more in terms of personal involvement.

73. He who frequents the alleyways of disrepute ought to be ashamed.

74. 29 To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely.

75. These meetings ought not to be sanctuaries for factious and flagitious fellows.

76. No one would question that lads ought to be Chastised when necessary

77. Five ryo ought to be plenty, but offer him a little more.

78. One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.

79. He was a lawyer, he ought to be able to outwit the law.

80. Backstopping is something that ought to be policed by the players themselves