Use "take to heart" in a sentence

1. Don't take it to heart, my darling.

2. You did not take these things to heart;

3. Don't take to heart what happened just now.

4. And we today need to take this to heart.

5. Hopes Hong guard Hernandez to take to heart expressed.

6. What should we take to heart, and why?

7. Seeing, shall take heart again.

8. Ask him to take the fear from your heart.

9. 3 Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.

10. Tired of going solo? Take heart!

11. Take heart, you are not alone.

12. But the communicators can take heart.

13. Take heart and go on trying!

14. He allowed selfish ambitions to take root in his heart.

15. * It takes time to address such matters, but take heart!

16. Why should we take to heart Jesus’ admonition to “keep ready”?

17. The advice you give me, I will take to heart.

18. Take my heart and may it love

19. Take heart - things can only get better.

20. If progress seems Agonizingly slow, take heart

21. I take heart at winning the game.

22. Aficionados of white wine can take heart.

23. They wanted to howl me down, but I didn't take to heart.

24. Don t take for granted the things closest to your heart.

25. What are things we should take to heart from Jesus’ example?

26. Paper plane fly farther take away my heart.

27. We should take heart from the encouraging stories.

28. Debbie Purdy is one who should take heart.

29. (Luke 21:34-36) It is wise to take Jesus’ words to heart.

30. Never allow the love of money to take root in your heart.

31. If that has been your experience, take heart.

32. Why should we take the words of Psalm 1:1 to heart?

33. Indications when we take Antacid When heart burn is there then we take Antacid to reduce the heartburn

34. They are now on their way to take a new heart to their brother.

35. And that's a lesson one hopes American policy makers will take to heart.

36. Makes wise others faces, makes them take a heart.

37. Take heart! It will be easier from now on.

38. I hop you will take to heart the warning you have been given.

39. Indeed, let us take to heart David’s words, “Bless Jehovah, O my soul.”

40. It blazed up against him, but he would not take it to heart.

41. But Cambridge will take heart from today's weigh-in.

42. What results can come when we take 2 Peter 3:18 to heart?

43. 17 In the meantime, consider two lessons that we should take to heart.

44. Today I take heart of grace to express and hope you can accept it.

45. Cambridge can take heart from Goldie's substantial victory over Isis.

46. Fill my heart with gladness , take away all my sadness.

47. The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls.

48. Take care of your health, your heart and your pocketbook.

49. You can use a Wear OS by Google watch to take heart rate measurements.

50. We're going to take a detour and zoom in on the heart muscle now.

51. 13 We take to heart the instructions that Jesus gave his first-century disciples.

52. But take heart: You may have the chance to make up those lost benefits.

53. We should be determined not to allow any such ideas to take root in our heart.

54. To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.

55. A blood vessel is a tube that carries blood in the circulatory system.Blood vessels that take blood away from the heart are arteries.Blood vessels that take blood back to the heart are veins

56. But pride and ambition can quickly take root in the heart.

57. Investors appeared to take heart from a smattering of news from banks and the government.

58. Otherwise, bitterness and resentment begin to take root in the heart, and they are hard to uproot.

59. Attend to - get down to; pay attention to; take seriously; "Attend to your duties, please" take to heart bear in mind, mind - keep in mind neglect,

60. 6 To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.

61. We therefore take to heart Paul’s question: “Why not rather let yourselves be wronged?” —Verse 7.

62. All of this can be done in hopes that he will take Scriptural counsel to heart.

63. 1 If you ever find yourself asking such a question, take heart!

64. How can we show that we take to heart the meaning of the vision that Peter received?

65. (Matthew 26:52) Those who take to heart what God’s Word says ‘do not learn war anymore.’

66. Yes, take his Word to heart, pray for holy spirit, and regularly associate with the Christian brotherhood.

67. You have a right to take heart from this, but you need to learn to be happy for yourself, too.

68. Infectious diseases, heart ailments, and the scourge of cancer take a heavy toll.

69. Take the time to meditate on what you read so that it sinks down into your figurative heart.

70. 6 As the date of this year’s observance approaches, take time to prepare your heart for the occasion.

71. Time and again, Scripture encourages believers to take heart through their circumstances and find Contentment in the Lord

72. Last year, this group was able to take all the cells off a heart, leaving just the cartilage.

73. That’s why most people with heart disease should take a daily low-dose Aspirin

74. 9 Can the spirit of the world take root in your mind and heart?

75. Take heart, scientists have discovered that people can a love that lasts a lifetime.

76. Take heart ! Help a good cause and ask a lonely guy on a date.

77. He felt the heat radiating up from the receiver, hoping to take heart from this release of stored energy.

78. That's why I take heart of grace today to show myself on jiayuan. com, hoping to meet my expecting true love.

79. 22 Let us, then, take to heart the loving counsel that Paul offers us at 1 Corinthians 15:33.

80. When the air pocket reaches your heart in, give or take, fifteen seconds, you'll die.