Use "status quo ante" in a sentence

1. Iraq declared victory in 1988 but actually achieved a weary return to the status quo ante bellum.

2. He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

3. Wilson was strangled by the status quo.

4. The status quo defies the intent of these agreements.

5. He emphasized the need to maintain the status quo.

6. conservatives who want to maintain the status quo.

7. Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.

8. True reconciliation, however, means anything but maintaining the status quo.

9. Consequently, following the exporters' confirmation that they intend to continue to adhere to their undertakings, the status quo ante should be re-established as regards these companies' undertakings.

10. 14 An incumbent by definition is the status quo.

11. " Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.

12. The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.

13. Proposal 1 (Status Quo): advantages and disadvantages, financial and legal implications

14. Coathanger conservatives also think the status quo has got to go

15. Questioning the status quo carries the danger of ostracism, possibly persecution.

16. They have no wish for any change in the status quo.

17. Anarchs are vampires who reject the status quo of vampire society

18. They wanted a return to the status quo before the war.

19. Ante ipsam autem ecclesiam hortus est gratissimus, habens aquam optimam Abundantem, in quo horto ipse rubus est

20. They have, almost as a birthright, a restless dissatisfaction with the status quo.

21. Don't act like you're suddenly a fan of the status quo, okay?

22. This addition does not change the status quo and corrects an omission.

23. Fighting all comers, Ali took on the law, conventions, the status quo and the

24. In comparison to the status quo option B presents clear advantages and no disadvantage.

25. At Amphora, we question assumptions, push boundaries and challenge the status quo everyday

26. Therefore, the status quo of Post - Pidgin stays at a relatively low level.

27. Instead they play it safe, avoiding risks and trying to maintain the status quo.

28. When it comes to crunch time, Bill Clinton digs in to defend the status quo.

29. Emotional Biases include loss aversion, overconfidence, self-control, status quo, endowment, and regret aversion

30. The guardians of the status quo usually judge them to be beyond the pale.

31. The implementation of the Protocol will preserve status quo on territories in adverse possession.

32. "The Governments of India and China have agreed to restore status quo ante along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Western Sector of the India-China boundary as it existed prior to 15 April,2013.

33. This addition does not change the status quo(see footnote 5) and corrects an omission.

34. The status quo cannot be maintained as we move forward, for it is absolutely untenable.

35. A heretic compromise by the victors with the Annulers of that election resulted in the perfidy of the interim national Government which culminated in the ‘overthrow’ of that ING and brought us back to status quo ante

36. Afficionado Coffee Roasters was born out of a desire to disrupt the coffee industry status quo

37. What we don't often consider is the atrocious cost of the status quo -- not changing anything.

38. Simply pumping more money into the public education system only would perpetuate the status quo.

39. A heretic compromise by the victors with the Annulers of that election resulted in the perfidy of the interim national Government which culminated in the ‘overthrow’ of that ING and brought us back to status quo ante

40. The status quo causes a very significant administrative burden for authorities, with an increasing tendency.

41. AB Airbags Believes in Changing and Improving the Status Quo in the Load Securement Industry

42. Therefore, whenever you want to change things, move away from status quo, there is resistance.

43. Both Austen and Lee challenged the social status quo and valued individual worth over social standing.

44. Objective To survey the nursing status quo of the common complications of the permanent cardiac pacemaker.

45. Both are charades meant to direct attention away from a stubborn commitment to the status quo.

46. Maintaining the status quo should not be done without addressing the serious problems identified during this assessment.

47. We righteously march down to our polling place, like good soldiers for the status quo. We vote.

48. It would be wrong to equate maintaining the status quo with no review and no accountability.

49. Even here, there was consistent fear of anything that threatened to shake up the status quo.

50. Adcate for diversity, creativity , and innovation to o mote change a Love challenge the status quo.

51. Alternatives (A) Maintain the status quo (i.e. continue to offset all recoveries against future regular assessments).

52. The Royalists were against any reform at all and for the maintenance of the status quo.

53. 18 But Silber and the others have identified one essential ingredient: abhorrence for the status quo.

54. At the core of the academic studies is a basic rule: Investors believe in the status quo.

55. Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.

56. What makes the situation in Gaza even more infuriating is that the status quo is actually irrational.

57. To argue against changing the status quo, which everybody knows compromises democracy, is a terribly pessimistic position.

58. GHD Advisory addresses the need for business outcomes that challenge the status quo in our rapidly changing environment

59. In some communities, maintaining the system and the status quo is actually seen as proof of good management.

60. Bountyless coordinated disclosure has created a status quo that leverages independent security research as a form of free labor

61. Because we hate status-quo and we hate mediocre – we founded Bfree to revolutionize debt recovery in Nigeria

62. Be the Change is an equal opportunity initiative committed to changing the status quo through action and policy

63. 16 We humans have inherited a remarkable capacity to habituate to, or become accustomed to, the status quo.

64. Ante room synonyms, Ante room pronunciation, Ante room translation, English dictionary definition of Ante room

65. Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.

66. "Amendable" with terms remaining "status quo" throughout negotiations overseen by the National Mediation Board

67. At this stage there has not been a change in the status quo as it was last week.

68. Will the West use its influence to maintain the status quo and not disrupt the flow of oil?

69. This perception of Barbadians of colour upholding the status quo — despite the social and economic inequalities perpetuated by systemic racism …

70. These will include maintaining the status quo, retaining hunting with new restrictions, a partial ban, and a total ban.

71. Ante A complete Ante overview by MarketWatch

72. But don't expect transformative change to come from incumbents, most of whom will fight tooth-and-nail for the status quo.

73. Professional Bureaucrats, be they in the civil or private sector, also tend to favour the organizational status quo because their investments (e.g., training and status) are tied to it

74. ANTE A complete ANTE overview by MarketWatch

75. EU-funded researchers worked on advancing signal processing, machine learning and pattern recognition to change the status quo for myoelectric systems.

76. In this,[] Clinton is on the side of public health and Dole on the side of the status quo.

77. The new age exalted love, self-gratification and passive philosophies that aimed at helping people resign themselves to the status quo.

78. However, the rare Cloven that demonstrates its methods are a genuine improvement on the status quo can actually change the law

79. Pedagogy of the oppressed by Freire is a book length manual of different ways in which to “Abnormalise the Status Quo”

80. The best planned change efforts can be undone by a coalition of powerful executives who want to protect the status quo.