Use "i promise you" in a sentence

1. I promise you two things:

2. You know I can't promise you that.

3. I promise you next time I absolutely will tell you.

4. If you do, I promise I'll promote you.

5. You are on the mend, I promise you.

6. I promise you, you just wait and see.

7. I promise you that I'm not worried.

8. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

9. And I promise you the dawn is coming.

10. If you break your promise, I will finish you myself.

11. I didn't make a definite promise, mind you.

12. Promise you won't hit the roof when I tell you this.

13. TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you when you misbehave?

14. I promise I'll never let anything happen to you.

15. I promise you I will be properly ecstatic if it works.

16. I promise you, Doctor, the solution is quite believable.

17. 'Promise not to tell anyone!' 'I promise.'

18. Don't mind me! I promise not to disturb you.

19. I promise.

20. Yeah, I promise.

21. If you do such sloppy work again, I promise I'll fail you.

22. I tell you if you promise that you won't make it bad for her.

23. Director Kim, have I ever not kept a promise I made to you?

24. I promise you I'll never lose myself to self-pity again.

25. And I promise you something: I won't let the house get into a hovel.

26. Well, I can promise you, I have no intention of being the perfect wife.

27. If I let you go will you promise not to try any nonsense and do what I tell you? "

28. Find the halfling and I promise not to marry you off.

29. If there was foul play, I promise you, we'll come forward.

30. You must promise me that you won't sulk if I tell you all about it.

31. I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to say I told you. L...

32. I made her promise.

33. If jonny mchale doesn't show, i promise you, I will take my considerable business elsewhere.

34. If you make a promise you should keep it ; you ought not break a promise.

35. And I promise to cheer bigger than anyone else when you win

36. Admonitions Poem by Lucille Clifton.boys i don't promise you nothing but this

37. I promise you, this deal is on the verge of falling apart.

38. I will keep my promise

39. I couldn't keep the promise.

40. I'll be gentle, I promise.

41. Abraham... you promise me...

42. I promise you... a new Rome... a new Italy and a new empire.

43. I promise I will do my duty .

44. She'll come around, I promise.

45. I promise, on the souls of my forefathers, I will get you the stickers when I come back.

46. I will not let that happen, I promise.

47. Promise me... promise me you won't shoot Alexia or her... new friend.

48. You won't keep that promise.

49. I intend to honor that promise.

50. It'll be short-lived, I promise.

51. Don't worry, I promise not to touch you even though you're way too adorable.

52. I promise not to disturb anything .

53. Does God Promise You Riches?

54. I promise you this... either we're all going home, or none of us are.

55. I promise you, we are already well prepared for any incursions into our kingdom.

56. I'll try but I can't promise.

57. I'll be very quick, I promise.

58. Now, high-tail it before I forget my promise to bring you in alive.

59. Call an ambulance, I promise I won't say anything!

60. You shoot her, Doug, and I promise you, you will gasp awake and find me sitting in the room beside you.

61. What you might see now is ordinary glass, I promise you will soon remain to see a diamond.

62. You must hold to your promise.

63. I wasn't sure how many takes we would need, so I over-bought, but I promise you, untouched by human buttocks.

64. I hope he will keep his promise.

65. You must stick to your promise.

66. You must think I'm some type of sex maniac or something but I promise you, next time, I will ask before I strip down and start kissing you.

67. Then you must keep your promise.

68. I promise I won't throw anyone out of the car.

69. If you make a promise you should fulfil it.

70. I can't promise it'll be your nose.

71. I say let us keep the promise

72. I experienced the truth of Jesus’ promise when he said, ‘The truth will set you free’!

73. 14 Why you send to absolve me from my promise, when'you wished I wouldn't keep it?

74. If you attempt to rescue Medusa, I promise she will suffer most cruelly before she dies.

75. That’s Canyons Fresh Grill’s promise to you

76. I promise all costs will be readily returned.

77. I promise a pint of milk per day

78. If you make a promise you should fulfill it.

79. 'I promise,' she said in a small voice .

80. I had to promise fidelity to the Queen.