Use "da nile isnt just a river in egypt" in a sentence

1. Farming in Egypt was dependent on the cycle of the Nile River.

2. Abu Simbel is a village of southern Egypt on the Nile River.

3. 190,579), capital of Aswan governorate, S Egypt, on the Nile River at the First Cataract

4. Nile crocodile origami towel in Cairo, Egypt.

5. Aswan definition, a city in southeastern Egypt, on the Nile

6. Is the Nile river in China?

7. A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta north-northeast of Cairo. It was conquered by Crusaders in 12 Population,

8. The longest river in Africa is the Nile.

9. The Ottomans, on the other hand, had abundant grain, even before they conquered Egypt and its oh- so- fertile Nile River in 1517.

10. Only in the Nile River will they be left.”

11. Cairo is located on the banks and islands of the Nile River in the north of Egypt, immediately south of the point where the river leaves its desert-bound valley and breaks into three branches into the low-lying Nile Delta region.

12. The Nile canals of Egypt will become low and parched.

13. Along the Nile River stand the pyramids.

14. the baby whose mother hid him in a basket in the Nile River?

15. The River Nile is in Africa ! Hinduism is from India!

16. And surge and sink down like the Nile of Egypt?’

17. The species is also commonly known as Nile Bichir, since its native to the River Nile in Africa.

18. Her kingdom now stretched from the river Nile to the river Euphrates.

19. Cumin, also known as comino, is native to the Nile valley in Egypt

20. “The harvest of the Nile” also includes other produce from Egypt.

21. Marrying for money isnt just grist for television plot lines.

22. Irrigation canals branching off from the river Nile.

23. According to historian Gretta Gossett, "there is yet an alluvial plain along the river near Nile Creek which is often flooded in the spring and left with a layer of silt perhaps giving rise to the name for the Nile in Egypt."

24. (ăs′wän, ăs-wän′, äs-) A city of southern Egypt at the First Cataract of the Nile River near the Aswan High Dam

25. Aswan High Dam, Arabic Al-Sadd al-ʿĀlī, rockfill dam across the Nile River, at Aswān, Egypt, completed in 1970 (and formally inaugurated in January 1971) at a cost of about $1 billion.

26. Who has said, ‘My Nile River belongs to me.

27. Inlet of the Mediterranean Sea, lying near the Rosetta mouth of the Nile in Lower Egypt.

28. On the Nile river, Cairo is famous for its own history, preserved in

29. The Congo river is the second longest river in Africa after the Nile, and has the continent's greatest discharge.

30. Saqqara... situated on the west bank of the Nile River, 20 miles south of Cairo, this archaeological site is one of the oldest and largest burial grounds in all of Egypt.

31. Lining the banks of the Nile River, Cairo is a fusion of ancient

32. We'll build a fleet of ships and sail all the way back down the Nile to Egypt.

33. The Nile Bichir, Polypterus Bichir Bichir, is found in shallow, sluggish waters in Egypt, Chad, Ghana, and perhaps Cameroon

34. The tour package features a three - day, two - night cruise up the Nile River.

35. From Egypt all the way to the River;*

36. In the first picture you can see Aaron hitting the Nile River with his stick.

37. Astect of Vasco da Gama bridge over Tagus river in Lisbon

38. The Nile River gave birth to the immortal civilization of the Egyptians.

39. 15 Just a limited salvation was involved in ancient Egypt.

40. Here and below, “Nile” refers to the river and its irrigation canals.

41. Adrue is a plant that is native to Turkey, Jamaica, and the Nile River region

42. These mountains support glaciers and are one source of the Nile river.

43. And here ascending out of the river Nile were seven cows fat-fleshed and beautiful in form, and they began to feed among the Nile grass.

44. Ancient Egypt was a civilization of Ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt.Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer).

45. Agapanthus, commonly called lily of the Nile, is native to South Africa (not the Nile River region as the misleading common name suggests)

46. In fact, over four thousand years agao , Egyptians grew flax along the banks of the Nile River.

47. Astect of Vasco da Gama bridge over Tagus river in Lisbon during sunrise

48. Egypt's southernmost city, Aswan is located 240 kilometres along the River Nile from Luxor

49. Adrue is a grass-like plant that is native to Turkey, Jamaica, and the Nile River region

50. Papyrus growing on the banks of the Nile River was used to make paper.

51. She “put [the ark] among the reeds by the bank of the river Nile.”

52. This is Our Constitution Egypt is the gift of the Nile and the gift of Egyptians to humanity

53. ‘Pharʹaoh king of Egypt is just a meaningless noise

54. The Middle Kingdom pyramids were built closer to the Nile and Amenemhet I's burial chamber is now underwater because the River Nile has shifted course.

55. The Niger River is a relatively "clear" river, carrying only a tenth as much sediment as the Nile because the Niger's headwaters lie in ancient rocks that provide little silt.

56. Then she put Moses into it, and placed the basket in the tall grass along the Nile River.

57. For centuries, the Nile River flooded the valley, enriching the land with a thick layer of alluvial soil.

58. Cumin is the seed of an herbaceous annual in the parsley family, native to only one place — the Nile River Valley in Egypt — though it's long been cultivated in India, China, North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean, and the Americas.

59. It is located on the west bank of the Nile River, not far from Cairo.

60. The Israelites had just been delivered from slavery in Egypt.

61. (Psalm 74:13; 87:4; Isaiah 30:7) With its head at the Nile Delta and its elongated body stretching hundreds of miles up the fertile Nile Valley, ancient Egypt resembled a monstrous serpent.

62. Lower Egypt is to the north and is that part where the Nile delta flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

63. Astoria Just across the East River from Midtown, this Queens neighborhood is a hotbed of international culture and dining—including a longstanding Greek presence and a Little Egypt

64. That is when the Nile River flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land.

65. That is when the Nile river flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land.

66. It’ s just a river of lava

67. Along the Nile River, the autumn sun glowed especially softly and date palm trees stretched arms enthusiastically.

68. The River Nile, the Colorado River and the Yellow River do this, losing much of their water through evaporation as they pass through the desert and raising groundwater levels nearby.

69. 13 Yuanyuan just said da odi. It'an adverb.

70. Just as Bast was the protector of Lower Egypt, Sekhmet was the protector of Upper Egypt

71. Nowadays, most Beja people live in the Sudanese states of Red Sea around Port Sudan, River Nile, or Kassala among others.

72. At Aswan, the desert touches the banks of the Nile River and the waters are dotted with islands

73. In the Neolithic era the tribes along the Nile began to combine, so that around 3500 BC there was a Kingdom of Upper Egypt from Aswan almost down to

74. The Saharan populations of Egypt, Libya, and Sudan are mostly Arabicized, though it seems that the sedentary rural populations of the Nile Valley have not received external genetic inputs since the stabilization through unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt in the times of the pharaohs

75. You know, every village in Bangladesh and every hamlet in China -- everybody knows: da, da, da, da -- da.

76. They are Arabized just like Egypt, Lebanon, etc are

77. Some people just dump their rubbish in the river.

78. Well, something like the churning of the Nile River, which keeps on recreating the fertile farmlands at her delta.

79. Craftspeople made goods for the Egyptian traders who traveled up and down the Nile River and the foreign lands

80. And he went out on this mission...Minh River... and it was a big assault mission bringing elements... to this area just south of Da Nang along the railroad line