Use "after me the deluge" in a sentence

1. 5 Centuries after the Deluge, the kingdom of Judah faced a serious state of affairs.

2. " Perfect deluge, " he muttered after a while: he leaned his forehead on the glass.

3. Deluge: To overrun with water; inundate.

4. This has brought a deluge of criticism.

5. The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.

6. About a dozen homes were damaged in the deluge.

7. Noah and his family were therefore preserved through the Deluge.

8. A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.

9. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.

10. When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.

11. The week before, a monsoonal deluge had swept through the river valley.

12. That all geologic strata were formed by the Biblical Deluge.

13. The Antediluvian (or pre-diluvian - both meaning "before the deluge") period is that period in Biblical history between the Creation of the earth and the Deluge

14. Only those aboard the ark could survive the coming Deluge! —Gen.

15. The Minister's been after me again.

16. After Leo rejected me,

17. Please pronounce after me.

18. Voice over Meanwhile, sporting venues across the region have disappeared in the deluge.

19. He sent the ACU after me as the Green Arrow, and now he's coming after me as the mayor.

20. The Antediluvian (or Pre-diluvian) period – meaning “before the deluge” – is the period referred to in the Bible between the Creation of the Earth and the Deluge (flood) in the Biblical cosmology

21. Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?

22. 11 The Deluge of Noah’s day was a case of such intervention.

23. Jehovah told Noah that the Deluge would come in a week.

24. Top synonym for Aspergation (other word for Aspergation) is deluge.

25. The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.

26. Antediluvian - any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge

27. This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily.

28. The police and Interpol were after me.

29. Joey walked me home after the prom.

30. Did he ask after me?

31. 7 God had not given Noah a date when the Deluge would begin.

32. The Scriptures provide an absorbing account of the Deluge in the days of Noah.

33. Versál has already spoken of a 'Batholite.' The Second Deluge

34. Are your savings being eroded by the deluge of bills that arrive every month?

35. After the M.S. put me in a chair.

36. A woman contacted me after seeing the flier.

37. 6 Joey walked me home after the prom.

38. You look after her for me!

39. They got after me to sing.

40. Help me dry up after lunch.

41. A deluge of tropical rain fell on us an hour later.

42. 'Come back!' he called after me.

43. Unlike that Babylonian legend, the Bible’s Deluge account engenders confidence in its accuracy.

44. Came the deluge of scans, scopes, tests, probes and invasions by miraculous instruments.

45. Before God executed wicked people in the Deluge, he had Noah deliver a warning message

46. Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself.

47. She wrote me a vicious letter after the incident.

48. After the meal, I could feel lethargy overtaking me.

49. The nation’s capital, Yerevan, enjoys a stunning view of the two peaks of Mount Ararat, where, according to tradition, Noah’s ark came to rest after the global Deluge. —Genesis 8:4.

50. “Sounds like the poor Bastard is infected with the fungus.” DELUGE (Part 32) – Brian Keene

51. You can kill me after you recover

52. My boots give me blister after blister-

53. He came after me with a wrench.

54. It will be your turn after me.

55. Do you mind locking up after me?

56. Listen and repeat each sentence after me.

57. After she helped me detox from Vicodin.

58. 18 Don't let me come after flimsiness.

59. Me after I Blunder away my queen

60. The Antediluvian period or the Pre-Flood period is referred to the time ‘before the great deluge’

61. (Genesis 6:1-5) Jehovah dealt with the situation by bringing the global Deluge of Noah’s day.

62. At the back window, the oaks and the steep brown hill looked wonderfully romantic in the deluge.

63. Before me no God was formed, and after me there has been none.

64. That woman is from the tax office, she's after me.

65. 11 The government has already tried to come after me.

66. Rainbow told me to leave after having the egg tad.

67. I was flabbergast after hearing the price she told me.

68. The man called after me, as a crazy man would.

69. One June day, my sister was caught in a thunderstorm, and the deluge completely ruined her hat.

70. She charged me to look after her daughter.

71. Will you think of me after I've left?

72. Did she ask after me in her letter?

73. Rumours which circulated after made me imagine otherwise."

74. Yeah. Nobody bothered me at school after that.

75. He headed for me after I called him.

76. After you laughed at that video of me.

77. 10 I hope they do come after me.

78. Don't tell me he's after hiring new staff.

79. An equally extraordinary number of replies found their way back in a deluge to Manchester.

80. Yeah, after he gave me my sight back, I... Well, me made me work for him as... payment.