Use "would that" in a sentence

1. That would also mean that your speed would decline.

2. That would teach him, that would wear out his carpet!

3. People would ask: How much would that cost?

4. Why would he think that I would accept an offer like that?

5. Who would have dreamed that this would happen?

6. And a process that would happen in the machine would mean layer by layer that product would be built.

7. Certainly that would be our position and I would hope that the Summit also endorses that.

8. Would that bother you?

9. That would be dying.

10. Would that kill them?

11. That would be a tribute I would not soon forget.

12. I would think that votes would be valuable around here.

13. One trait that would characterize our period is that many would be “without self-control.”

14. We would expect, on average, that 75% of them would make that first free- throw.

15. Would that not be misleading?

16. That would be completely legitimate.

17. That would be a travesty.

18. To attain efficiency, it would be expected that factors of production would be allocated so that their marginal products would be equal.

19. Where would we plot that?

20. Few would dispute that fact.

21. That would kill most people.

22. Would you repeat that, please?

23. Those that naturalize would live.

24. That would explain the rods.

25. That would weaken my position.’

26. That would hit the spot.

27. I would reject that contention.

28. How unreasonable that would be!

29. That would be the steamboat.

30. Alejandro: I would like that.

31. Would you facilitate that conversation?

32. 12 It would be a fire that would devour and destroy,*+

33. Would that be so wrong?

34. You would deduce that the lymphocytes, having specific receptors, would be selectively concentrated at that site.

35. Would that explain the twitching that I saw?

36. Look, I-I would hug you, but - - that would be awkward.

37. Suddenly I became afraid, not that I would die, but that I would not be able to endure the torture and would compromise.

38. i thought that spanish would be one way that i'd be able to find a job that would involve travel.

39. They knew that apostasy would develop and that the true religion would be overshadowed for a time.

40. And it would have " hand " in that it would be greatly crafted.

41. 30 You would deduce that the lymphocytes, having specific receptors, would be selectively concentrated at that site.

42. And it would have "hand" in that it would be greatly crafted.

43. Would you agree that putting an end to war would be practical?

44. This would shock him into repentance so that he would be saved.

45. That would outrage the Tories, who would lose their last hereditary peers.

46. He also realized that it would be chaste, that he would never physically consummate this love and that was fine.

47. We knew that we would lose the case, but we realized that a great witness would result.

48. That layer would not be an imposition; it would be democratically accountable.

49. The result would be something that Ian Fleming's Q would drool over.

50. Why would Cliff be doing that?

51. But that would ruin the plan.

52. That position would be too exposed.

53. What a mistake that would be!

54. An economist would never do that.

55. That would make him more angry.

56. Or would that be too flamboyant?

57. I would even die for that.

58. That would be a big story.

59. That would be a bummer, dude.

60. That would happen on Judgement Day.

61. That would be a long haul.

62. How would you do that, Abe?

63. Would that not devalue the document?

64. Would you please gift wrap that?

65. 10 I would reject that contention.

66. I would have kept that puck.

67. 10 Just rewind that, would you.

68. 1 That would hit the spot.

69. Why would that be breast milk?

70. They wish that prices would decline.

71. Not that many people assume that an ordinary guy on the street would be Celibate but that assumption would be wrong.

72. alf, would you turn that down?

73. Because that would be real classy!

74. That would be evil to me.

75. They prayed that she would recover.

76. How would that challenge be overcome?

77. What a site that would be.

78. Chuck me that pen, would you?

79. She foretold that he would fail.

80. That would imply that she has to lose weight.