Use "would that" in a sentence

1. Would that bother you?

2. Would that kill them?

3. Would that not be misleading?

4. Would that be so wrong?

5. Or would that be too flamboyant?

6. Would that not devalue the document?

7. Why would that be breast milk?

8. How would that challenge be overcome?

9. Would that blood were our bond.

10. Would that bury the new economic paradigm?

11. People would ask: How much would that cost?

12. 21 Would that bury the new economic paradigm?

13. Would that explain the twitching that I saw?

14. Would that amount to a grant of immortality?

15. What effect would that message have on perverse nonbelievers?

16. But how would that machine then interact with reality?

17. Would that all who follow Spartacus shared like fate.

18. What would that change about quality of life and nutrition?

19. And what would that cost bringing the first batch home?

20. Psychologically, would that not enhance Cowperwood's standing as a financier?

21. Would that not be fiscal philandering of the worst kind?

22. Or would that too do damage to future matrimonial prospects?

23. Would that it were in my power to grant reprieve.

24. Would that my own blood stood now so sharp of mind.

25. How popular would that girl be with the only mermaid mom!

26. Would that every man lived to see his face so marred

27. Would that I had never inherited that Bloatsome and lugubrious legacy

28. Would that not make it easier to cope with our critical times?

29. Would that I had drawn this stone, and had fallen in Sabinus'place.

30. Could I ask how old you are, or would that be impertinent?

31. Why would that cheap motherfucker give us free tickets to the playoffs?

32. What if we moved the sofa over here? Would that look better?

33. So if I had $100, what would that be worth in 1 year?

34. The key question, of course, was just how long would that disintegration take?

35. Even if we could surmount all of those problems, where would that leave us?

36. Question: Would that be in time, before the Bush Administration actually gets into the election mode?

37. This is all very hypothetical but supposing Jackie got the job, how would that affect you?

38. Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye ever so to them. 

39. And if so, what would that tell about the way the carbon skeleton is bonded together?

40. All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.

41. (Genesis 1:27-31; 2:15) Would that not seem to be enough to satisfy any human?

42. Would that fact not help to explain the presence of a phobia about fire in this lifetime?

43. If I spoke, would that motionless and suffering youth leap into the obscurity -- clutch at the straw?

44. But of what use would that be to him if he did not understand the meaning of the words being spoken?

45. She said she had nothing but a black 'Barege' along, and would that do with the hat she had on? The Kentons

46. While keeping young people occupied and giving them better parental control may reduce vandalism, would that in itself get at the root causes?

47. I dream of you to wake; would that I might Dream of you and not wake but slumber on. Christina G. Rossetti 

48. 12 Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, ado ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets.

49. Would that outward Amicability crack and let us see what lay beneath it? Each notable at the table had his say, for the most part pronouncing cautious Amicability

50. We encourage all of us to practice the Savior’s Golden Rule: “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).

51. 19 Now I would that ye should see that they brought upon themselves the acurse; and even so doth every man that is cursed bring upon himself his own condemnation.

52. Amaleki, a descendant of Jacob, declared: “I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption.

53. I wanted to treat the Ivalician Arithmetician Robe in a similar fashion as I would that crafting top, and create a glamour more reminiscent of a labor worker, as opposed to a mage

54. The single most important principle that should govern every home is to practice the Golden Rule—the Lord’s admonition that “all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).

55. I would that our farmers when they cut down a forest felt some of that awe which the old Romans did when they came to thin, or let in the light to, a consecrated grove ( lucum conlucare ), that is, would believe that it is sacred to some god.

56. Would that the sacrifice of our lives might avail to put an end to such outrages and Blasphemies; were it so, how gladly we should make it, for we desire, O most holy Mother, to love thee and to honor thee with all our hearts, since this is the will of God

57. Would that all men would judge of the tree by its fruit, and would acknowledge the seed and origin of the evils which press upon us, and of the dangers that are impending! We have to deal with a deceitful and crafty enemy, who, gratifying the ears of people and of princes, has ensnared them by smooth speeches and by adulation.