Use "unfortunately" in a sentence

1. Unfortunately not.

2. 6 synonyms for Alas: sadly, unfortunately, inopportunely, regrettably, unfortunately, unluckily

3. Unfortunately, some do.

4. Unfortunately, it worked.

5. Unfortunately, the roof collapses.

6. Unfortunately, my time is limited.

7. Unfortunately, the war broke out.

8. Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

9. Unfortunately, Airdropping was known for bullying

10. Unfortunately, you're gonna have to wait.

11. Well, unfortunately, mine's alive and well.

12. Unfortunately, the animated sequence is diabolical.

13. Unfortunately they have no web presence.

14. Unfortunately, his plane didn't get through.

15. Unfortunately, this is a true story.

16. Unfortunately, web buyers are finicky bunch.

17. Unfortunately, you were shot down anyway.

18. Now, unfortunately, that bone was isolated.

19. Unfortunately you can't appeal the deduction.

20. Unfortunately, that job falls to you.

21. Altimetry.COM are SCAMMERS Unfortunately Altimetry.COM are scammers

22. He was unfortunately caught in the shower.

23. Unfortunately, when I got there -- emerges Ray.

24. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.

25. Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.

26. Re: gear Automatical generator? Unfortunately, there isn't

27. Unfortunately I believe it to be illusory. . . .

28. Unfortunately, you were out when we called.

29. Unfortunately, the high divorce rate remains static.

30. Unfortunately, we can't go to the jamboree.

31. Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.

32. Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.

33. Unfortunately I'm not suitably dressed for gardening.

34. Unfortunately, braiding and Braiders are often not […]

35. Unfortunately, you, alima, are not so pure.

36. Unfortunately, it suffers from an important drawback.

37. Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.

38. Unfortunately, it's not Convenient for me today

39. The Authoritarians are not going away, unfortunately

40. Unfortunately, we cannot accept bids via email.

41. Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today.

42. Unfortunately lyricism is not Robbins's strongest suit.

43. Unfortunately they did not the golden rule.

44. Unfortunately, alopecia areata also occurs among children.

45. And unfortunately I was thinking about that.

46. Unfortunately, Heinze kept his mining operations open.

47. Unfortunately their efforts typically exacerbate the problem.

48. But unfortunately, without gravity, tears don't fall.

49. Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.

50. Unfortunately, Iceland is poor in natural resources.

51. 25 Unfortunately, the animated sequence is diabolical.

52. 13 Unfortunately there was no airing cupboard.

53. Unfortunately, many Childproof containers are not really Childproof

54. Unfortunately, no reliable studies prove it's Aphrodisiac effectiveness

55. Unfortunately for you, you're passing all the tests.

56. Unfortunately the smokescreen is not likely to help.

57. Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.

58. Unfortunately, the sewerage was not the only issue.

59. Unfortunately, Israel eventually breaks these Covenants with God

60. Unfortunately low Armholes are the current industry standard.

61. Unfortunately, these clear signposts point in opposite directions.

62. Unfortunately, such emotions are either fleeting or hidden.

63. Unfortunately, that's not how cities were being designed.

64. Unfortunately there is an exception to every rule .

65. Money is unfortunately an inherent part of politics.

66. In this , the critics were unfortunately quite prescient.

67. Unfortunately, she occasionally relapses, requiring short-term hospitalization.

68. Unfortunately(Sentence dictionary), everything is being done piecemeal.

69. Unfortunately, it soon degenerates into an unconvincing whodunit.

70. Unfortunately, Godwin's illustrative examples give the game away.

71. Unfortunately, I've got to work on Christmas Eve.

72. Unfortunately, in the case of fat-soluble Carcinogens …

73. Unfortunately it does not prevent accidents from happening.

74. Unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet.

75. Unfortunately, that's why we're all in the joint.

76. Unfortunately, the comet was lost shortly after discovery.

77. Unfortunately, the shrinkage involves some loss of detail.

78. Unfortunately, she fell victim to an unscrupulous landlord.

79. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights to Bougainville

80. Unfortunately, store-bought Bouillon contains assorted chemicals, preservatives, …