Use "turn out well" in a sentence

1. The crops will turn out well.

2. It's not " turn out, " it's " turn up "!

3. Having an intact nuclear family does not guarantee that a child will turn out well.

4. Karpov has also played 15 ... c and this may well turn out to be the better move.

5. Turn out your pockets .

6. How'd things turn out?

7. When the sauce boils, add in Mee to stir - fry well, then turn off heat, dish out.

8. I've prepared for this exam for weeks, so I'm feeling Cautiously optimistic that it will turn out well

9. How did it turn out?

10. You speak out of turn!

11. It's strange how things turn out.

12. How did the recipe turn out?

13. Turn out and discard lining paper.

14. Turn that Dormouse out of court!

15. They turn my pocketbook all out.

16. Well, the News and Observer wouldn't turn it Aloose

17. Well, at the end of the hill, turn right.

18. Turn the plants out of their pots.

19. When do you turn out every morning?

20. I'm sure things will turn out OK.

21. Lea decided to turn out the attic.

22. Most new radical ideas in science turn out to be incorrect; only a tiny fraction turn out to be correct.

23. This plan turn out to be successful.

24. Don't worry, it'll turn out all right .

25. It didn't turn out like I intended.

26. It will turn out a futile attempt.

27. 15 Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight.

28. At any moment he may turn up alive and well.

29. It's your turn to take out the garbage.

30. You must not speak out of your turn.

31. Turn off Oprah and send out a résumé.

32. A half turn counterclockwise and pull it out.

33. The policeman made him turn out his pockets.

34. I know things will turn out all right.

35. They turn red and the tears fall out.

36. 12 It will turn out a futile attempt.

37. 11 Lea decided to turn out the attic.

38. The famous Affiancing in New York of a coachman with the daughter of the millionaire who employed him did not turn out well

39. "Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.

40. Turn the blouse inside out before drying it.

41. Well, I can rotate by a third of a turn clockwise or a third of a turn anticlockwise.

42. The girls called out their names in turn.

43. The children called out their names in turn.

44. Attempt this in a gentle turn as well, and in a gentle turn with a little too much rudder.

45. Am I to turn her out to starve?

46. The reforms could turn out be highly problematic .

47. How did things turn out for these willing workers?

48. Turn the bag inside out and let it dry.

49. It could well turn into some kind of a media circus.

50. Open foil on Bombes; turn Bombes out onto dishes

51. You never know how your children will turn out!

52. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.

53. My mother would tuck me in, turn out the lights and tiptoe out.

54. Turn over any rock and out crawls an actress.

55. Turn the lights out when you go to bed.

56. How many machines did you turn out last month?

57. Turn out the dough on to a floured surface.

58. Women, in contrast, tended to turn out salable products.

59. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board.

60. Turn off that pan you're smoking the place out!

61. They turn out thousands of these games every week.

62. Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out.

63. The teacher ordered him to turn out his pockets.

64. Turn the sweater inside out before you wash it.

65. Less well-known is the Scout Slogan, 'Do a good turn daily'.

66. He will probably turn out to be a lawyer!”

67. And then they turn out just like they mamas.

68. 5 It's your turn to take out the garbage.

69. To Chlorinate a well, turn off the circuit breaker feeding the pump

70. Leng had a momentary lapse and spoke out of turn

71. The whole population seemed to turn out to welcome us.

72. I always turn my jeans inside out to wash them.

73. 15 Don't look ahead or it won't turn out right!

74. You turn the faucet on and out pours the news.

75. Bribability may turn out to be necessary in some cases

76. And did she turn out to be a valuable asset?

77. 2 The janitor comes round to turn the lights out.

78. 11 Turn off the water supply before carrying out repairs.

79. You know exactly how every election is gonna turn out.

80. And many others turn to spiritism simply out of curiosity.