Use "staggering" in a sentence

1. The financial losses were staggering.

2. This information is also pretty staggering.

3. In all, the numbers are staggering.

4. 7 The public response was absolutely staggering.

5. Like a drunk staggering in his vomit.

6. The cost was a staggering $10 million.

7. 24 Nick Mallett produced a staggering performance.

8. 21 His attention to detail is staggering.

9. 8 The results have been quite staggering.

10. 19 At a staggering £385 a week rent.

11. 5 I find their decision simply staggering.

12. Overseas debt is a staggering £16 billion.

13. The extent of debt has become truly staggering.

14. The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.

15. The financial impact on the town was staggering.

16. Thereafter Napoleon was Blindly staggering to his fall

17. 22 No staggering lines formed at rescue missions.

18. 1 The cost was a staggering $10 million.

19. 17 They left me breathless, staggering, laughing to myself.

20. 6 The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.

21. And the numbers here are really rather staggering.

22. They left me breathless, staggering, laughing to myself.

23. 3 Overseas debt is a staggering £16 billion.

24. 25 A staggering challenge in such a short period.

25. Billionaire class surged by a staggering 80.6 percent.

26. 20 The numbers are staggering on so many fronts.

27. 10 People were staggering about,( screaming with pain.

28. 4 The financial impact on the town was staggering.

29. 2 Profits have shot up by a staggering 25 %.

30. The time difference between here and there is staggering.

31. He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.

32. 30 Staggering and gasping, Rincewind was dragged across the floor.

33. 29 She has the best grasp of the staggering task.

34. That picture on the left is just staggering to me.

35. 23 Mr Mellon's generosity to the university has been staggering.

36. Something Astonishing is astounding, staggering, stupefying, amazing, or incredible

37. You were drunk and staggering at the subway station.

38. His remarks betray a staggering contempt for the truth .

39. 16 He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.

40. Mankind is staggering around, searching frantically for a way out.

41. 18 Estimated costs for some infectious agents are equally staggering.

42. 15 His remarks betray a staggering contempt for the truth .

43. Mild Tetany of hind limbs, staggering, falling and intermittent convulsions.

44. Decrepit old Shepherd Hall is being renovated at staggering expense.

45. 21 The time difference between here and there is staggering.

46. 28 Coming out of the motor home, she is staggering.

47. 27 This staggering figure could not easily be explained away.

48. 26 The time difference between here and there is staggering.

49. 9 He was staggering under the weight of the sack.

50. This staggering quantum mechanical phenomenon... is enshrined in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

51. The staggering inefficiency is what drove me to criminal justice work.

52. The derivation of a sample from the Moon poses staggering dynamic problems.

53. The report documents the staggering amount of domestic violence against women.

54. A staggering $3 trillion was spent in building the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

55. Added to the scarcity were staggering price jumps in many lands.

56. 13 Why is that man staggering about the room like that?

57. Others complain of staggering home under a pile of paper bags.

58. The additional cost of oil for the importing nations is truly staggering.

59. Witnesses saw Abbott holding a gun and Talbot staggering toward the fountain.

60. 11 The report documents the staggering amount of domestic violence against women.

61. Awareness becomes heightened, and everyday domestic dramas unfold into staggering universal truths.

62. I think I saw every man except one man who was staggering.

63. In the fugue, at once elated and exhausting, Mullova was staggering technically.

64. Presumably, this redundancy reduces petty embezzlement and pilferage, albeit at staggering costs.

65. From Hawaiian Paradise Park to Kapoho, the destruction caused by Albizias is staggering

66. 12 The boy was staggering beneath the weight of a pile of boxes.

67. They are invariably independent, impecunious and able to tolerate staggering degrees of discomfort.

68. However, by 1979 the computerized course support was staggering under the load.

69. At its peak, the Barnstormer reaches a staggering 81 feet in the air!

70. Unfortunately, humans keep pumping a staggering amount of toxic gases into the atmosphere.

71. It is not only a staggering statistic but a daunting exercise as well.

72. Magnetic readings suggest Europa has an ocean that's a staggering 60 miles deep.

73. Both films employ innovative computer-generated graphics that required staggering outlays in hardware.

74. As the mid - term election looms, a staggering number of Americans remain unemployed or underemployed.

75. Consistently, Coder has had the option to make staggering, grant-winning structures in numerous

76. 2 The advances men have made in the technical aspects of communication are staggering.

77. It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.

78. But he leapt through the staggering sharpness of it and achieved an upright position.

79. Fast-paced action adventure with you at the centre of some staggering cinematic effects.

80. Diets based on Catabolic foods result in staggering weight losses of pure fat from the body