Use "sound waves" in a sentence

1. No waves, no sound.

2. Layered sound absorber for absorbing acoustic sound waves

3. The cleaning can be supported by shock waves, sound waves, and/or ultrasound waves.

4. You did that with sound waves?

5. Silence, and the sound of waves

6. The sound waves come legato, not staccato.

7. The identical sound waves have been regenerated.

8. In particular laser equipment, devices emitting light, sound waves, shockwaves and electromagnetic waves

9. Devices to generate sounds and sound waves

10. With sound waves, the greater the Amplitude, the louder is the sound

11. 26 Radio waves, like light waves and sound, are a means of transmitting energy.

12. But what about air, sound waves, and odors?

13. Acoustics definition, the branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves

14. These devices turn sound waves into electrical current.

15. You need the sound waves to be supersonic.

16. However, prayers are not transmitted by mere sound waves.

17. 19 Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.

18. The only sound was the lapping of the waves.

19. The procedure employs sound waves to disintegrate kidney stones.

20. Schrödinger's quantum mechanical waves are conceptually different from ordinary physical waves such as water or sound.

21. Perhaps it is an acoustic source of sound waves.

22. We’ll learn how porpoises find their way with sound waves.

23. um, sound waves reacting with water causing objects to glow.

24. Geologists analyze three-dimensional models generated from the sound waves

25. Because sound waves need a substance through which to travel.

26. 60 infra-sound stations using microbarographs (acoustic pressure sensors) to detect very low-frequency sound waves.

27. Sound travels through the air as waves of pressure variations.

28. Graphic display of a additive sound synthesis with sinus waves.

29. Geometrical optics: Do high frequency sound waves and light waves propagate according to the laws of geometrical optics?

30. Acoustics Sound waves from a stage are deflected by sound panels and distributed throughout an auditorium.

31. Sound waves, however, are subject to the vagaries of the atmosphere.

32. Lasers, pulsed light, ultrasound, sound waves, infrared not for medical purposes

33. Musical instruments use acoustic resonators that produce sound waves of specific tones.

34. Now I was thinking, how can I make those sound waves visible?

35. This instrument sends out sound waves under water and records their echoes.

36. However, after passing (and as the sound waves lengthen), the pitch drops.

37. The hypothesis was tested for sound waves by Buys Ballot in 1845.

38. When sound waves reach the eardrum , they cause the eardrum to vibrate .

39. Gives off sound waves far above the range of the human ear.

40. For example, sound waves propagate via air molecules colliding with their neighbours.

41. The sound waves that come back produce an image on a screen .

42. Ambisonic (4 channel) 44.1 kHz, 16bit Sound Effects; Number of Audio Waves: 58

43. Sound waves emitted at a frequency lower than what humans can consciously hear.

44. Acoustic waves exhibit force that pushes objects along the direction of sound propagation.

45. This quick, painless method relies on the transmission of sound waves within bones.

46. It catches sound waves and sends them inward, along the external auditory canal.

47. Electronic device having a multi-mode acoustic system and method for radiating sound waves

48. Then, too, you hear only sound waves coming through the air when others speak.

49. Continuous sound waves are digitized by taking "snapshots" of their amplitudes every few milliseconds.

50. The transducer includes an acoustic transducer for exchanging sound waves with the acoustic enclosure.

51. Beauty equipment for treatment and diagnostic, hereunder lasers, devices emitting light and sound waves

52. 27 Other experts suggested the use of high-frequency sound waves or ultraviolet light.

53. 19 The waves of sound do wonders in helping people relax, especially after exercise.

54. The OHCs house stereocilia, hair-like projections which move in response to sound waves.

55. A substantial proportion of all the transducers are actuated to receive reflected sound waves after the emission of each sound wave impulse.

56. Bushes, spreading waves of insects sound, they tirelessly played with a paean to life, then!

57. Static from the speaker sends out sound waves that are either bounced back or absorbed.

58. As the ambulance receded, the sound waves were stretched, and they sounded lower in pitch.

59. What does Amplitude mean? The definition of Amplitude refers to the length and width of waves, such as sound waves, as they move or vibrate

60. The capacity to pick up sound waves and convert them into language is almost beyond imagination.

61. Hence, it is possible to generate sound waves with different velocities dependent on the deformation mode.

62. 22 The tide was high, he could hear the sound of waves on the shingle beach.

63. Ordinarily, random thermal jigging of the molecules prevents sound waves from behaving Analogously to light quanta.

64. In any case, when sound waves hit Anacoustic board, the permeable external layer permits the sound to enter the center material, which retains the commotion by changing over the waves into vibrations, creating a modest quantity of warmth

65. Ear defenders protect against shock waves, but they do not block out voice-level sound completely.

66. This permits the explanation of many acoustic phenomena – the Doppler effect, sound cancellations, echoes – that derive from the movement of sound sources or the interference and reflection of sound waves.

67. Fall asleep lulled by the sound of waves on the seashore and wake up in paradise....

68. The barrier comprises a material that provides an acoustical resistance to sound shock waves passing therethrough.

69. Basic Ambisonics systems assume all sound arriving at the microphone (or virtual microphone) are plane waves i.e

70. Consequently, the sound waves have less energy and strength when they reach the inside of the vehicle.

71. The sound waves cause movements within the cochlea from which these “strings” then reproduce the various tones.

72. (1996) found that the spontaneous emission of sound waves from strong shocks in metals results in Corrugation …

73. There is a difference in time of arrival between the lineal and reflected sound waves (see fig.

74. Learn more about how your ear and your brain translate incoming sound waves into pitch and music.

75. An Analogue recording is one that is made by changing the sound waves into electrical signals of…

76. An Analogue recording is one that is made by changing the sound waves into electrical signals of…

77. If the sound waves bounce off a shoal of herring, we ‘see’ it on our registering screens.

78. "The sound waves propagate around the outer ring, guided by the channels in the circuits, which bend the waves to wrap them around the outer layers of the cloak".

79. 18 My equipment can be set at a frequency to emit sound waves that will obviate that effect.

80. A system and method is provided for controlling a device (35) through air pressure waves, or 'sound' (45).