Use "significantly lower" in a sentence

1. Participation in east Jerusalem was significantly lower.

2. Food prices are significantly lower in the US.

3. For example, vacant land will have a significantly lower Assessed …

4. The amplitude was significantly lower at contingent stimulus triggering compared to uncorrelated triggering.

5. Their mean diurnal curves and amplitudes were significantly lower than in the other eyes.

6. However, since 2003 inflation has climbed rapidly too, making real GDP growth significantly lower.

7. These children scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than others in their peer group.

8. Upper-and lower-plate margins will differ significantly in their uplift and subsidence history.

9. Significantly lower rates apply after 2003 to capital gains and qualifying dividends (see below).

10. Higher tempered wheat moisture content resulted in significantly lower yields and lower protein and damaged starch contents of both semolina and flour.

11. The rate of hydrolysis is for the most part significantly lower than the esterification rate.

12. Educated women had lower fertility rates, and the children they did have were significantly healthier.

13. Levels of plaque and the gum disease gingivitis were also significantly lower among yoghurt eaters.

14. Alkalizing Foods Chart An alkaline diet can significantly help lower inflammation in the body naturally

15. The system incorporates special MW absorbers in the reactor chambers to significantly lower power consumption.

16. In the difficult Berthings (Diff = 1), instead, the “closing” was significantly lower than the other two

17. Subsequently the interferometric modulator may be actuated with a significantly lower actuation voltage, thereby saving power.

18. Caffeine intake was associated with a significantly lower risk for AD , independently of other confounding variables.

19. Diets of Anorectics were found to be significantly lower in total energy, reflecting a disturbance in n …

20. Relative liver weights were similar to controls, but absolute liver weights were significantly lower in treated groups.

21. After the sale, he learnt that the 20% clawback had led to significantly lower proceeds of sale.

22. Those parts of the envelope where the thermal resistance is significantly lower are described as cold bridges.

23. 4-Aminosalicylic acid (another antituberculosis drug) significantly reduces absorption of rifampicin, and peak concentrations may be lower.

24. An increasing depth of anaesthesia as indicated by the Narcotrend was associated with significantly lower mean BIS values.

25. Whereas the Constant Score was found to be significantly reduced in the diseased shoulders (p < 0.01), the acromiohumeral distance was not significantly lower in three standardized frontal sections.

26. In contrast to the adjacent basic groups B and C, these BC proteins have significantly lower isoelectric points.

27. Buckle only insures rideshare drivers which gives us the freedom to offer significantly lower rates to Lyft drivers

28. Compared to the controls, depressed patients showed a significantly lower whole brain volume and a significantly higher CSF volume, whereas volumes of the frontal and temporal lobes as well as the amygdala-hippocampus complex volumes were not significantly decreased.

29. Average Adjunct faculty instructor pay varies by community college, but is significantly lower than the salaries of tenured professors

30. However, red alder wood had a significantly higher fuel-value index than sycamore, owing to its lower ash content.

31. The new offices have been obtained on advantageous terms, the refurbishment costs being offset against a significantly lower rent.

32. Transgenic flo11‐2 mutants that express the wild‐type cpHSP70‐2 showed significantly lower Chalkiness than the flo11‐2 mutant

33. Nexan’s offer, accepted by the customer, was significantly lower than the domestic price range at that time. Lost Sales 1.

34. DNA Adduct levels in the normal tissue were 35–135 Adducts/1012 nucleotides, which was significantly lower than tumor tissue

35. The milk yield of Crossbreeds (F1 and F2) was similar with Murrah, but significantly lower than Nili-Ravi (Pless than 0.05)

36. Whether from MAC AA gave branched polymers with lower increases or MAA, the methacrylate-Coterminated PCs in molecular weight and degrees of branching show significantly lower molecular weight in- (Entries 6a–f)

37. The results obtained with this modification are significantly higher, and have a lower variation coefficient, than those provided by the old procedure.

38. Airdropping from lower altitudes significantly increases delivery accuracy, which permits the use of much smaller DZs and reduces load dispersion at DZs

39. Median and minimum arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios for ventilated infants on the first day were significantly lower in the random group.

40. As configured to meet safety, emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of lawn mower will be significantly lower.

41. As configured to meet safety, emission, and operating requirements, the actual engine horsepower on this class of lawn mower will be significantly lower.

42. 7 Median and minimum arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios for ventilated infants on the first day were significantly lower in the random group.

43. Due to the high postoperative insulin concentration in group II, free fatty acids, acetoacetate, Β-hydroxybutyrate and branched chained amino acids were significantly lower.

44. With illumination intensities between 52 000 and 4 000 Lux the decrease in brightness of the aboral region is significantly faster at lower intensities.

45. Laboratory-based measurements of the electrical conductivity of hydrous phases and aqueous fluids are significantly lower and cannot readily explain the geophysically observed Anomalously …

46. Although the inversion rate was low for both age groups, it was significantly lower for the eight-year-olds than for the five-year-olds.

47. A cohort of Asymptomatic patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 had significantly lower levels of virus-specific IgG antibodies compared to a cohort of age- …

48. Clustered network storage By now offering the ability to virtualize the management of Clustered server resources, enterprises and research organizations can, once again, significantly lower

49. Collagen content in preterm Amnions with premature rupture of the membranes was significantly lower than that of preterm Amnions without premature rupture of the membranes

50. In acute leucosis and chronic myelosis, the naphthol-AS-esterase reaction occurring in mature neutrophilic granulocytes is significantly lower than in the normal granulocytic cells.

51. The plant height, crown volumn, tissue electrical resistance and twig inter-node length of Liangpingyou on trifoliate orange are significantly lower than those of control.

52. Abitibi’s different product lines had significantly different asset requirements, significantly different accounts receivable turnover, and therefore significantly different financing requirements.

53. The interviews reflected that, after tax income deductions, the net salaries of non-staff personnel are significantly lower and may not reflect a competitive remuneration level.

54. And that problem we are addressing by making sure that current account deficit for the year as a whole is actually going to be significantly lower.

55. Our results have been absolutely encouraging: People having moderate amounts of dark chocolate regularly have significantly lower levels of C-reactive protein in their blood.

56. In the left - behind children, the factor scores of behavior, intelligence and school, gregariousness, happiness and satisfaction in boys were significantly lower than that in girls.

57. There's new evidence that connects testing positive for Covid-19 Antibodies from a prior infection with a significantly lower risk of becoming infected again in the future.

58. The selective transformation of Acetonitrile to acrylonitrile is a promising method for the utilization of the former nitrile since the market’s demand is significantly lower than the availability.

59. Of the major ethnic groupings, Pacific peoples had significantly higher rates of acute lower respiratory infection, influenza and pneumonia, diabetes, rheumatic fever, and rheumatic heart disease in 2006.

60. The showed that CR rats have significantly lower blood glucose concentrations and insulin levels, and also lowered body and liver weight as compared with AL(ad libitum) rats.

61. Some small studies suggest that total muscle creatine is significantly lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians, as expected since foods of animal origin are the primary source of creatine.

62. They significantly disturbed the belt.

63. NEM-sensitive ATPase activity was significantly lower in the cortical collecting duct and in the outer and inner medullary collecting ducts of alkali-loaded rats than those of control rats.

64. Lower Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation) Lower Blepharoplasty (also known as lower eyelid surgery or lower eyelift) is commonly performed for removal of eye bags and rejuvenation of the lower eyelids

65. Adjuvant use of combination therapy with dabrafenib plus trametinib resulted in a significantly lower risk of recurrence in patients with stage III melanoma with BRAF V600E or V600K mutations than

66. The revolution significantly Arabized Egypt

67. Its coefficient of friction is significantly lower than that of nylon and acetal and is comparable to that of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon), but UHMWPE has better abrasion resistance than PTFE.

68. Lower attenuation also means lower alcohol content.

69. She paused significantly before she answered.

70. In contrast, "Self-Reliant Copers" had the highest proportion of males (54%), and was characterized by significantly lower levels of support seeking than any group other than Defeated Copers

71. The repulsor signature is significantly higher.

72. Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.

73. Bowel frequency was not significantly influenced.

74. Their EAT and FRS scores were compared to the Australian-born, with Western Acculturized Hong Kong-born subjects reporting significantly lower EAT and FRS scores than the Australian-born, whereas the more

75. RESULTS: Treatment with lower temperature (20°C) at the LI11 acupoint significantly attenuated compound 48/80-induced scratching; however, this Antipruritic effect was not observed with stimulation at the sham point.

76. A lower classification does not imply lower standards.

77. For Colluvium with pre-existing failure planes, the shear strength could be assumed to be at the levels of the residual value which is significantly lower than the peak strength (Skempton, 1964).

78. • lower absenteeism, lower turnover rates and higher job satisfaction

79. Electronic tools can significantly accelerate data flow.

80. "Written shopping lists significantly reduce average expenditure."