Use "she herself" in a sentence

1. She keeps herself to herself. All things considered, she would be better married.

2. She signs herself Lan.

3. She expressed herself metaphorically.

4. She carries herself haughtily.

5. She expressed herself pithily.

6. She bears herself gracefully.

7. She conducts herself sedately.

8. Yes, she drowned herself.

9. She drank herself senseless.

10. She deported herself gracefully.

11. She raved herself husky.

12. She... she drowned, but she didn't kill herself.

13. She conducted herself nobly.

14. Did she piss herself?

15. Oh, she shot herself.

16. She will expiate herself.

17. But she -- was she herself without blemish?

18. She drowned but she didn't kill herself.

19. She didn't reflect on herself.

20. She likes to advertise herself.

21. She muffled herself up well.

22. She divest herself of responsibility.

23. She killed herself in despair.

24. She associated herself with him.

25. She distinguished herself in music.

26. Whatever she calls herself now.

27. She comported herself with dignity.

28. She acquitted herself of suspicion.

29. She sprayed herself with perfume.

30. She was humming to herself.

31. She was muttering to herself.

32. She herself was quite blameless.

33. 1 She has overstrained herself.

34. She surrendered herself to sleep.

35. She was shipwrecked by herself.

36. She freed herself of worry.

37. She fancies herself a bohemian.

38. She disinterested herself in politics.

39. She could feel herself blushing.

40. She willed herself there, Concentrating …

41. She tried to drown herself.

42. She drenched herself in perfume.

43. She held herself rigidly upright.

44. She couldn't help herself and she laughed outright.

45. She blessed herself when she heard the news.

46. She emphasized the "Ms." when she introduced herself.

47. 15 Was she not indeed, not only trapping herself, but deceiving herself, being, to herself, a traitor?

48. She was blushing again, with anger, she assured herself.

49. She should be ashamed of herself.

50. She defended herself from the attack.

51. She managed to wrench herself free.

52. She detached herself from his embrace.

53. She liberated herself from the kitchen.

54. She expressed herself with great clarity.

55. She bedizened herself with cheap jewels.

56. She debarrassed herself of her overcoat.

57. She got herself up very attractively.

58. She is not quite herself today.

59. She sat stuffing herself with cake.

60. She seated herself at her desk.

61. Don't be ridiculous! she chided herself.

62. She hanged herself out of despair.

63. She Credited herself with the discovery

64. 27 She held herself rigidly upright.

65. She addressed herself to the leader.

66. She detached herself from her prejudices.

67. She fulfilled herself as a mother.

68. She tried to quieten herself down.

69. She forced herself to keep going.

70. She cloistered herself in the office.

71. She sat stuffing herself with biscuits.

72. She asks what she can do to dispel her ennui, and he advises that she concern herself with matters outside herself.

73. She immersed herself in her work.

74. She worked herself to a frazzle.

75. She jammed herself through the porthole.

76. She seated herself on the table.

77. She seated herself on the sofa.

78. She hanged herself from the rafters.

79. 24 She tried herself to describe what she remembered.

80. Should she slink around as if she disgraced herself?