Use "pervasive" in a sentence

1. Corruption and nepotism are pervasive.

2. First, it is not so pervasive.

3. Road congestion is a pervasive phenomenon.

4. The Spirit of the World —Why So Pervasive?

5. My earliest memories include a pervasive sense of exile.

6. Persistent, pervasive, and omnipresent, romance novels are everywhere.

7. Biblicists tend to minimize pervasive pluralism in Bible reading

8. Bonhomie means conviviality and a pervasive sense of jovial camaraderie

9. Cybercrime is becoming pervasive, and hackers have become bolder

10. And Byronic heroes are pervasive in contemporary popular culture

11. State medical records indicate He's got pervasive developmental disorder.

12. Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.

13. By random failures, environmental factors and sudden Abruptiones are pervasive

14. Alcohol is still a pervasive problem with high - school students.

15. True, there was dishonesty, but it was not all-pervasive.

16. Chiefdoms are characterized by centralization of authority and pervasive inequality

17. The alteration locally is both pervasive or occurs along veins.

18. How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive?

19. A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.

20. How all-pervasive is the orthodoxy of right-thinking people.

21. Cybercrime is a pervasive, insistent and growing threat around the world

22. Carnatic is more heavily ornamented, with the shake, the kampita, all pervasive

23. Adding to the problem is the pervasive influence of the secular world.

24. 4 How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive?

25. In spite of the pervasive nature of Carcinogens, however, not all

26. Where errors are material and pervasive, we present an adverse opinion.

27. The influence of pressure groups and special interests will become pervasive.

28. It's the role of the audience in an era of pervasive electronic communications.

29. In the mountains, the tradition of seasonal sloth was ancient and pervasive.

30. It was unclear just how pervasive Corporal punishment in Colombia was until education Ph.D

31. At times the general dampness became so pervasive that you failed to notice.

32. The quietness sealed inside her room emanated as an invisible but pervasive hush.

33. Anglomania definition is - an absorbing or pervasive interest in England or things English.

34. An even more pervasive problem is that of consistency of performance across time.

35. One expert thinks these studies shed light on an important and pervasive problem.

36. The most serious and pervasive environmental problem related to mining waste is acid drainage (AD).

37. Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion, it is by no means pervasive.

38. Be in a country especially, usurious nowhere is absent, be all - pervasive, behave very actively.

39. I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style.

40. Faced with pervasive religious persecution, the Amish people sought refuge in the New World

41. Despite all this, a pervasive lack of confidence has settled over the two institutions.

42. It can influence them through all-pervasive, degrading TV programs, videos, and pornographic reading material.

43. Such conditions are so pervasive that Anamorphosis is almost inseparable from the phenomenology of the clue.

44. Again, we see the surprisingly pervasive role that presumptions of contextual appropriateness play in successful communication.

45. Amnesty International describes violence against women and girls as today’s “most pervasive human rights challenge.”

46. Akrasia as a state of mind suggests something deeper, perhaps more pervasive in our lives

47. Treating Avoidant personality can be difficult, as the condition is a pervasive and enduring one

48. In fact, international law is both more pervasive and more effectual than we generally realise.

49. Bulk ammunition is a relatively new concept, but it has become pervasive in the market

50. These are just a few of the stereotypes about Alcoholics that are pervasive throughout society

51. In fact, the idea of an early paradise has been pervasive in mankind’s religions and traditions.

52. There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.

53. The association of maritime trade with cultural influence was both graphic and pervasive across the ocean.

54. Put briefly, there developed an idea of the pervasive religious and moral responsibility of the ruler.

55. The distinction between night and day is one of the most pervasive rhythms that we experience.

56. The use of psychotropic drugs is a pervasive dimension of the medicalization of problems of living.

57. Assonance The texts of the chants are predominantly prose, and the pervasive Assonance represents a conservative trait

58. There was a time when taxes were so pervasive, that it became a habit to avoid taxation.

59. The temporal properties of the environment are more pervasive and more subtle than any series of reminders.

60. This unconscious, negative behavior is pervasive in leadership today as 85% of leaders operate in a Catabolic state.

61. By focusing on discrete activities liability rules are capable of creating a potentially more pervasive field of deterrence.

62. Town halls should make an all out effort for interest and warmth to counteract the pervasive greyness outside.

63. ◦ advertising is pervasive and invasive; it can be found on billboards, walls, in kiosks, on buses, etc.;

64. If China is a leitmotif, readers may also detect a second running theme—or a pervasive tension.

65. 12:2) (2) Pervasive: The spreading of the leaven stands for the spreading of the Kingdom message.

66. Resetting of the K-Ar system occurred only in host rock assemblages that experienced strong pervasive alteration.

67. Nonlinear ocean wave interactions in ocean storms produce pervasive infrasound vibrations around 0.2 Hz, known as microbaroms.

68. 19 Again, we see the surprisingly pervasive role that presumptions of contextual appropriateness play in successful communication.

69. 14 Or you can get it on the peer - to - peer networks How pervasive is cracked software?

70. Our overall estimated level of error (3,1 %) is still above our materiality threshold, but it is not pervasive.

71. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?

72. Bias is so pervasive that hardly a sentence in normal speech lacks it, and many utterances contain little else.

73. • Town halls should make an all out effort for interest and warmth to Counteract the pervasive greyness outside.

74. Such negative stereotypes are often reinforced by pervasive media images which portray the young as capable and glamorous.

75. They are one part sarcastic and one part virtuous; the pervasive humor and goodwill makes Czechoslovak tales charming

76. Analysis of the dynamics and consequences reveals a powerful, pervasive, and frequently unrecognized or denied physical Attractiveness phenomenon.

77. Probably the most obvious suspect behind our tendency to drop out of community affairs is pervasive busy-ness.

78. The double standard that divided the privileged and the poor, men and women, educated and uneducated was pervasive.

79. Crabgrass is a pervasive weed found throughout the continental United States that many lawn owners struggle to control

80. It is pervasive; it colors every experience, every sensation, perception, thought, emotion, and encounter, every aspect of existence.