Use "much thought" in a sentence

1. Lord Fraser's speech offers much food for thought.

2. His remarks gave us much food for thought.

3. That incident gave us much food for thought.

4. There is much less difficulty than I thought.

5. There is much food for thought in this essay.

6. There is much food for thought in this book.

7. Dr. Smith's speeches always offer much food for thought.

8. There is much food for thought in the film.

9. 19 I've never given hope much thought until now.

10. The Beehive is much larger than I initially thought

11. He thought me much more sagacious than I was.

12. What she has said affords much food for thought.

13. Warm, homemade Biscuits are so much easier than you thought

14. I've always thought that much more undignified than going bald.

15. And I thought it was too much to hope for.

16. I never thought I'd get even that much of a child.

17. So much, thought Blanche, for flirting with the lascivious old devil.

18. She was crying so much I thought she'd bring up her breakfast.

19. Amassing a million dollars may be much more achievable than you thought

20. The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her.

21. His writing is magnificent, because he knew so much, thought so Comprehensively, …

22. Much of this bore the unmistakable stamp of guild thought and policy.

23. We've thought about personalization of medicine very much in terms of genomics.

24. My job is so repetitive, it does not require much conscious thought.

25. Better to read little with thought than much with levity and quickness.

26. I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me.

27. By age 22, he had not given much thought to serving a mission.

28. This includes the thought of being brought into a much better, happier condition.

29. The adornment, thought Eloise smugly, would not sit well amidst so much blubber.

30. Guacamole came much, much later and is thought to have been made first by the Aztecans in the 16th century

31. I never gave much thought to the victims of Cyberstalking until I became one

32. No one gives much thought to the nameless millions who work in our factories.

33. He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced.

34. The Renaissance did much to expand the scope of free thought and skeptical inquiry.

35. 29 I thought Texas would be too much of a culture shock for Annie.

36. 'So much for a simple thank you, ' Tethys thought sulkily . But all she said was, "Does it matter so much to you?"

37. Understanding that these categories are really much more unstable than we thought makes me tense.

38. To apply; use: "On Hester Prynne's story I Bestowed much thought" (Nathaniel Hawthorne).

39. “Once a conversation was started, it was much easier than I thought it would be!”

40. 5 Always give careful thought to how much literature you actually need for distribution purposes.

41. 12 George Shultz, the bluff and portly secretary of state, evidently thought much the same.

42. She makes too much of that cat, Daisy thought, for a young woman that is.

43. 9 The adornment, thought Eloise smugly,( would not sit well amidst so much blubber.

44. Without much care or thought; without paying attention to detail Many people Casually dismiss these claims

45. I never really thought that I 'd spend as much time in airports as I do .

46. Much thought is required to smooth the path if this scheme hopes to meet with success.

47. His trouble, Hicks thought, was that he was too much of an optimist, like all hustlers.

48. Much like gray hair and wrinkles , it was just thought to be part of growing old .

49. I shouldn't have thought Mrs. Craddock had much to be proud of now, at all events.

50. The achievement caused much thought as to what effect this pipeline will have on Peru’s future.

51. 27 Not much danger of his Commander letting him slip up on that, he thought drily.

52. Since you climbed over that stile in the summer I haven't thought about very much else.

53. And we thought, this is such a good idea, it's going to raise so much money.

54. Acclaimed adjective celebrated, famous, acknowledged, praised, outstanding, distinguished, admired, renowned, noted, highly rated, eminent, revered, famed, illustrious, well received, much vaunted, highly esteemed, much touted, well thought of, lionized, highly thought of She has published six highly Acclaimed novels.

55. However, the Roman philosopher Seneca thought that Comets were like the planets, though in much larger orbits.

56. Much prayerful and careful thought has been given as to how we might build more Kingdom Halls.

57. We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it.

58. According to Aubrey, the author was thought to be Crackbrained, and lost much of his practice in consequence

59. Also, she learned that she had been under anesthesia for a much shorter time than she had thought.

60. Have you thought about how much time the elders spend preparing their parts for meetings, assemblies, and conventions?

61. Complex brains evolved much earlier than thought Evolution has not been especially kind to Branchiopods to this point.

62. The dying man was suffering so much that we thought it kinder to put him out of his misery.

63. 9 That much of the decoration was shredded or defaced beyond hope of repair, Alexei thought, was quite clear.

64. Estimating the Contagiousness of COVID-19 There’s a possibility that COVID-19 is much more contagious than previously thought

65. Our source claims the dealers thought the bike was too much of a move away from Ducati's racing pedigree.

66. It would not be incorrect to interpret the thought expressed in this text by saying “Fervent prayer Accomplishes much.”

67. You could be spending a lot of time in serious thought, much to the consternation of those around you.

68. I've thought about it so much, but even now I can't believe how lucky I was to survive the accident.

69. After much anger, frustration, and pain, we may ruefully have thought, ‘If only I had waited just a little bit.’

70. A precept that underlies much of Western thought is that people will by nature seek freedom and strive for liberty.

71. Concrete operational thought is reversible thought.

72. The word Ciao (pronounced CHOW) is, today, thought of as very much Italian, but its origins are in the Venetian dialect

73. My husband, then boyfriend, thought twice before he put a backpack on or grew a beard because he traveled so much.

74. I thought that would be the only way to not confront you as much if I were to do the movie.

75. 23 The thought depressed him so much he double-parked outside a candy store on Southern Boulevard and had a cigarette.

76. Suggested usage: No one thought much of his speech, except the usual Claque of party hacks who applauded his every line vigorously.

77. What I wish to suggest is that filling the structural lacuna makes structured talk without higher-order thought look much less likely.

78. 20 She very much wanted to read the letter she had received and she thought of crossing over to the Villa Nazionale.

79. Well this thought becomes a reality in Sure’s latest advert, with each player doubling on the training pitch - much to the Bamboozlement …

80. There is at quiet living artist at nihilism of in the desert, because it pretty much fits together with his art thought.