Use "much thought" in a sentence

1. 19 I've never given hope much thought until now.

2. So much, thought Blanche, for flirting with the lascivious old devil.

3. His writing is magnificent, because he knew so much, thought so Comprehensively, …

4. By age 22, he had not given much thought to serving a mission.

5. I never gave much thought to the victims of Cyberstalking until I became one

6. No one gives much thought to the nameless millions who work in our factories.

7. To apply; use: "On Hester Prynne's story I Bestowed much thought" (Nathaniel Hawthorne).

8. Much thought is required to smooth the path if this scheme hopes to meet with success.

9. The achievement caused much thought as to what effect this pipeline will have on Peru’s future.

10. Blithely definition, without much thought, concern, or care:I Blithely went ahead with my project without really considering the impact it would have on my career

11. Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams: The Story of Black Hollywood by Donald Bogle is a fascinating look at a segment of societal history that few of us have ever much thought of, much less explored