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2. The Luftwaffe was assured air superiority over the Low Countries.

3. The standard of living in many developing countries is low.

4. Towards appropriate agricultural trade policy for low income developing countries.

5. What does Brabant mean? A historic region of the Low Countries

6. 'In general, all representatives of low-price countries referred to the risk of parallel imports from their countries.

7. Provisions to address Commercialisation agreements in low- and middle-income countries

8. However, sustained low oil prices will weaken activity in exporting countries.

9. Conclusions Antenatal depression was higher in low-income countries than in middle-income countries and was found to be a risk factor for low birth weight and preterm births

10. The poorer, low-income countries had very little access to capital markets.

11. Most developing countries also benefited from the low per capital income adjustment

12. Acceptance of homosexuality is as low as two percent in some countries.

13. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated.

14. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated

15. It is the leading cause of death among children in low income countries.

16. Even countries that previously had relatively low divorce rates have seen a change.

17. Low- and middle-income countries are an important source of drug-resistant organisms.

18. But the health needs of low- and middle-income countries are now shifting.

19. Although the overall incidence of HNC is decreasing in developed countries, it remains a severe problem in low- and middle-income countries.

20. For many advanced countries, expansion of markets for new goods and services facilitates - and has been facilitated by - imports from low-wage countries.

21. Amoebiasis is a common cause of diarrhoea in infants in low-income countries and an emerging sexually transmitted infection in some developed countries

22. Absolute values in EECCA countries, however, are very small because of the very low incomes.

23. Share of black market in the U.S. economy is very low compared to other countries.

24. Consanguinity is widely practiced in countries of Asia and Africa especially in societies where Islam prevails while its prevalence is low in Western countries

25. Absolute values in EECCA countries, however, are very small because of the very low incomes

26. Globally, 75 percent of all mental illness cases can be found in low-income countries.

27. The problem is most acute for source countries with low densities of health professionals, or understaffed health sectors, in particular countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

28. The report argued against the imposition of bans on imports from countries with low environmental standards.

29. computer aided diagnosis will revolutionize and accelerate TB screening in countries with low or medium resources.

30. After all, it cannot compete with African and Asian countries in terms of low wage costs

31. Developing countries may propose absolute sectoral emission thresholds, as part of their low-emission development strategies

32. This has decreased to 122,000 deaths per year as of 2012, mostly in low income countries.

33. External debt totaled about US$3.4 billion in 2004, low compared to most Latin American countries.

34. In general, West Asian countries maintain low or modest external debt stocks and accumulated substantial foreign assets.

35. Due to the low wages in these countries, these products are very competitive on the world market.

36. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that certain low-income countries have benefitted from trade preferences.

37. These countries reduced their Corporatist arrangements from the end of the 1970s from an already low level

38. Buying other countries’ bonds would mean abandoning the goal of keeping real currency values low against the dollar.

39. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

40. Paris's influence in the Low Countries was counterbalanced by England, which maintained important ties to the coastal ports.

41. We encourage institutions to consider including provisions in Commercialisation agreements for low- and middle-income countries where appropriate

42. For many low-income countries the most binding constraints are often in logistics services and international transit systems.

43. Many leave developing countries – as you said, Commissioner – because in developing countries they earn low wages, have poor working conditions, little prospect of advancement and a lack of training.

44. This makes it the ideal destination for a daytrip or a weekend break. Brabant, gateway to the Low Countries

45. A step-by-step approach was required owing to the countries' low absorption capacity for economic and financial assistance

46. A step-by-step approach was required owing to the countries’ low absorption capacity for economic and financial assistance.

47. Absolute income poverty is widespread, and Human Development Indicators and living standards are very low compared to neighbouring countries.

48. In 2013 alone, it accounted for 1.5 million deaths, including one-fifth of adult deaths in low-income countries.

49. Absolute income poverty is widespread, and Human Development Indicators and living standards are very low compared to neighbouring countries

50. And low-income countries, places that did not have a landline grid -- they leap-frogged to the new technology.

51. Such excluded countries are frequently the poorest, the most disease-afflicted and the most in need of low-cost drugs

52. In most developing countries, official rural unemployment figures are low and do not represent actual levels of high rural poverty

53. In most developing countries, official rural unemployment figures are low and do not represent actual levels of high rural poverty.

54. Basic education in Turkey is considered to lag behind other OECD countries, with significant differences between high and low performers.

55. Guinea-Bissau’s 2019 HDI of 0.480 0.513is below the average of for countries in the low human development group and below the average of 0.547 for countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

56. This book features Anabaptism of the Low Countries from its earliest traceable beginnings to the end of the sixteenth century

57. Historically, especially in the Middle Ages and Early modern period, the western section has been known as the Low Countries.

58. In 1813, he came nearest to any actual fighting, when he visited the British troops fighting in the Low Countries.

59. The term “Low Countries” refers to the coastal area between Germany and France, comprising modern-day Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

60. The House of Valois-Burgundy and their Habsburg heirs would rule the Low Countries in the period from 1384 to 1581.

61. The Renaissance was brought to Poland directly from Italy by artists from Florence and the Low Countries, starting the Polish Renaissance.

62. 20 Low inflation in industrialized countries restrained increases in import prices, resulting in a general improvement in the terms of trade.

63. Others worry that low-cost ARVs destined for developing countries could actually end up on the black market in developed lands.

64. This will also provide a mechanism for countries like India to access and develop technologies that leave a low carbon footprint.

65. India's per capita emissions are very low compared to both developed as well as other large developing countries and major emitters.

66. The Rotary Foundation has selected 27 people from low-income countries to receive Ambassadorial Scholarships for university studies in 2008-09.

67. In some countries, collective-savings programs – that is, provident funds and building societies – have helped low-income households to accumulate down payments, with the pooled savings also providing capital for low-interest mortgages.

68. If her reserve is low —which is true of many women in developing countries— she can come to have iron-deficiency anemia.

69. Abstract In many OECD countries in recent years, labour market conditions for workers with low levels of skills appear to have deteriorated.

70. 7 A special session at WHO Headquarters on 5 May will focus on "People-centered care in low and middle income countries".

71. Belgian horse, breed of heavy draft horse descended from the Flemish “great horse,” the medieval battle horse native to the Low Countries

72. A "trilingual" speaks fluent English, a local language and the language of a profession. These are rare commodities in low cost countries.

73. New Agreement to Cut price of Rapid COVID-19 Tests for Low-Income Countries High-income countries currently perform more than 250 COVID-19 tests/day per 100,000 people, the rate is ten times lower

74. These accomplishments have made for a remarkable record of inclusion as Vietnam has launched itself out of the ranks of low income countries.

75. ost financial markets in the acceding countries are shallow, reflecting the size of these economies and the low stock of credit and deposits

76. Rejection of tenders that are abnormally low or contain products originating in third countries A contracting entity may reject a tender if it:

77. The credit of US$ 25 million comes from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessional lending arm for low-income countries.

78. Following a campaign at the 2012 Rio+20 Summit, 70 governments, including those representing 40 middle- and low-income countries, endorsed natural capital accounting.

79. The course of the war saw extensive fighting in Italy, France, and the Low Countries, as well as attempted invasions of Spain and England.

80. TELLY WATCH When Holland's fourth went in jabbering Jon Babbled : "Now the Scots have a mountain to climb in the Low Countries."