Use "human right" in a sentence

1. There is accout of human right.

2. Following trend of human civilization evolution, human right has become universal concept in human society.

3. Access to safe abortion is a human right.

4. Literacy may not be an inalienable human right.

5. Access to credit must be a human right.

6. The right to be protected against discrimination is an extremely important human right.

7. Freedom of expression is a basic human right.

8. The practice of sport is a human right.

9. Human right abuses were also the cause of critics.

10. Accessibility as a human right for persons with disabilities.

11. Some Bootlicker: you people think everything is a human right

12. Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression.

13. Mr. Yunus says he believes credIt'should be considered a human right.

14. Human right education within ACS HRN (Afgh. civil society HR Network)

15. 12 Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression.

16. We believe that access to ecological death care is a human right.

17. It's a journey that is right at the limit of human capability.

18. I believe that access to adequate sanitation is a basic human right.

19. The right Condolences thank you messages show that you are a great human

20. In other words, to protect their basic human right to freedom of expression.

21. But a lot of people would argue that work is a human right.

22. Right Talent, Right Opportunity Achievers is one of the leading talent sourcing company providing human resource consulting, executive search and full

23. The judges cited the January 2018 Inter-American Court of Human Rights which held that same-sex marriage is a human right.

24. At Cultivating Community, we believe that access to healthy food is a human right

25. Cone top: right circular cone bottom: Cones and rods of a human eye n

26. Cone top: right circular Cone bottom: Cones and rods of a human eye n

27. Cone top: right circular Cone bottom: Cones and rods of a human eye n

28. At Anyi Health, we believe that a healthy life is a basic human right

29. (Acts 28:23) No human government has the right to impede that God-given work.

30. Birthright noun right, due, heritage, privilege, patrimony Freedom is the natural Birthright of every human

31. I just like to dive right in and become sort of a human guinea pig.

32. " It 's shameful that millions of people are living without nationality - a fundamental human right . "

33. The delegates then took the bold step of declaring health to be a “fundamental human right”!

34. • It was all right, maybe, for Stephen Hawking to Airily dismiss time as a human construct

35. Right now, east asia has China, a bully and human rights violator with a permanent seat.

36. It matters because it robs the majority of the human race of their right to happiness.

37. The right avoiding cruel and unusual punishment means the right of keeping people integral physically and mentally whose establishment symbolizes the progress of human morality.

38. And I would say that this is a foundational human right that this administration is supporting.

39. Access to information on reproductive health and family planning services should be considered a woman's human right

40. Sontag is certainly right that in our time human thought has reached a point of excruciating complexity.

41. No one has the right to despise another human being, least of all one weaker than oneself.

42. It's exactly a hundred years almost to the day that the first human beings stood right here,

43. That’s right—the highest number a single human has ever Counted to is a nice, even one million

44. Ambash Ladies/ Emmanouil Athanasiou, Emmanouil Athanasiou is an International Human Right Lawyer, office in Paris and in Athens

45. They did not abandon right conduct in order to conform to human authority. —Read Acts 5:27-29.

46. The Act is a vehicle to encourage respect for a fundamental human right, not an instrument of oppression.

47. But right in the middle here where there's a sweet spot, the noise is dominated by human ships.

48. And so for her, I put in a human meniscus allograft donor right into that [ knee ] joint space.

49. These include projects on human dignity, prevention of violence, detention, migration, statelessness , the right to health[], climate change and (the) creation of a world court of human rights.

50. The transformative potential of pay equity as a human right has also been abridged by the complaint-based system.

51. The Western views on human right lay emphasis on its innateness. This has caused great confusion on this issue.

52. Right as he is about to shoot her, David runs in and acts as a human shield to protect Julia.

53. The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.

54. Between 1998 and 2008 the European Court of Human Rights made more than 1,600 judgements against Turkey for human rights violations, particularly regarding the right to life, and freedom from torture.

55. Ethical Absolutism is the philosophical viewpoint that certain human actions are right or wrong based on an objective moral code

56. These people lead a life of misery and are denied the most basic of human rights: the right to food.

57. The right to walk down the street without getting Bashed - these are not special rights, these are basic human rights

58. Copyright is a human right, which is based on natural law and from which derive absolute moral and material entitlements.

59. Article 17 as a fundamental right was directed at abolishing the practice of untouchability which was an affront to human dignity .

60. It doesn't get Beachier than that, right? Wrong! Human Mai Tais Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves are in this movie too

61. ' Burying the dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani buries human dignity by legitimizing the massive violations of human and civil rights, especially of the right to life, that took place under his regime.

62. Hence, he rules, not by human choice, but through a solemn promise of God that gives him the right to rule forever.

63. 16 We are clearly never obliged to follow any human direction contrary to what we know to be scriptural or morally right.

64. Human pride is human weakness.

65. 1 Human pride is human weakness.

66. Gibco Human Astrocytes are normal human cells derived from human brain tissue

67. When human being gives up the fetter of every common custom and just looks traveling as a sacred and imprescriptible right, then we would add a heavy character to the core place of the human culture.

68. Human Judicial Systems—With Human Weaknesses

69. Cochrane points out that Anthropocentrism permeates “all ethics.” “An anthropocentric ethic claims that only human beings are morally considerable in their own right, meaning the direct moral obligations we possess […] are owed to our fellow human beings.”

70. The Astronauts selected for the first human mission to Mars will need to have more than "the right stuff." People on this yearslong mission will need to possess an eagerness for doing the right

71. “Addressing human right abuses by all sides is the best hope to end this brutal cycle of violence and impunity in Jammu and Kashmir.”

72. Ageism, stigma and prejudice have an impact on various human rights, including at its worst the right to life (e.g., witchcraft allegations and persecution).

73. Having the right Cortisol balance is essential for human health and you can have problems if you produce too much or too little Cortisol.

74. It is the eightfold path . ( 1 ) right belief , ( 2 ) right aspirations , ( 3 ) right speech , ( 4 ) right conduct , ( 5 ) right mode of livelihood , ( 6 ) right mindedness , ( 7 ) right effort , ( 8 ) right rapture . "

75. People make money from it due to human weakness, human greed and human gullibility .

76. 13 As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray.

77. Anthropomorphic - suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things anthropomorphous , humanlike human - having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"

78. Human masculinity is beautifully balanced by human femininity.

79. In the human ERG the oscillatory potentials were evoked by right-angle stimuli of short duration (100 msec) and high luminance (102 times ERG-threshold).

80. How to abbreviate Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin/human Chorionic? Get the most popular abbreviation for Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin/human Chorionic updated in 2021