Use "explaining" in a sentence

1. Don't bother explaining.

2. Explaining Repetitive Compulsions

3. Explaining Appurtenance term for dummies

4. There's explaining and there's showing.

5. Pable of explaining epistemic Blamability, i.e

6. Video explaining Acetylide for Organic Chemistry

7. Thank you for explaining siege tactics to me.

8. The individuals concerned have some explaining to do.

9. ‘‘I never started explaining,’ Penelope pointed out Belligerently.’.

10. Furthermore, there was no affidavit explaining their absence.

11. Information explaining why Countersignatures are required for passport applications

12. Talk explaining features and use of the new handbill.

13. The overseer was explaining the job to young trainees.

14. We don't have any helpful little footnote explaining why.

15. You were explaining the origin of your cinema ownership.

16. I shall be explaining this further in Part Two.

17. Three factors stand out in explaining this harmonious relationship.

18. This only goes halfway to explaining what really happened.

19. I don't like her didactic way of explaining everything.

20. The necessity of adding explaining lecture to didactics of mathematics is discussed. The paper points out the principle and concrete way of adding explaining lecture.

21. How has our way of explaining Bible accounts gradually changed?

22. Smiling is always easier than explaining what you are worried.

23. Attribution is the process of explaining the behaviors of others.

24. I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.

25. Here's a nice informative video explaining how to prepare Cuttlefish

26. Such reference works may be helpful in explaining the details.

27. She Appeased his curiosity by explaining the situation to him.

28. Factitious what should be always used forget go explaining sadness?

29. And as I was just explaining, food waste is a problem.

30. This page shows an example Correlation with footnotes explaining the output

31. 29 Smiling is always easier than explaining what you are worried.

32. Biologism - use of biological principles in explaining human especially social behavior

33. She refused, explaining that the ritual was contrary to God’s law.

34. You could also practice explaining the topic in family home evening.

35. He did not object to explaining a problem over and again.

36. Castors Wheels Cape Town - Explaining the Difference between Castors and Wheels

37. self-explaining alignment (i.e. “readability” of the alignment by road users);

38. On balance contestability has increased, partly explaining the decline in profitability.

39. Let's demystify the event by explaining what it is all about.

40. Sir Isaac Newton is best known for explaining how gravity works.

41. This is an informational video explaining the location and function of Adenoids

42. Jack adamantly refuses, explaining that CTU involvement could jeopardize his family's safety.

43. (c) self-explaining alignment (i.e. ‘readability’ of the alignment by road users);

44. After explaining my paper to the panel, I began to answer questions.

45. Explaining her role, she said, “We are encouraged to speak before thinking!”

46. We want to send a text Explaining the reality Of the situation.

47. You already destroyed any chance I had at explaining myself to Charlotte.

48. We seldom need to spend time explaining or breaking down the information.

49. It does this by explaining that Calculus is the mathematics of change

50. We've got orders to write a paper explaining why we're not advancing.

51. Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like teaching poetry to fish.

52. It had to be about implying and suggesting, not explaining or describing.

53. So you're explaining to me that I'm a fucker with no connections?

54. Bruce Lee (Lý Tiểu Long) is explaining an important concept of Taoism.

55. Baristas use verbal communication daily when taking customer orders and explaining menu options

56. I mean, try explaining afterlife therapy to a bunch of junior high kids.

57. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Explaining Youths’ Relative Absence in Legislatures - Volume 54 Issue 2

58. Manuals and flow diagrams for explaining computer programs, computer textbooks and computer manuals

59. They talked to the local police commander, explaining the reason for their visit.

60. He knocked the bottom out of the rumours by explaining how matters stood.

61. (See the chart explaining how acid rain affects organisms living in the water.)

62. 23 Jack adamantly refuses, explaining that CTU involvement could jeopardize his family's safety.

63. If the window is Cloaked, provides one of the following values explaining why

64. Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness.

65. But Giap spurned the advice, explaining that he could not desert his comrades.

66. Also featured is an Afterword explaining the text to children and their parents

67. Children also learned to care for the environment , said the report , explaining that :

68. I put up some blog posts and videos online, explaining how to play.

69. Joe Biden, explaining his views on Busing, said it was harmful to the U.S

70. The existing hypothesis is not convincing in explaining the genesis of traumatic TMJ Ankylosis.

71. That requires a little explaining because there are positive and negative aspects of jealousy.

72. This has the additional benefit of explaining why magnetic charge can not be isolated.

73. Do not get into explaining why the words on those six pages are Chunked …

74. Antonyms for Bedimming include brightening, illuminating, illumining, lightening, explaining, lighting up and clearing up

75. “A lot of Connectivity and defensive passion,” Usher said, explaining the Yellow Jackets approach

76. This day is dedicated to fully explaining and introducing the fundamentals of Breatharian Healing.

77. The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.

78. Bitmaps: A fabric of pixels When explaining bitmap images, think of the Lite Brite

79. The adjective Attributable describes something that is capable of indicating or explaining a cause

80. He is explaining -- sometimes elliptically, Aphoristically, through metaphors, jokes and old folk wisdom -- why