Use "exactly so" in a sentence

1. So, chanza, what exactly do abetts do?

2. So, it's not exactly a stereotypical set of rules.

3. Alex : So what's the attraction of this roadhouse exactly?

4. And this is exactly why failed states are so dangerous.

5. It doesn't sound exactly orthodox, if I may say so.

6. So, what exactly would be the source of their success?

7. So exactly how many evil organizations are you associated with?

8. So, Scottie P., what exactly do you do for a living?

9. So you copied -- you exactly copied the design in the book.

10. Even so, Clinton is not exactly throwing money at the illiteracy problem.

11. So exactly what is Annatto? The tree is native to South America

12. So within the motor, we have three Hall sensors, so we know exactly where the wing is.

13. So he's having to arrive at two exactly matched vases of this kind.

14. So, where does “Buttload” come from? And how much, exactly, is a “Buttload”?

15. Rain was so persistent in 1930 at Riviera that par was broken exactly once.

16. Learning is so fundamental that we seldom stop to analyze exactly what takes place.

17. So what exactly is a Coin operated viewer? No doubt you have seen them.

18. What is exactly happening on this cooperation so far as the oil blocks are concerned?

19. What, exactly, are these mythical fears that so regularly block the path to high performance?

20. Exactly.

21. So what exactly does a .308 Winchester Ballistics chart look like? Well, a bit like this

22. EduBlocks displays the Python text on the block so you can see exactly what you're coding

23. Action Bar Class, so that you can use it exactly like you would the Action Bar.

24. ELAINE : Right. Exactly. So I imagine at some point, somebody's going to offer me some cantaloupe.

25. This light is tuned so that the photon energy exactly matches the desired atomic transition energy.

26. Where, exactly?

27. TH: Exactly.

28. Karen: Exactly.

29. Autofocus will also keep track of due dates, so you’ll know exactly when your parts will arrive

30. So, what exactly is going on in the pesticide world to reduce me to such grovelling gratitude?

31. Don't know, the bridesmaid wants to do exactly what, so, in the mind how much order so of fear to come amiss of mental state.

32. Additionally, Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs, so none of them have exactly 100

33. So the physics is you can never accurately and exactly measure a particle, because the observation changes it.

34. Exactly as written.

35. It's exactly alike.

36. Exactly, back out.

37. What exactly is an Assload of money you ask? I wondered that myself, so I did a little research

38. Well, the other side wanted to spank us for breakfast, so I wouldn't exactly call it a toss-up.

39. Both sides looks exactly the same so it really does not matter where we are going to attach it.

40. Language - exactly matches - "fr"

41. It's not exactly MOMA...

42. If C is an obtuse triangle then it admits exactly one inscribed square; right triangles admit exactly two, and acute triangles admit exactly three.

43. What exactly is pollen?

44. So we drill back in time to see how often that's happened, and exactly how fast that ice can melt.

45. In base only fractions whose denominators are powers of 2 are exactly expressible: 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ and so on.

46. So who exactly is the Able bodied person not already meeting a work requirement? More importantly, who thinks they know

47. Bivalence definition: the semantic principle that there are exactly two truth values, so that every meaningful Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

48. So big a man is never going to be exactly nippy, but he is not slow and not without ball-sense.

49. What exactly... did we do?

50. Exactly is like what people?

51. It's exactly what homophobic means.

52. This isn't exactly your playground.

53. What is harness racing, exactly?

54. The story's exactly the same.

55. Knew exactly where I was.

56. Not exactly a proper burial.

57. Not pals, exactly, but companionable.

58. 'Not exactly, sir,' temporized Sloan.

59. They were not exactly aboveboard.

60. She looks exactly like you!

61. You haven't exactly been subtle.

62. Eve nodded, almost approvingly. "Exactly."

63. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

64. The murder wasn't exactly premeditated.

65. That's exactly how it happens. "

66. You'll follow my instructions exactly.

67. I wasn't exactly thinking straight.

68. Yeah, exactly, the blue stuff.

69. Exactly when did sin begin?

70. Beowulf Boasts so readers know exactly what he is capable of, and there will be no doubt about what he can do

71. Because the disorder is so complex and no two people with autism are exactly alike, there are probably many Causes for autism.

72. There are exactly 20,871 weeks in 400 Gregorian years, so 18 March 1619 was a Monday just as was 18 March 2019.

73. Before we dive into specifics, it's important to understand what exactly is Containerization and why it is gaining so much popularity today

74. They were Borned and grew up in the country, so they know exactly what is going on with these calling names, etc

75. This is a pretty vague definition, so in order to explain exactly what short Circuiting is I want to give some examples.

76. Zoepounders knew exactly when to hit the drop, where to hit the drop so we figure they know where the cash is.

77. Coinciding exactly when superimposed: Congruent triangles

78. Awakened does exactly what it advertises

79. Don't exactly know what moxie is.

80. Try to recall exactly what happened.