Use "elephants" in a sentence

1. We are researching reproduction in elephants/the reproduction of elephants.

2. African elephants have bigger ears.

3. Triceratops weighed more than elephants.

4. Elephants relish taking dust baths too.

5. The elephants rampaged through the forest.

6. Of all the elephants, African bush elephants live in the hottest climates, and have the largest ear flaps.

7. Elephants have a very tough hide.

8. The myth that elephants never forget.

9. Lions and elephants are wild animals.

10. You find elephants, rhinos, monkeys, pigs, etc.

11. Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.

12. The Tagua Nut—Can It Save Elephants?

13. They pursued elephants here, there and everywhere.

14. The circus elephants were led into the arena.

15. Baby Cubbie Elephants - "DUMBLE" Item# dumble

16. Elephants are distinguished by their long noses / trunks.

17. Moonstone, sardonyx, elephants, and a small dark bistro.

18. India is the home of elephants and tigers.

19. 11 The animals in effect became pygmy elephants.

20. We saw lots of lions, tigers, elephants, etc.

21. Elephants, by all accounts, were pretty strong too.

22. Elephants also collaborate in looking after their young.

23. Elephants in captivity usually live 40 to 45 years.

24. Elephants carved in wood, a bull in terra cotta.

25. And who could overlook the elephants and the lions?

26. We could hear the elephants trumpeting in the distance.

27. 18 We saw lots of lions, tigers, elephants, etc.

28. Elephants are used in some countries for hauling timber.

29. They dope the elephants in order to tag them.

30. African elephants have two fingerlike features on the end of their trunk that they can use to grab small items. (Asian elephants have one.

31. Wildlife in Ratanakiri includes Asian elephants, gaur, and monkeys.

32. You can find on its plains elephants, buffalo, and lions.

33. The mammoth was related to, but distinct from, modern elephants.

34. In the Middle Ages, elephants were seldom used in Europe.

35. Do you believe that elephants can contemplate life after death?

36. A massive dinosaur , the Apatosaurus weighed as much as five elephants

37. Near the gate entry, two stone carvings of elephants were erected.

38. Sometimes he rode donkeys, cows, camels, or elephants without using saddles.

39. It will take two elephants to drag all this wood away.

40. Other popular matches set lions against tigers, or elephants against bears.

41. Elephants in Circuses are reduced to objects of entertainment for people

42. Bornean elephants are found mostly in the Malaysian state of Sabah

43. It is always important to examine the rhetoric used to discuss elephants and mahouts and be careful of anthropomorphising elephants into human labourers, and Animalising human workers

44. Then we showed it in dolphins, and then later in elephants.

45. Men, just like elephants, have a premonition they are going to die...

46. It is as if elephants look for any excuse to get excited.

47. Catty is one of the elephants closely linked to the Elephant Matriarch

48. Elephants create art by carefully choosing and combining different colors and elements.

49. On the lower slopes live elephants, chimpanzees, bushbuck, leopards, and colobus monkeys.

50. This recalls real-life circus elephants who get frightened and lash out.

51. Some crossed inhospitable and dangerous regions inhabited by hyenas, lions, and elephants.

52. Along Namibia’s Skeleton Coast, in southwest Africa, elephants roam the vast dunes.

53. Cats, unlike dogs or even elephants aren't associated with altruistic, empathic behavior.

54. The children came galumphing into the house like a herd of elephants.

55. The elephants are given a cue to start and then they improvise.

56. Common examples of Charismatic megafauna include lions, tigers, gorillas, giant pandas and elephants

57. 3 They see no chariot, no runners, no horses —and certainly no elephants.

58. Porus’ army included 35,000 soldiers and 200 elephants, which terrified the Macedonians’ horses.

59. Buffalo, elephants and hippos wander out, killing and maiming people, and eating crops.

60. 19 And they also had ahorses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms.

61. There are no elephants, and the 15 or so leopards are rarely seen.

62. The porkolt Gundel serves these days has the zoo elephants holding their trunks

63. It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?

64. Along the wall in the back, pickle vats and ceramic elephants rested in crates.

65. Extravagant estimates of the height of elephants have , from time to time , been recorded .

66. In the distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain.

67. Current (2015) national law allows for ivory from domesticated Thai elephants to be sold legally.

68. 18 To resume the ivory trade would sound the death knell for the African elephants.

69. " That's big! " the length of a basketball court, and as heavy as 40 African elephants.

70. The Burmese army retreated back to Bago, losing many men, elephants, horses, arms, and ammunition.

71. ELEPHANTS are not fazed by dynamite explosions, but change their behaviour significantly to avoid humans.

72. During the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, elephants were maimed or killed by land mines.

73. The 75 elephants were deployed in front of the battle-line with their infantry guards.

74. Brontothere dentition strongly suggests they were obligate browsers, just as some populations of African elephants are

75. 16 He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance.

76. Forest elephants were reclassified as an entirely different species of elephant from their African savanna counterparts.

77. The blue whale has an average weight of 120 tons —as much as 30 elephants!

78. There is no legal market for African ivory, which is good news for the elephants.

79. The clay also helps to absorb the toxins found in many leaves that the elephants eat.

80. They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, elephants and other acts they would see that night.