Use "do as you would be done by" in a sentence

1. Do as you would be done by

2. Do unto others as you would have done to you.

3. Do the things you would have done - dress up, don't be late, charmingly.

4. SOOKIE : " How do you know what Matt would have done ? "

5. Do you really think it would be that simple to get it done by killing a fierce dog using some mutts, my lord?

6. If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself. 

7. If you would have a thing well done, you must do it yourself. 

8. 4 Whatever you do, do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right. 

9. 25 All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.

10. 24 Whatever you do,( do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right. 

11. Whatever you do[Sentence dictionary], do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right. 

12. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

13. The work would be done by an Apostolic administrator appointed by Rome

14. What do you think can be done to strengthen family ties?”

15. Do you think anything can be done to bridge that gap?

16. What would you have done?

17. 25 Do you think that everything was done fair and square by you?

18. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. 

19. I would do as much for you.

20. I would fain do as you ask.

21. You know, blandishment ceaselessly cannot be done by everyone.

22. This can be done if you proceed as follows.

23. Do you know the coastal zones and how they would be impacted by coastal erosion?

24. Do not hesitate to learn what you do not know. Do not be afraid to do what you have never done. Dr T.P.Chia 

25. How would you like your steak done?

26. If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

27. 10 You know, blandishment ceaselessly cannot be done by everyone.

28. Would you be willing to do an errand for me?

29. Would you like to have your nails done?

30. If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

31. Yes, much more harvest work would be done!

32. It would have to be done under anaesthetic.

33. It would have to be done under anesthetic.

34. As you can read there, the Messiah would be despised by his countrymen.

35. Would you do it?

36. Mate, by the time you finish she'll be done and dusted

37. Bracketing can be done manually – by changing settings between each frame – or automatically, which is much easier to do and won’t distract you from your creativity as much

38. Aman cannot be outsmarted, if you have believed you have done so then he planned for you to do it

39. There would have to be a future age in which the preaching would be done.

40. Why do you pursue me when I've done you no harm?

41. Blueprinting a savage If i were you, i would just bed it myself and be done

42. Do you like your steak well - done or underdone?

43. 21 But I do wonder whether you would be well served by simply liquidating your two brokerage accounts.

44. Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe?

45. The final polish would be done with boric acid.

46. You yourselves would also be able to do good, who are persons taught to do bad.”

47. What would you do today?

48. If things were to be done twice all would be wise. 

49. A feeling of guilt or anxiety about something you have done or might do: I would have no Compunction about quitting

50. I have done exactly what I know you would want.

51. Would you undo all that I have done for him?

52. Do you think it would be fair to view this kind of contradiction as a form of "institutionalised" racism?

53. You wouldn' t be related by any chance, would you?

54. The President dictated to them how everything would be done.

55. You be sorry for what you have done.

56. You've done the least you can do my whole life.

57. There may be many things you have done that qualify as work experience.

58. Do you long for a quiet place where your family would be safe?

59. Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?

60. Do you think that applying that advice would be beneficial in a marriage?”

61. “How do you think families would be affected if they applied this advice?

62. Do you have any questions that would be more germane to his experience?

63. I do not know if he would be tired of the journey, as we would be after travelling so far.

64. I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.

65. How would you do that, Abe?

66. What would you do if you were omnipotent?

67. Most others would be unable to do this, and the education market would segregate by income group.

68. You would do a2 minus a1.

69. Who would do this to you?

70. 5 Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well-done?

71. Do you all want to be seen as tramps?

72. To do so would be to debase them by turning them into commodities.

73. Everything you do on a sailboat is done slowly and thoughtfully.

74. If you want a thing (well) done, do it yourself. 

75. W : Do you like the steak well - done or underdone, sir?

76. How do you like the steak served , wee - done or underdone?

77. I thought that would be the only way to not confront you as much if I were to do the movie.

78. Some of you might be wondering what we would do with all the salts.

79. Do you know?— You would sink, and you might drown.

80. Joseph, do you know how mad your mother would be if she knew you were playing football?