Use "buried deep in the ground" in a sentence

1. He is buried in sacred ground.

2. The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside.

3. Can atheists be buried in hallowed ground?

4. The bones will be buried in hallowed ground .

5. The waste is buried deep underground.

6. Scores died and were buried in the frozen ground.

7. Because of desires buried deep in his heart.

8. The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.

9. If they have skeletons, they're buried deep.

10. These often have many icons buried deep inside.

11. Orde was buried in the private burial ground adjacent to the house in 1878.

12. But suppose you were told that there was treasure buried in the ground?

13. buried... deep amongst the dreary columns of our trade finance.

14. I have something buried deep in my mind that I must remember.

15. Buried; Burying Kids Definition of bury 1 : to place in the ground and cover over for concealment The pirates buried their treasure.

16. IceCube covers a cubic kilometre but is buried deep below the surface.

17. What I was able to find is a photocopy buried deep in a logbook.

18. 'Each vault, buried deep in the earth, is accessed by a drop-slot at the planet's surface.

19. And human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep.

20. Fuel storage tanks can be buried underground or constructed above ground.

21. That's an MI6 Alpha Level secure facility buried deep within that building.

22. Sometimes, in some floodplain situations, Archaeological sites may be buried several meters deep beneath the current surface

23. To put a dead body into the ground: His father is Buried in the cemetery on the hill.

24. Cesspools are covered pits or holes buried in the ground which receive human waste from a pipe

25. This structure, however, gives no hint of the vast construction buried beneath the ground.

26. Clogging is an percussive folk dance whose American roots are buried deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains

27. The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read.

28. The roots of this tree go deep into the ground.

29. 6 If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.

30. The roots —the life source of the tree— lie hidden deep in the ground.

31. Bury definition, to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates Buried the chest on the island

32. Bury definition, to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates buried the chest on the island

33. Writing your own Bio can drag up thoughts you’d rather stay buried in the deep recesses of your mind

34. Why did the people bury their swords and other weapons deep in the ground?

35. Changes are also expected in the ratio of deep sea to ground fish abundance.

36. It can be very difficult to be sure of why a hoard of objects was buried in the ground.

37. The troops were hidden by the deep folds of the ground.

38. The carcasses of dead animals should be burnt or buried deep after covering with quick - lime .

39. They break up, mulch, and aerate soil with deep-cutting blades that extend deep into the ground.

40. The Buddha’s inner explorations had revealed suffering to be caused by three toxic emotional traits buried deep in the human psyche

41. In some areas hail covered the ground in drifts up to three feet [a meter] deep.

42. But during the ancient times, Cesspools were just deep holes in the ground that people used

43. And buried deep underground, the remnants of cities built on floodplains have been preserved in time as a kind of technofossil.

44. / Buried in the rain.

45. What you have buried in the Nile shall remain buried in your heart.

46. Our house no longer existed, but there was the oven that had been used for outside cooking, partially buried in the ground.

47. I buried an ax so deep into Willem's skull, they had to bury him with it.

48. They found a hole in the ground about 12 inches deep with the Australite at the bottom.

49. At night they were bound together and shut into great prisons, which were half buried under the ground.”

50. For care of Blueberry bushes, you may want to consider growing Blueberry bushes in containers, or at the very least, in tubs buried in the ground

51. Deep down, Beechdrops lives by connecting its haustoria to the roots of the beech below ground in winter

52. Interment of Ashes is when cremated remains are buried in the ground or placed in a building designed to hold Ashes, known as a columbarium

53. Cesspools concentrate the wastewater in one location, often deep within the ground and in direct contact with groundwater, causing groundwater contamination.

54. Cesspools concentrate the wastewater in one location, often deep within the ground and in direct contact with groundwater, causing groundwater contamination

55. As a suicide, Tannahill was buried in an unmarked grave in the burying ground adjacent to the West Relief Church (now Castlehead Cemetery) on Canal Street in Paisley.

56. He was buried in the cemetery.

57. Deep Above Ground Inflatable Pool with Ladder, Pump and Deluxe Pool Maintenance Kit

58. Cabbages are best suited for growing in the open ground, but you could grow one or two in large, deep containers

59. And that stuff that gets stuck in the ground gets buried, and through time, we get big, thick accumulations of sediments that eventually turn into rocks.

60. Definition of Buried in the dictionary

61. Only time is deep, an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle.

62. 15 She buried face in the pillow.

63. Our technologies are cost-effective alternatives to founding above-ground structures on deep foundations.

64. During dry periods living specimens Aestivate in caves and deep within slots in the tsingy, attached to the rock well above ground level

65. Buried in tomb 28 in Dashur.

66. When the wreckage was found some 42 hours later, it was discovered the airplane's engine and nose were buried in the ground due to the impact of the crash.

67. Was she buried in it?

68. I buried myself in studies.

69. She was buried in the Negro cemetery.

70. Unexpectedly, the ground seemed to disappear under his feet as he stumbled into a deep, hidden hole.

71. The ancient Israelites did not have a sewage system, so they buried their waste in the ground, far from people’s homes and water sources. —Deuteronomy 23:12, 13.

72. What does Buried mean? Information and translations of Buried in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

73. 22 Noel buried his face in the pillow.

74. Specific example: "You're buried in debt.

75. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies in the Book of Mormon laid down their weapons of war and buried them deep in the earth, covenanting never again to take up arms against their brethren.

76. In my country we are buried.

77. 7 I buried myself in studies.

78. She is an inch long and digs a burrow six inches deep into soft ground.

79. The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.

80. The boys buried the dead bird in the backyard.