Use "before christ" in a sentence

1. 5 Confucius was born before Christ.

2. BC, bc, Bce ‘BC’ means ‘Before Christ

3. Yet the Cradled Christ is still before men

4. The pre-existence of Christ refers to the existence of Christ before his incarnation as Jesus

5. Man must repent before he can believe in Christ.

6. But God foretold the coming of Christ long before Isaiah's time.

7. Unbelief Toward Christ Acknowledging Christ Heaven, Redeemed Community Confession Of Christ “And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will confess him also before the angels of God; Bible Theasaurus

8. As The World Book Encyclopedia says: “Dates before that year are listed as B.C., or before Christ.

9. By accepting Christ, you can come before God and be Born again

10. He added: “The twentieth year of Artaxerxes is the year 455 before Christ.”

11. and the earliest examples date from the Indus Valley, 3,000 years before Christ.

12. I swear to Christ, I'm gonna fucking clip somebody before this day is over.

13. (John 3:16) Before dying a sacrificial death, Christ ‘bore witness to the truth.’

14. “Julius Caesar wrote his Commentaries on the Gallic War in the year 52 before Christ.

15. You foolish Galatians ! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ as crucified.

16. The coming of Christ into the world. Advent, the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.

17. Bce stands for "Before the common era." BC means "Before Christ," or "Before the Messiah." Both measure the number of years before the approximate birthday of Yeshua/Jesus

18. Bc comes from Before Christ Years Before and After So 550 Bc means 550 years before Jesus was born And 2000 AD almost means 2000 years after Jesus was born

19. To put it simply, we must not Capitulate before this world, but “reCapitulate all things in Christ”

20. Question: "What is the Judgment Seat of Christ / Bema Seat of Christ?" Answer: Romans 14:10–12 says, “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat

21. Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord: What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Return of Christ

22. Before John’s eyes the heavens open to reveal something truly awe inspiring —Jesus Christ himself in battle array!

23. Nephi wrote: “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ.”

24. Much of Azes' coinage was issued before the birth of Christ, but some had to be struck on the day of Christ's birth, and all were in circulation when Christ lived

25. The Two Advents of Jesus Christ What are the differences between the two Advents (comings) of Jesus Christ to earth? In His first advent, Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem, just as predicted 600 years before

26. By divine revelation Simeon knew that “he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah.”

27. Jesus is called “the Christ” or “Jesus Christ,” but Christ is not his last name.

28. Korihor, an anti-Christ, ridicules the doctrine of Christ

29. Jesus Christ -- Resurrection, Jesus Christ -- Resurrection -- History of doctrines -- 20th century, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christus -- Auferstehung, Resurrection -- History of doctrines, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Opstanding van Christus, Antiphonar, Quelle, Jesus Christ - Resurrection, Jesus Christ - Resurrection - History Of Doctrines - 20th

30. 4 Many years before Jesus was born, Jehovah promised in the Bible that he would send the Messiah, or Christ

31. Further paintings showed “Christ taking his leave of his Mother”, “Christ on his way to Emmaus”, “Christ appearing to Maria Magdalena”, “The exposure of Moses”, “The finding of Moses”, “Let the children come to me” (also called “Jesus blessing the children”), “Luther on Christmas Eve” (1887) and “The adulteress before Christ” (the latter formerly in Moscow, gallery Löwenstein).

32. Such godly fear was a quality that Jesus Christ manifested even before he was confronted with death on a torture stake.

33. They exercise faith in Jesus’ shed blood and have a righteous standing before their Creator and his appointed King, Jesus Christ.

34. KJV: unto Christ [are] fourteen INT: to the Christ generations fourteen

35. A dungeon with Christ a thronea throne without Christ a hell.

36. He wanted each of us to repent and prepare to “stand before the judgment-seat of Christ” (see Mormon 3:18–22).

37. Christ Almighty, Zelda.

38. Christ, blοοdy freezing.

39. Paul’s letter was primarily addressed to Jewish believers, many of whom had no doubt adhered strictly to the Mosaic Law before accepting Christ.

40. “Born again” language takes us back to before the cross in John 3 and replaces the gospel of Christ with Israel’s new covenant

41. Christ Fulfilled His Mission

42. we rejoice in Christ,

43. Jesus Christ Is Born

44. Christ the Controversialist book

45. Christocentric Concentrating on Christ

46. Amplified Bible In the Beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself

47. What is Condescension, Of Christ? Definition and meaning:Condescension, OF CHRIST kon-de-sen'-shun.

48. In order to find Certainty in uncertain times, obey Christ as your sovereign, follow Christ as your servant, and trust Christ as your Savior

49. Baptizing Infants Baptised Into Christ Baptism Cleansing The Body Baptism, significance of Clothed With Good Things Union With Christ, Nature Of Participation, In Christ

50. Marriage is a spiritual picture of Christ Jesus Christ is the perfect example of Betrothal

51. Consoler of angonizing jesus christ

52. The Constraining Love of Christ

53. Christ, what a shit show.

54. I have faith in Christ.

55. Christ Church Ironton, Ironton, Ohio


57. Hail Christ, the Glorious King!

58. o Be Ambitious for Christ

59. Ambassadors and Envoys for Christ

60. The Absoluteness of Jesus Christ


62. Remember Korihor, the anti-Christ?

63. Christ, it's a bleeding boneyard!

64. It pointed to Christ as the objective aimed at (“Christ is the end of the Law”).

65. Not Carnality but Christ - If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God

66. 17 Confirmands Share Statements of Faith September 12, 2015 Discipleship , Uncategorized At the end of August just before starting High School, our confirmation students stood before the congregation and gave witness to their faith in Jesus Christ.

67. What does Christ mean? Information and translations of Christ in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

68. The term “Christology” (from Greek christos meaning “anointed one” or “Christ”) refers to the study of Christ.

69. The purpose of Crossings Community Church is to be a Christ-Centered Church building Christ-Centered people.

70. As the Charismata are but expressions of the charisma of Christ, and the pneumatika are expressive of the Pneuma of Christ, it becomes evident that these are Christ-expressions

71. Pagans adored these symbols long before the birth of Christ, yet Christendom hails these as Christian and adoringly speaks of them as “the beautiful spirit of Christmas.”

72. First Congregational United Church of Christ

73. Jesus Christ is our greatest example.

74. 15 Christ died on the Cross.

75. Christ is inviting sinners to repentance.

76. Jesus Christ is God’s Anointed Messiah

77. We are joint-heirs with Christ!

78. * See also Good Shepherd; Jesus Christ

79. Jesus Christ, are you people retarded?

80. Jesus Christ, what a fucking mess.