Use "be left" in a sentence

1. There would be nothing left.

2. Left to be raped and murdered.

3. The description shall be left aligned.

4. The question cannot be left undecided.

5. All fields must be left aligned.

6. Baggage left unattended will be removed and may be destroyed.

7. Won't be anyone left here before long.

8. Ultimately, we will be left without excuse.

9. I want to be left in privacy.

10. We'll be left behind if we loiter.

11. : text will be aligned at the left.

12. Left untreated, Cardiopulmonary disease can be deadly.

13. Soon you'll be the only one left.

14. He'd be a cuckold, eating left - overs.

15. Those details shall be displayed left aligned.

16. Lt'll be that shack on the left.

17. To be honest, I left Bi Tianhao.

18. She wanted to be left in peace.

19. It's doubtful whether there'll be any seats left.

20. That initiative must not be left in abeyance.

21. Syphilis can be very dangerous if left untreated .

22. He just wants to be left in peace .

23. Work surfaces should be left clear and clean.

24. The child begged not to be left home.

25. I desire only to be left in peace.

26. There'll be one guy left with one eye.

27. Those contact details shall be displayed left aligned.

28. When the prettiness fades, what will be left?

29. Some services cannot be left to the market.

30. Why should these decisions be left with him?

31. Furthermore, if necessary they can be left unattended.

32. Millions may be left destitute or may be forced to become refugees.

33. 11 Left forearm rotation should not be confused with left wrist rotation, as to many amateurs think.

34. The Blister should be bandaged and it should be left to heal

35. You don't want to be left in the dust.

36. Excrement should not be left exposed to the air.

37. Why should informal witnessing not be left to chance?

38. The car seems to be pulling to the left.

39. Everyone has the right to be left in peace.

40. I left it at the jeweler's to be cleaned.

41. If she ever left him he would be heartbroken.

42. Children should not be left unattended in the playground.

43. Only in the Nile River will they be left.”

44. There would be nothing left for him to take.

45. Pullovers can be left off in this warm weather.

46. It can simply be left on the work surface.

47. The seaweed should then be left for a month.

48. Children should not be left to play without supervision.

49. He can be left to work on his own.

50. Without help, many elderly people would be left isolated.

51. At no time can the entrance be left unguarded.

52. Also worth noting: Considered or Considered to be, may be left-handed compliments

53. They remain friends, though she is quick to be petulant over telephone messages left unanswered and favours left undone.

54. 25 The report will be left on the shelf as so many reports have been left in the past.

55. Agoraphobia tends to be a chronic illness if left untreated

56. All alphanumeric fields should be left justified with trailing blanks

57. — Right hand and left hand number to be aligned horizontally.

58. That name shall be displayed in bold type, left aligned.

59. And no sacred poles* or incense stands will be left.

60. The city gates would be left open. —Isaiah 45:1.

61. 27 The report will be left on the shelf as so many reports have been left in the past.

62. Chadors may be left open or fastened in the front

63. It should not be left to the computer to decide.

64. The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.

65. When you go away, I'll be left high and dry.

66. All alphanumeric fields should be left justified with trailing blanks.

67. Right hand and left hand number to be aligned horizontally

68. In these important pursuits we will never be left alone.

69. There'll be no wood left in the city before long.

70. 11 Children should not be left to play without supervision.

71. The small fire can safely be left to Burn out.

72. Sure, her management team would be left without a breadwinner.

73. These survivors would thus be left to repopulate the continent.

74. They can be unsightly if left unchecked, but must always be treated with care.

75. Brachycephalic patients should never be left alone in the recovery period

76. Meanwhile, left-Brained people tend to be more quantitative and analytical

77. REQUIREMENT -- Must be left blank for a PAC 71 or 77.

78. Hotel accommodations in the sierra always left something to be desired.

79. He asks to be left behind and feels curiously at peace.

80. Auteciously Last stop before it left in lieu must be qualified