Use "be faced with" in a sentence

1. Faced with extinction... this could be humanity's last great hope.

2. David tends to be straight-faced and serious, with a somewhat cold personality.

3. The would-be emigrant faced many difficulties.

4. 13 After entering WTO, our financial industry will be faced with a keener competition.

5. An elder faced with such things may be unsure as to what to do.

6. Faced with decreased or lost income, we can easily be overwhelmed by negative thoughts.

7. When Faced With Storms and Earthquakes

8. Crabwise: with one side faced forward.

9. We also are faced with temptations.

10. Broadside: with one side faced forward.

11. Beribboned with double faced satin pastels

12. Major engineering challenges will be faced during construction.

13. It will be a time that should not be faced complacently.”

14. Then, when you are faced with peer pressure, you will be able to reply promptly and with confidence.

15. With Bullbaiting obsolete, the Bulldog faced extinction

16. You're messing with the Eight-faced Buddha

17. (Romans 13:1-7) Faced with government officials who may be harsh, how do we react?

18. She explains: “It was painful to be faced with Bible truths that refuted my previous beliefs.

19. They faced him with evidence of treachery.

20. 4 The bathroom is faced with tile.

21. He had been faced with desperate circumstances.

22. Joseph is faced with a serious situation.

23. We are faced with a stark choice.

24. Faced with so many difficulties, she wilted.

25. She was faced with an agonizing choice .

26. Faced with awkward specimens, particularly when using stereo microscopes, the most infuriating problem can be illumination.

27. What realistic situation should be faced in any marriage?

28. Faced with marital problems, we might be tempted to look outside the marriage for understanding and support.

29. When faced with a stressful situation, it can be difficult to keep your Composure and remain calm

30. The scientist was faced with many unknown factors.

31. A sour-faced man with a sugary name.

32. We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.

33. They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.

34. The champion is faced with a feisty challenger.

35. 29 We are faced with a difficult choice.

36. He faced the television cameras with practised ease.

37. Keeping the elderly active is another challenge to be faced.

38. When faced with the suffering of the Messiah.

39. When faced with temptation, thoughts about how pleasurable it might be to engage in wrongdoing are not entertained.

40. When we are faced with a temptation, we will not be uncertain about the course we should pursue.

41. Faced with enormous stress, I suffered an anxiety attack.

42. The defence establishment is faced with a dual problem.

43. When faced with temptation, should you yield or resist?

44. The government is faced with an apparently insoluble problem.

45. We are faced with a fund of conflicting speculations.

46. This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt.

47. We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.

48. Thus, aeronautical engineers are now faced with tremendous challenges.

49. Eisenstein was thus faced with returning home a failure.

50. The house has a wooden frame faced with brick.

51. 11 He faced the television cameras with practised ease.

52. They were now faced with seemingly insurmountable technical problems.

53. Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.

54. The bridge will be supported by piles driven into the bedrock and cast in place abutments, which will be faced with amour stone.

55. Capricorn, the alignment in your chart indicates that you could be faced with some harsh reality checks this weekend

56. 50 people faced civil charges, while ten faced criminal persecution.

57. Finally, a word should be said about some of the constraints faced.

58. A Janus-faced view of history; a Janus-faced policy.

59. However, Admissibly will be dependent on the type of charge you faced

60. Although Tudor faced innumerable lawsuits for libel, he could not be silenced.

61. Anyone found to be a fortune-teller or charlatan faced immediate persecution.

62. Faced with multiple Allegations of sexual harassment, New York Gov

63. After praying he faced his difficulties with a fortified spirit.

64. The customer is faced with a formidable array of products.

65. Jack faced this minor crisis with typical self-effacing humor.

66. John Perse’s Anabase1 is faced with a multitude of problems

67. 8 They were now faced with seemingly insurmountable technical problems.

68. Other daughters, faced with their mother's emotional hunger, pull away.

69. 16 Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.

70. 30 This impressive list could be quite intimidating to any executive managers faced with planning and implementing an organizational transformation.

71. 2 We are faced with a backlog of orders we can't deal with.

72. Amounts secured for the import of film-faced okoumé plywood should be released.

73. Tight-faced bastard.

74. If, by some miracle, the outer wall was compromised, attackers would be faced with the final defense: the great inner wall.

75. Today we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of Appeasement

76. What did King Hezekiah do when faced with this imminent threat?

77. 8 He finds himself faced with a whole new ball game.

78. The customer is faced with a formidable array of products.

79. People went about exhausted, ashen-faced, their eyes rimmed with red.

80. You're faced with ending it all, of squandering what was given.