Use "be faced with" in a sentence

1. 13 After entering WTO, our financial industry will be faced with a keener competition.

2. She explains: “It was painful to be faced with Bible truths that refuted my previous beliefs.

3. Capricorn, the alignment in your chart indicates that you could be faced with some harsh reality checks this weekend

4. If, by some miracle, the outer wall was compromised, attackers would be faced with the final defense: the great inner wall.

5. The bridge will be supported by piles driven into the bedrock and cast in place abutments, which will be faced with amour stone.

6. Young Christians may be faced with increasing emphasis on nationalism and pressure to get involved in clubs, school politics, or other activities that may be spiritually detrimental.

7. After November 3, the Supreme Court will probably be faced with deciding whether several state courts have violated the Constitution by Construing statutes so liberally as to abrogate the authority of their state legislatures

8. In the absence of such policies, the EU will continue to be faced with demands for full membership from states that are patently far from being able to meet the demands of the acquis.

9. Out of trouble ceci fera l'Affaire this will do avoir Affaire à to be faced with, to be dealing with tu auras Affaire à moi! you'll have me to contend with! c'est l'Affaire d'une minute it'll only take a minute

10. Out of trouble ceci fera l'Affaire this will do avoir Affaire à to be faced with, to be dealing with tu auras Affaire à moi! you'll have me to contend with! c'est l'Affaire d'une minute it'll only take a minute

11. whereas under the US secret detention programme hundreds of Afghan prisoners remain detained in various prison facilities, such as the Bagram military base and Guantanamo, in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law; whereas prisoners in Afghan custody continue to be faced with a law enforcement system that lacks the minimum standards of the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights