Use "any more" in a sentence

1. Lau: Not any more, definitely no more.

2. Any more witnesses, Marshal?

3. Don't croak any more.

4. Not any more, amigo.

5. I wasn't shivery any more.

6. You needn't explain any more.

7. Mr Vultane, any more data?

8. Don't call me any more.

9. Ain't bothered'bout that slag any more.

10. Don't hand me any more updates.

11. He couldn't play football any more.

12. Any more retreat would be humiliation.

13. We can't take any more bookings.

14. I don't know anything any more.

15. It cannot be any more general.

16. Don't fool with it any more.

17. We can't waste any more time.

18. Is there any more rice pudding?

19. Don't make any more boastful claims.

20. Don't get into any more fights!

21. Well, not any more than usual.

22. I can't take you any more!

23. We can't accept any more bookings.

24. We cannot Afford any more delays.

25. Can things get any more explicit?

26. I cannot afford any more mistakes.

27. I don't do yoga any more.

28. No more or less than any man.

29. Jesus knew more than any other man.

30. I hardly ever write letters any more.

31. I don't want any more ingenue roles.

32. I'm too puffed to dance any more.

33. We can't fit in any more chairs.

34. ROGER FEDERER : Not any more. Used to.

35. Think that plant needs any more water?

36. I can't stick his rudeness any more.

37. She wasn't hallucinating any more, she knew.

38. The old payola won't work any more.

39. They daren't ask for any more money.

40. I don't love my wife any more.

41. Master, any more tricks up your sleeve?

42. Preferably, without causing any more nuclear explosions.

43. Any more pudding would simply be excessive.

44. I cannot stand his gaucherie any more.

45. Nor had she wanted stepmother status any more than any rational person might.

46. More and more embroiderers prefer Coats embroidery Bobbins than any other brand.

47. Darling, don't waste any more time with excuses.

48. Pity. I can't treat you any more peanuts.

49. I don't know what to do any more.

50. I don't want to take any more exams.

51. Perhaps he didn't have gut reactions any more.

52. Nothing was divine any more; everything was profane.

53. Oh, sod it! I'm not doing any more.

54. There isn't any more room in the closet.

55. I forgave you before but not any more.

56. She couldn't stand any more of their mockery.

57. These notes are not legal tender any more.

58. Don't give me any more. I've eaten masses!

59. Dad can't afford any more time off work.

60. Chelsea is not any more an isolated situation.

61. 28 She and I don't communicate any more.

62. We can't just go sneaking around any more.

63. Overwatch projectile shouldn't explode below ground any more.

64. I don't have any more tanks at home.

65. Am I taking out any more cameras, Finch?

66. I'm not interested in talking any more shit.

67. Lest there fall any more harm on it.

68. Won't be able to make any more bullets.

69. Maggie : Could you possibly idolize her any more?

70. In a sense it doesn't matter any more.

71. I can't eat any more. My stomach's bulging.

72. Astronaut has spent more time in outer space than any American and any woman worldwide

73. I do not consider more dangerous than driving any truck of any type of merchandise.

74. The world does not need any more tar mines.

75. Don't tell me any more?you're making me envious!

76. Max: No. I used to, but not any more.

77. She keeps forgetting I'm not a child any more.

78. It isn't profane any more to say tinker's dam.

79. Let's not have any more tomfoolery with your feelings.

80. Are there any more batteries? This one's a dud.