Use "annual interest" in a sentence

1. Real Return Bond (RRB): Government of Canada RRBs pay semi-annual interest based upon a real interest rate.

2. A higher interest rate will allow a smaller lump sum and lower annual deposits.

3. The peasants got loans at cheap interest and the school received a fixed annual income .

4. The annual fair, La Feria de Albacete Fair, is an official festival of International Tourist Interest.

5. Macfie also gave £400, the annual interest to be Credited to the Sustentation Fund of the congregation.

6. The accounts earn currently earn 4 percent annual interest, which is standard for savings accounts in India.

7. further contractual default interest, accruing at the annual rate specified in Article 3.02, until payment is made;

8. Coupon: The annual interest rate paid on a bond, expressed as a percentage of the face value.

9. b) Annual changes and underlying factors Primary balance # rowth/ interest rate differential Stock-flow adjustment Total change

10. further contractual default interest, accruing at the annual rate of 3,5 % (350 basis points), until payment is made;

11. 11 Borrowing• Rights of a Borrower To be told the Annual Percentage Rate of interest (APR – True Rate)

12. That would mean a big rise in the annual interest bill which has to be met by taxpayers .

13. The annual Enforcement Action Plans identify areas of common interest but do not cover all the Network activities.

14. 28 Party A shall Bear the interest on the usance L/C and the down payment of Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at 5%.

15. Assume that a lender proposes to Amortize a $60,000 loan at 4% annual interest over a 3-year period

16. More credit Cardholders have been successful asking card issuers for breaks on late fees, annual fees and interest rates.

17. An annual percentage rate (Apr) is a broader measure of the cost of borrowing money than the interest rate

18. Select up to three (3) credit cards to Compare Annual Percentage Rate (APR) The periodic rate, expressed as an annual amount, used to compute the interest charge on an outstanding balance

19. The loan, worth 20 million pesos, was to be paid in 40 years with an annual interest of six percent.

20. The annual interest payable on the bonds – which were to mature on 1 February 2017 – is approximately £45 million per annum.

21. Lastly, while Credit cards and lines of Credit may have annual fees, neither charge interest until there is an outstanding balance

22. Alternatively, the second investment opportunity is a bond issued by small company and that bond also pays annual interest of 5%.

23. The annual percentage rate (Apr) of a loan is the total amount of interest you pay each year (before consideration for the compounding of interest) represented as a percentage of the loan balance

24. Apr is the annual calculation of interest that takes into account any fees or charges you may incur during the life of the loan.

25. For example , a bond is sold by a government for 100 euros , paying an annual interest rate of 4 % , or 4 euros per year .

26. Annual definition: Annual events happen once every year

27. For example, imagine that a credit card holder has an outstanding balance of $2500 and that the simple annual interest rate is 12.99% per annum, applied monthly, so the frequency of applying interest is 12 per year.

28. The fragrant Ajowan (azhgon and Indian caraway—Latin names, Trachyspermum ammi and Carum Ajowan) is an annual plant which is the strain of greatest commercial interest

29. Apr, or annual percentage rate, is the interest rate you pay on a loan—such as a credit card or auto loan—on a yearly basis

30. 2) Accrue interest receivable and recognize interest revenue Accrue interest receivable and recognize interest revenue

31. The fragrant Ajowan (azhgon and Indian caraway—Latin names, Trachyspermum ammi and Carum Ajowan) is an annual plant which is the strain of greatest commercial interest

32. Annual earnings before interest and taxes are projected to reach $2,505,000 in five years, yielding an after-tax book profit of $1,818,000 in the fifth year.

33. The annual percentage rate, usually shown next to the advertised and called “Apr”, or nominal, interest rate, is always higher than the actual, or effective, loan interest rate because it annualizes the fees and costs associated with the loan

34. Interest rates on our serial and amortizer debenture loans are all-in blended rates (sometimes referred to as Annual Percentage Rate or Internal Rate of Return).

35. Interest receivable and accrued interest

36. Compound interest Compound interest is the interest calculated on the capital and on the accumulated interest.

37. The formula for interest compounded Annually is FV = P (1+r)n, where P is the principal, or the amount deposited, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of years the money is in the bank

38. Gross Annual income is your earnings before tax, while net Annual

39. These Annual Pages show the amount of support due each month, accrued arrearages, the applicable interest rate on Arrears, and the total payments made on all orders

40. The annual filing exercise started on 1 March with the disclosure of the financial interest and outside activities of 1,383 selected filers, their spouses and dependent children.

41. The implementation of an OIOS recommendation to invest those excess cash balances in order to optimize interest income will result in additional annual income to the Fund

42. The implementation of an OIOS recommendation to invest those excess cash balances in order to optimize interest income will result in additional annual income to the Fund.

43. There are two ways of calculating interest : simple interest and compound interest .

44. Another Questionable Highway “Boondoggles” Report Last month brought the release of the sixth annual report on highway Boondoggles, selected and critiqued by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)

45. Annual recurring revenue (Arr), sometimes referred to as annual run rate, is the normalized annual revenue from your existing subscriptions

46. Health Checkup Also called: Annual Checkup, Annual physical examination, Routine physical examination

47. Using simple interest year - on - year, non - compound interest, overdue interest bearing another.

48. The annual percentage rate (Apr) is the amount of interest on your total mortgage loan amount that you'll pay annually (averaged over the full term of the loan)

49. Annual definition, of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: Annual salary

50. Compounding works by paying interest on interest .

51. CHARLOTTE, N.C., March 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- More credit Cardholders are asking their card issuers for breaks on late fees, annual fees and interest rates than ever before, according to …

52. Annual gross wages and salaries without annual bonuses/allowances and payments in kind

53. 68. approve the Annual Activity Report and the Annual Accounts and balance sheet;

54. What is Annual Percentage Rate or Apr? Apr stands for annual percentage rate

55. Bisom Annual Scientific Meeting

56. Annual activity planning; D:

57. Annual equivalent accrual rate

58. Annual reporting and accounting

59. Accrued interest income and interest receivable | 13 783 |

60. Annual lease cost (2016)

61. b) Accrued annual leave

62. Accrued annual leave liabilities

63. Annual rate of depreciation

64. AAP Annual Action Plan

65. Accrued interest income and interest receivable | 11 176 |


67. Annual accounts and supervision

68. Annual National Orchid Exposition

69. Based on the calculation of annual fixed expenditure and annual running cost, compares some heat and cold source schemes with annual current expenditure method.

70. Breakthrough Annual Benefit 2021.

71. Failure to provide maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which generally includes interest rate plus fees and other costs for a year, or similar other rates calculated consistently with local law

72. (clxii) Additional annual remuneration;

73. - for each Fund, the difference between annual commitments (Pn) and annual adjusted commitments (Pnn),

74. the declaration of expenditure and the request for the second pre-financing payment take account, where applicable, of any amounts recovered and of any interest received under the annual programme.

75. The Bioclimatic variables represent annual trends (e.g., mean annual temperature, annual precipitation) seasonality (e.g., annual range in temperature and precipitation) and extreme or limiting environmental factors (e.g., temperature of the coldest and warmest month, …

76. - for each Fund, the difference between annual receipts (Ran) and annual adjusted receipts (Ran - Rnn);

77. Interest is recorded in line with the accrual principle, i.e. as accrued interest (not as interest paid

78. Annual Weather Averages in Corfu

79. Annual Weather Averages in Ahvaz

80. Annual Weather Averages Near Auckland