Use "act upon" in a sentence

1. Act Promptly Upon the “Sign”!

2. We must act upon order.

3. This is also how we prepare ourselves to magnify our callings—act upon act and deed upon deed.

4. He did not act upon my order.

5. They should have some principles to act upon.

6. Advents: the act of coming upon a scene

7. Follow and act upon their lusts (verse 16)

8. Finally, prepare to act upon what you hear.

9. We should have some principles to act upon.

10. Arrival: the act of coming upon a scene

11. “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act.”

12. The client may now act upon this returned value.

13. Bedevilment: the act of making unwelcome intrusions upon another

14. To obtain and act upon the opinion the Judges.

15. It insists upon one's performing an act of lucidity as one performs an act of faith.

16. and then be more courageous to act upon the answer.”

17. David warmly counsels: “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act.”

18. The act which the Association Council is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

19. The act which the Joint Committee is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

20. “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him,” says David, adding, “and he himself will act.”

21. The act which the Standing Committee is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

22. The act which the Joint Council is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

23. The act which the Ministerial Council is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

24. But just remember ideas are useless unless you act upon them.

25. The psalmist David wrote: “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act.”

26. We must, each of us, prevail upon our congressman to act.

27. One that the child had foreseen yet failed to act upon.

28. Birdbrain Apparel It's just a dream until you act upon it

29. Defenseless women are being preyed upon and the authorities must act.

30. A pregnant female's commission of an Abortional act upon herself is justifiable

31. He is as cool as a cucumber upon every act of atrocity.

32. And then one must act upon the change and bring it forth.

33. The act of taking to or upon oneself: Assumption of an obligation

34. Practical truth is the truth we can live by and act upon.

35. Let us be the ones to act and not be acted upon.

36. Stimulants and narcotics never act so quickly upon persons accustomed to use spirits freely as upon those who live Abstemiously.

37. 13 Paul desired to motivate his listeners to act upon the good news.

38. Was this pagan ruler really willing to accept and act upon the truth?

39. Encourage students to prayerfully consider how they might act upon what they wrote.

40. The question comes down to whether we ought to act upon his advice.

41. Those legislative actions have begun and, if called upon, the RCMP will act

42. If what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it.

43. 11 He is as cool as a cucumber upon every act of atrocity.

44. 27 By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.

45. That information arises from what individuals and organizations collectively define and act upon.

46. What, then, is the effect of the repealing Act upon the case before us?

47. This makes it incumbent upon all of us to act with wisdom and objectivity

48. But we do not act upon them, because it is beyond our individual capacity.

49. The new punishable act is based directly upon art.3, para.1 of TRD.

50. The Union Government subsequently passed the Muslim Women's (Protection of Rights Upon Divorce) Act.

51. 1 Do you want your Bible student to act upon what he is learning?

52. We must do more than listen to the messages—we must act upon them.

53. Speaking a language involves producing sounds for others to hear, understand, and act upon.

54. The accelerations of these particles are determined by the forces which act upon them.

55. [1913 Webster] This sum is Assessed and raised upon individuals by commissioners in the act

56. As you prayerfully study the New Testament, act upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

57. Until the Australia Act 1986, each state was constitutionally dependent upon the British Crown directly.

58. Appeal to the Constitutional Court, which decides upon the constitutionality or otherwise of the act

59. Encourage students to act upon any promptings of the Spirit they felt during the lesson.

60. The 1977 Act places severe curbs upon the effectiveness of exemption clauses of many sorts.

61. It provides tailored warning alerts and alarms for a central management system to act upon.

62. If we live and act upon this knowledge, we will attract the world to us.

63. likely signifies that Jehovah’s pity is now mixed with determination to act upon his wrath.

64. The Programme is meant to study, and act upon, the cultural environment as a whole.

65. Knowledge of certain facts upon which the court must act without requiring Explanation of Cognisance

66. Appeal to the Constitutional Court, which decides upon the constitutionality or otherwise of the act;

67. First, Jehovah’s Witnesses act upon their religious beliefs in ways that make them unpopular with some.

68. The Act was built upon a framework of ethical principles consistent with the values of Canadians.

69. At that time the IOC claimed that the report's information was too vague to act upon.

70. 'We look forward to seeing whether policy makers will act upon Khaw's findings,' the editors conclude.

71. And here the UN is likewise called upon to act in an enterprising and energetic way.

72. Each institution shall act within the limits of the powers conferred upon it by this Treaty.

73. People unconsciously perform this decision - set reduction, but software can take notice and act upon it.

74. Those so empowered may act only within the limits of the powers expressly conferred upon them.

75. Thirdly, the interferon does not act upon the invading virus in the way an antibody acts upon an antigen, but upon the body’s cells themselves, enabling them to neutralize the effect of the virus.

76. Beginning definition, an act or circumstance of entering upon an action or state: the Beginning of hostilities

77. Affeerment definition: the act of deciding upon or settling penalties or fines Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

78. Upon receipt of such notification the Secretary-General shall act in a manner consistent with regulation 35.

79. + Not in the act of breaking in* have I found them, but [they are] upon all these.

80. Should you not claim to be at least his equal in prowess, and act upon the claim?