Use "the few" in a sentence

1. Viewed in a broader context, The Swimming Hole has been cited as one of the few 19th-century American paintings that "engages directly with a newly emerging European tradition"—that of the male bather.

Рассматривая работу Икинса в более широком контексте, её можно назвать одной из немногих американских картин, в XIX веке «непосредственно последовавшей недавно сформировавшейся европейской традиции», заключающейся в изображении купающегося мужчины.

2. It was always known as an unhealthy place and whether it was abandoned because of the mosquitoes that plagued it or because of the sifting of the harbor is not clear. Dalyan and the famous "Turtle beach" It is one of the few places in the Mediterranean where giant loggerhead turtles come to lay their eggs.

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