in regard to in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: giao thông & vận tải
-đối với vấn đề
-về vấn đề

Sentence patterns related to "in regard to"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in regard to" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in regard to", or refer to the context using the word "in regard to" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. This is in regard to air-raid precautions.

2. Careful in regard to one's own interests; provident.

3. My reservations in regard to coalitions nonetheless remain.

4. Important changes are being made in regard to security.

5. They published an open letter in regard to this.

Họ đã xuất bản một bức thư ngỏ về vấn đề này.

6. In regard to global warming, I'm just a layman.

Về sự ấm lên toàn cầu, tôi chỉ là một người không có chuyên môn.

7. The term was never used in regard to anything acceptable.

8. I am quite at sea in regard to his explanation.

9. In regard to your recent column on side effects of Aromatase …

10. In regard to reform, King Fahd showed little tolerance for reformists.

Quốc vương Fahd tỏ ra ít khoan dung đối với những người theo chủ nghĩa cải cách.

11. We must really insist upon greater promptitude in regard to deliveries.

12. Moreover, there is an absolute prohibition in regard to certain specified occupations

13. In regard to the Union List , the Parliament ' s jurisdiction is exclusive .

14. The first is in regard to numbers and the second concerns language.

15. The prerequisites concerning exact experimentation in regard to capacity adaptation are described.

16. It has now supplanted Isa Town in regard to population density ranking.

17. The term Cyberspace came into being in regard to managing physical spaces

18. In regard to water, all soils have two actions - namely, permeability and Absorbability

19. THE world places great emphasis on outward appearance, especially in regard to women.

THẾ GIAN xem vẻ bề ngoài rất quan trọng, nhất là đối với phụ nữ.

20. For most researchers there are two choices available in regard to instrument design.

21. Based on this, the relay valve device is optimized in regard to production.

22. Also, a person ought to evaluate his intention in regard to a pet.

23. In regard to these problems, the UNEP suggests a new strategy of ecotourism.

24. Additional probabilities are presented and discussed in regard to other functions of these eyes.

25. Well, in regard to the story that goes with these, there is no story.

À, về cái chuyện liên quan tới những thứ này, không có bài báo nào.

26. In regard to the wealth of individual secular priests we are on firmer ground.

27. Gosbank did not act as a commercial bank in regard to the profit motive.

Gosbank không hoạt động như một ngân hàng thương mại liên quan đến động cơ lợi nhuận.

28. To begin with, he accused of a certain levity in regard to the gods.

29. Continence definition, self-restraint or abstinence, especially in regard to sexual activity; temperance; moderation

30. 8, 9. (a) How can we avoid going to extremes in regard to health?

8, 9. (a) Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể tránh lo lắng thái quá về sức khỏe?

31. Academically: 1 adv in regard to academic matters “ Academically , this is a good school”

32. Initially, the Carter administration had an open-door policy in regard to Cuban immigrants.

Ban đầu, chính quyền Carter đã có một chính sách mở cửa về việc người Cuba nhập cư.

33. My final point on Joint Statement is in regard to global issues beyond bilateral issues.

34. I covered Collimation in regard to SCT telescopes, which have a mirror and a lens

35. The Working Group also recommends, in regard to matters addressed in paragraph 4 above, that:

36. They consider, interalia, the position of old people in regard to health and housing provision.

37. In regard to the criminalization of offences, predominantly legal advice and some assistance in legislative drafting.

38. 25 In modern times, the practice popularly followed in regard to lost items is ‘finders keepers.’

39. James embodied strict conservatism in regard to observance of both the moral and the ceremonial law.

40. Bowfins’ slimy, atypical appearance leads to some confusion in regard to identification, both benign and problematic

41. What should be the attitude of parents in regard to scheduling Christian activities for their children?

42. Exactly the same is true of the Government's shambolic efforts in regard to local government finance.

43. The spleen plays important roles in regard to red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the immune system.

Lá lách đóng vai trò quan trọng đối với các tế bào máu đỏ (còn gọi là hồng cầu) và hệ thống miễn dịch.

44. This provides the reader or reviewer ample opportunity to write notes in regard to your material.

45. They reviewed the progress in regard to the Dedicated Freight Corridor and the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor.

46. Usual and Customary is a phrase that is used in different ways in regard to workers' compensation

47. Concordats are valid, however, because they are civil laws passed by the State in regard to theChurch

48. About definition, of; concerning; in regard to: instructions About the work; a book About the Civil War

49. It also makes palpable the fear that can consume people in regard to those different from themselves.

50. How our sensibilities in regard to social and ecological problems have evolved over the last 40 years.