in situ in Vietnamese

@in situ
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Sentence patterns related to "in situ"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in situ" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in situ", or refer to the context using the word "in situ" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In-situ alkylphenol-aldehyde resins

2. in-situ up gradation of slums;

3. Assets written off as abandoned in situ

4. Axon™ - Breakthrough in situ TEM Software Platform

5. Potential liabilities arising from assets abandoned in situ

6. Methods: Using digoxigenin labeled probe in situ hybridization.

7. Counterstaining and Mounting of Autoradiographed In Situ Hybridization Slides

8. Axon redefines the in situ experience by linking the transmission electron microscopy detectors and in situ systems together with a revolutionary new software platform

9. Methods: Use in situ hybridization and patch clamp techniques.

10. Counterstaining and Mounting of Autoradiographed In Situ Hybridization Slides

11. In situ deposits are dark shale with horizontal bedding.

12. In situ experiments indicated the alloploid nature of H. depressum.

13. A calcium salt protective coating formed $i(in situ) by combining fatty acids with lime, also the associated method of forming the protective coating $i(in situ.)

14. The invention also relates to an in-situ alkylphenol-aldehyde resin formed from the in-situ process, and its use in a tackifier composition and rubber composition.

15. The other method of extraction is what's called the in situ.

Một phương pháp khai thác khác được gọi là khai thác tại chỗ.

16. 13 In situ deposits are dark shale with horizontal bedding.

17. Stirred Tank Biomining Bioheaps In –situ Biomining Types of Biomining 10

18. In situ breast cancer (ductal Carcinoma in situ or DCIS) is a cancer that starts in a milk duct and has not grown into the rest of the breast tissue

19. Occurred in situ since basidiospores at no time Abstricted from the promycelia

20. The other method of extraction is what's called the in- situ.

Một phương pháp khai thác khác được gọi là khai thác tại chỗ.

21. Current technology allows for establishment of in situ soil moisture monitoring stations.

22. A Comedo-type ductal carcinoma in situ, also known as Comedocarcinoma in situ is the high grade subtype of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). It completely fills and dilates the ducts and lobules in TDLU with plugs of high grade tumor cells with central necrosis "Comedonecrosis"

23. Acromial osteolysis was seen in five patients who had their plates in situ.

24. Title(s): Quaestio medico-chirurgica An fractis ossibus in situ post Conformationem continendis …

25. Subsequently a statistical analysis was executed (in situ rate, Kaplan-Meier, success criteria).

26. Methods: Using the whole mount in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin labeled probe.

27. Na–K ATPase, monoclonal antibody, immunofluorescence, central nervous system, retina, in situ hybridization.

28. Laboratory team leader facilitating microbial Bioconversion research for in-situ coal to methane transformations

29. — suitable for in-situ plasma bonding processes or for multi frequency bond activating processes

30. Use as in-situ corrosion inhibitor in a closed water/ammonia absorption cooling system.

31. In Latin, the term "in situ" means "in place", so carcinoma in situ refers to an uncontrolled growth of cells that remains in the original location and has not shown invasion into other tissues.

32. The invention relates to an in-situ process for preparing an alkylphenol-aldehyde resin.

33. These findings were the starting point for further analysis of in-situ data requirements.

34. Title(s): Quaestio medico-chirurgica An fractis ossibus in situ post Conformationem continendis …

35. The Bemads gene expression levels were determined qRT-PCR and in situ hybridization

36. At a single operation, the epiphyses were pinned in situ, and the adenoma removed.

37. The SLFD is configured for assembly and disassembly in situ, into manportable divisions (213).

38. suitable for in-situ plasma bonding processes or for multi frequency bond activating processes

39. Sow the biennial honesty-Lunaria annua-in situ to produce beautiful flowers next spring.

40. Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)* represents a pre-cancerous condition that can progress to cervical Adenocarcinoma

41. In-situ formed loose fill thermal and/or acoustic insulation products made of vegetable fibres

42. In-situ formed loose fill thermal and/or acoustic insulation material made of animal fibres

43. Bisecting an angle in-situ, like on a stair stringer or angled door for example

44. Carcinoma in situ, or stage 0 cancer, refers to precancerous cells in a limited area

45. In situ adjustable ossicular implant and instrument for implanting and adjusting an adjustable ossicular implant

46. Repeated measurements in situ allow the analysis of such systems in multiple consecutive “differential” steps.

47. Method and apparatus for the in-situ preparation of macromolecules via uniform glow discharge plasma

48. 2 Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.

49. Synthesis of alpha, beta, beta-trifluorostyrene via in-situ formation of trifluorovinyl metal halide

50. In general, acetoacetic acid is generated at 0 °C and used in situ immediately.