in suspension in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "in suspension"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in suspension" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in suspension", or refer to the context using the word "in suspension" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Determining percent solids in suspension using raman spectroscopy

2. Method for the production of blister copper in suspension reactor

3. the agitation device should keep the soil in suspension during shaking

4. The 2009 Volkswagen Jetta has 7 problems reported for Creaking in suspension

5. Lead compounds in suspension may be added directly to the ceramic body.

Các hợp chất chì trong huyền phù có thể được thêm trực tiếp vào cơ thể gốm.

6. - Colloidal graphite in suspension in oil and semi-colloidal graphite; carbonaceous pastes for electrodes

7. 29 Stringer webs have cracked in suspension bridges at the stringer - floor bean connections.

8. Colloidal graphite in suspension in water, for use as internal coating in colour cathode-ray tubes (1)

9. During the test it is necessary to keep the algae in suspension and to facilitate transfer of CO2.

10. The polymer has antimicrobial activity while in suspension and forms a hard, contiguous, encapsulating antimicrobial transparent film when dry.

11. (b) Agitation device: overhead shaker or equivalent equipment; the agitation device should keep the soil in suspension during shaking.

12. The second method involves mixing the lead compound with silica, which is then placed in suspension and applied directly.

Phương pháp thứ hai liên quan đến việc trộn hợp chất chì với silica, sau đó được đặt trong huyền phù và áp dụng trực tiếp.

13. The Agitators ensure paints and fluids are agitated precisely to keep paint solids in suspension and maintain optimum finishing characteristics

14. Colloidal [kŏ-loi´d'l] of the nature of a gel or gluelike substance in which particles are held in suspension

15. Common Cell Culture Problems: Cell Clumping -- Cells in suspension may attach to one another and form clumps for a variety of reasons

16. A biological process in which the microorganisms are maintained in suspension in the waste water and the whole mixture is mechanically aerated.

17. Most hydrodynamic models compute sediment transport in suspension but may require modification of the dispersion coefficients to account for the presence of sediment.

18. GIBCO Anti-Clumping Agent is a concentrated liquid reagent that reduces cell Clumping to assist in attaining higher viable cell densities in suspension culture

19. Sufficient air must pass through the system to maintain aerobic conditions and to keep sludge flocs in suspension at all times during the test.

20. The key difference that distinguished between Assaying cells in suspension culture and Assaying cells configured as monolayers was the degree of difficulty in collecting data

21. Start the aeration such that the sludge is kept in suspension and in an aerobic state and begin dosing the influent and recycling the settled sludge.

22. Water circulation through the filter serves at the same time for maintaining food particles in suspension and for dispersing the larvae; it is accomplished by airlift pumps. 2.

23. Next wash the barium sulphate precipitate as follows: add # ml of # M hydrochloric acid, place the precipitate in suspension and centrifuge for five minutes, then carefully decant the supernatant liquid

24. A soluble salt of an alkali metal like potassium or sodium, Alkalis are good grease removers, as they form emulsion, a mixture where oily or solid particles are held in suspension.

25. Next wash the barium sulphate precipitate as follows: add 10 ml of 2 M hydrochloric acid, place the precipitate in suspension and centrifuge for five minutes, then carefully decant the supernatant liquid.

26. Bullwhipped Male Slave Whipped Back and Ass Asian Sub Whipped in suspension Ebony Flogging and Caning Ayaka Shintani - Roped Up and Whipped Whipped in front of audience Lezdom In Lingerie Anal Fucks Brunette

27. Other aerodynamic loading issues are dealt with by minimizing the area of the structure projected to the oncoming wind and to reduce wind generated oscillations of, for example, the hangers in suspension bridges.

Các vấn đề tải khí động học khác được xử lý bằng cách giảm thiểu diện tích của kết cấu dự kiến cho gió đang tới và để giảm các dao động gió tạo ra, ví dụ, các móc treo trong cầu treo.

28. Coacervation is a chemical method for producing polymer droplets in suspension based on the separation of two liquid phases into one concentrated colloidal phase, being the Coacervate, and another highly dilute colloidal phase (Fig

29. By implementing a rising current Classifier, the tank's classification greatly improves by keeping the lightweight (smaller) sand fractions in suspension, while the heavier (larger) particles settle out in the coarse end of the tank

30. In the lower levels, especially in the troposphere, which is the atmospheric layer in which we live and move about, there are considerable quantities of liquid or solid particles in suspension, known as aerosols.

31. Lead could be added directly to a ceramic body in the form of a lead compound in suspension, either from galena (PbS), red lead (Pb3O4), white lead (2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2), or lead oxide (PbO).

Chì có thể được thêm trực tiếp vào thân gốm dưới dạng hợp chất chì ở dạng huyền phù, từ galena (PbS), chì đỏ (Pb 3 O 4), chì trắng (2PbCO 3 · Pb (OH) 2) hoặc chì oxit (PbO).

32. Supra Condyle Pad is applied on the medial hinge of functional knee braces with a nodule on top of the pad to hook the patient's medial Condyle to assist in suspension of the knee brace and prevent migration

33. Synonyms & Antonyms of Befogged (Entry 1 of 2) 1 filled with or dimmed by fine particles (as of dust or water) in suspension the Befogged air of the construction site was so clogged with dust that I …

34. The morphological aspects of biosynthesis of cellulose by Acetobacter xylinum and Acetobacter acetigenus were studied by transmission electron microscopy of both freeze-etch replicas and sections of cellulose-free cells in suspension culture before and subsequent to the induction of cellulose synthesis.

35. Alluvial system An Alluvial system is a landform produced when a stream or river, that is, some channelized flow (geologists call them all streams no matter what their scale) slows down and deposits sediment that was transported either as bedload or in suspension