professions in Germany

professions [prəfeʃənz] Berufe

Sentence patterns related to "professions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "professions" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "professions", or refer to the context using the word "professions" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Armouring is one of the eight Crafting Professions

2. In some regions, specific professions are associated with matchmaking.

3. Sexism still works against women in many professions.

4. Instead, particular professions try to improve their individual staffing position.

5. 4 Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.

6. Neither professions nor possessions should define identity or self-worth.

7. (d) the regulation and oversight of the audit and accountancy professions;

d) Regulierung der Berufe des Wirtschaftsprüfers und des Buchprüfers sowie der Aufsicht darüber,

8. A university degree has become a requisite for entry into most professions.

9. Women account for # % of the professions, but only # % of company managers

10. Bahraini girls are highly educated and well represented in major professions

11. Department of Labor statistics indicate it's one of the fastest-growing professions.

12. Also cosmopolitan in outlook are a variety of traditional professions, particularly university lecturers.

13. The Auror is one of three professions in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

14. The term is frequently used in this sense in the design professions.

15. And they're starting to dominate lots of professions -- doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants.

16. Synonym(s): Coryza. Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012.

17. Combined, the regulated professions account for about 20% of the Canadian workforce.

18. Women account for 25% of the professions, but only 8.6% of company managers.

19. By contrast, the professions of journalism and politics continue to be closely allied.

20. The government's professions of commitment to the environment seem less believable every day.

21. Membership is comprised chiefly of humans of the warrior, paladin and priest professions.

22. (eds): Comparative studies of Continental and Anglo-American professions, Goteborg studies in sociology No.

(Hg.): 50 Jahre FEI - 50 Jahre Gemeinschaftsforschung der Ernährungsindustrie. Dokumentation der 61.

23. In the State of Texas, they regulate 515 professions, from well- driller to florist.

24. Applicants seeking licensure or certification in regulated professions must meet certain entry qualifications

25. In contrast, the number of people working in more agricultural-based professions decreased.

26. Vocational training was offered in professions such as accountancy, information technology and carpentry.

27. In bourgeois society, the professions hover on the margin between tradesmen and gentlemen.

28. Membership is only open to members of the tax, accountancy and legal professions.

Mitglieder können nur Angehörige der steuerberatenden, wirtschaftsprüfenden und rechtsberatenden Berufe werden.

29. First, there are the changes in the professions themselves which necessitate changes in professional education.

30. In 19 the federal Bureau of Health Professions financed geriatric education centers in 31 states.

31. That legislation applied to all employers, including those in the legal and accounting professions.

32. Various reasons are given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.

33. These Brotherhoods drew their members from all kinship groups and all classes and professions

34. Chartered accountants and auditors are two distinct professions, regulated and represented by different professional organisations.

35. It was rooted in a cast of mind raised to an ethic in the professions.

36. 24 Many of the professions throughout these levels are vulnerable to wholesale substitution by machine intelligence.

37. Antonyms for Avocations include professions, jobs, careers, occupations, vocations, businesses, crafts, employments, tasks and trades

38. (b) activities of a commercial character; (c) (d) activities of craftsmen; activities of the professions.

39. The Bureau’s report focuses on five professions: accountants, lawyers, optometrists, pharmacists and real estate agents.

40. Some professions require you to seek further qualifications which entail another period of full-time study.

41. Politics, as a pracitice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds. 

42. Other professions, like law and medicine had made far greater strides in these crucial areas.

43. We travel, change professions, know more and live longer per capita than any previous generation.

44. Enforcement Stress All law enforcement agents must deal with a stress load not found in other professions.

45. Equipment necessary for businessmen, business efficiency consultants, productivity experts, accountants and members of similar professions, such as:

Ausrüstung, die Geschäftsleute, Betriebsberater, Sachverständige für Produktivitätsfragen, Buchprüfer und Angehörige ähnlicher Berufe benötigen, wie

46. The pilot consists of a test version of IMI for four professions: accountants, doctors, pharmacists and physiotherapists.

47. Their failure to attain status comparable to that of older market-sector professions corrodes' middle class, conservatism.

48. Noticeboard; NUNC; Professions; Ordinations; Deceased; Ecclesiastical News; News from the Press; Newsstand; The Claretian Mission; Mission Alive

49. Salaries of Anatomists’ in Nigeria Anatomy is one of the leading biological science professions in Nigeria

50. Graduates often enter other professions such as those of the actuary, accountant, and operational research scientist.