proffered in Germany

proffered [prɔfəd] angebote

Sentence patterns related to "proffered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proffered" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proffered", or refer to the context using the word "proffered" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She proffered him her resignation.

2. He refused the proffered assistance.

3. He shook the warmly proffered hand.

4. Romanov scrawled his signature between the two X's with the proffered gold pen.

5. 26 A woman sitting nearby proffered: "Apple announced iPhone UK distribution." Word-of-mouth in action.

6. And this can be proffered by claimant or defendant, before or after proceedings commence.

7. Instant wisdom proffered by some commentators in the quality press is that Labour's task is forlorn.

8. A biomechanical and phylogenetic interpretation is proffered to explain the observed morphology of these Calcanei

9. 2 In exchange they eagerly proffered jade adze blades as well as weapons and articles of clothing.

10. She sank into the proffered chair, glaring at the discomfited fat captain, and gave her name.

11. Accordingly, in 1883 a woefully neglected Ruckers of 1612 was located in Windsor Castle and proffered as a likely candidate.

12. 8 Secondly,[] a signification by the promisee that he expects the promising party will fulfil the proffered promise.

13. I have now slipped into the comfortable habit of accepting proffered cigarettes in pubs or at parties without even token agonising.

14. You are guilty before the whole human race, to whom you proffered by your enticements the poison cup of death. BOTH:

15. 13 Charles took one look at the proffered platitudes, which he knew to be absurd, and set about writing an alternative.

16. Aumous Dish The wooden vessel, between bowl and platter in shape, which professional mendicants carried and proffered for their alms

17. LAVAY There was a code by which to decide upon the Admissibility and value of proffered testimony—the rules of the syllogism

18. A ravishing dessert tray is proffered after every meal, and selections range from fruit-inspired sweets to insulin-overdrive chocolate concoctions.

19. 14 Third, the Biblical arguments against same-sex marriage are not proffered from texts that deal with marriage, but from texts that purportedly deal with same-sex orientation.

20. His proffered solution was that ‘in the event of any Barracking or noisy demonstrations play will automatically cease for the space of half an hour’ ( In Quest of the Ashes

21. The definition juridios Apothegma in the aoptegmas is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written an illustrious man or any other concept

22. The definition of Apothegma in the dictionary is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written apotemas illustrious man or any other concept

23. The definition of Apothegma in the dictionary is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written an illustrious man or any other concept

24. Pero no conviene adelantar la The definition of Apothegma in the dictionary is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written an illustrious man or any other concept

25. The definition of Apothegma in the dictionary is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written an illustrious man or any other concept

26. The definition of Apothegma in the dictionary is brief and sententious; Happy saying, usually the one who is famous for having proffered or written an illustrious man or any other concept

27. The sergeant major shook hands , and taking the proffered seat by the fire , watched contentedly while his host got out whisky and tumblers and stood a small copper kettle on the fire .

28. Given my propensity for skepticism when it comes to most of the paranormal piffle proffered by the prajna peddlers meditating and soaking their way to nirvana here, I was surprised the hall was full.

29. An early study of the type was made by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus in his typology, Characters, "In the proffered services of the Busybody there is much of the affectation of kind-heartedness, and little efficient aid."

30. 1822, Richard Henry Dana, William Cullen Bryant, The Idle Man (volume 1, issues 1-4, page 3) In our sorrow at the loss of friends, if we shun direct and proffered consolations, we love the Assuagings which another's pity administers to us in the gentle tones, mild manners, kind looks, and