profit margin in Germany

profit margin [prɔfitmɑːdʒin] Gewinnspanne

Sentence patterns related to "profit margin"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "profit margin" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "profit margin", or refer to the context using the word "profit margin" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. What parameters constitute a reasonable profit margin?

2. Your profit margin is down in Argentina.

3. The profit margin had been artificially inflated.

4. 6 The profit margin had been artificially inflated.

5. A thirty percent discount would slash our profit margin.

6. The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin.

7. No additional profit margin was attributed to the manufacturing subsidiary.

Der verarbeitenden Tochtergesellschaft wurde keine zusätzliche Gewinnspanne zugewiesen.

8. Shopkeepers and retailers are becoming more and more profit margin oriented.

9. The net profit margin would be 1 to 3 per cent.

10. The health ministry has fixed the pharmacists' profit margin at 10 %.

11. Their profit margin is enormous and their revenues increase every year.

12. The profit margin in advertising is surprisingly low, currently about 1-2%.

13. The goal of the partnership is to improve his company's profit margin.

14. No profit margin can be more reasonable to use than the actual margin.

Keine Gewinnspanne kann angemessener sein als die tatsächliche Spanne.

15. Bhagheeratha alleged that the evidence supported an actual profit margin of 11.29 per cent.

16. The Carmaker is targeting an adjusted operating profit margin of 5.5%-7.5% this year

17. The Carmaker is targeting an adjusted operating profit margin of 5.5%-7.5% this year

18. In addition, it does not prove that the profit margin used is not reasonable.

Außerdem beweist es nicht, dass die verwendete Gewinnspanne unangemessen ist.

19. The profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29%.

20. His backup was cement, and he knew exactly what profit margin to expect on it.

21. He is against giving a Bonus to employees due to the reduction in profit margin

22. Profit mArgin gauges the degree to which a company or a business activity makes money

23. The same result may occur even if the tenant does not consciously reduce his profit margin.

24. Secondly, they explained that the actual profit margin of the related importer was reliable and reasonable.

Zweitens haben sie erläutert, dass die tatsächliche Gewinnspanne des verbundenen Einführers zuverlässig und angemessen sei.

25. For the reasons given above, the Commission considers that a profit margin of 5 % is reasonable.

Die Kommission erachtet aus den bereits genannten Gründen eine Gewinnspanne von 5 % für angemessen.

26. This gross mark up was moreover found to yield a significant net profit margin for some importers.

Nach den Feststellungen der Kommission konnten mehrere Einführer bei dieser Bruttospanne einen beträchtlichen Nettogewinn erzielen.

27. As business is driven by the profit margin, it needs peace and stability in which to operate

28. What is a fair profit margin to add to this total? Can local groups afford these prices?

29. Nevertheless, for the reasons explained in recital (...)(29) above, the profit margin in question is adjusted to 5%.

Aus den unter Randnummer 29 angeführten Gründen wird jedoch die fragliche Gewinnspanne auf 5 % berichtigt.

30. The profit margin rose on productivity improvements and increased sales of higher-margin on-site industrial gas plants.

31. On an aggregate basis, SME periodicals had a before-tax profit margin of 10.5 percent in 1998/99.

32. Thus looking at changes in sales in the various business segments is important when analysing overall profit margin.

33. This exporter contested the calculation made by the Commission and argued that the profit margin used was excessive

Dieser Ausführer beanstandete die Berechnung der Kommission und behauptete, die angesetzte Gewinnspanne sei überhöht

34. For example, the public fund renounces profits going above a certain profit margin, in favour of private investors.

35. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the abovementioned profit margin of 8 % to the cost of production.

Der nicht schädigende Preis wurde durch Addition der Produktionskosten und der genannten Gewinnspanne von 8 % ermittelt.

36. The profit margin on one sheet was much lower than the other and Emily drew in her breath sharply.

37. The foodequipment business had a profit margin of 1 % in 19(sentence dictionary) with a strong performance from Hobart.

38. The profit-seeking firm faces the difficult task of searching for the appropriate profit-maximising output and profit margin.

39. Motorola also said its profit margin narrowed to 9 percent in the quarter from 8 percent a year ago.

40. The above rule has been respected when determining the profit margin used in the determination of the constructed normal value.

Diese Regel wurde bei der Ermittlung der Gewinnspanne zur rechnerischen Ermittlung des Normalwertes beachtet.

41. Such costs shall include but not be limited to customs dues, taxes and reasonable overhead costs, profit margin, establishment and supervisory charges incurred by the Insured.

42. Increasing profit – If one of the cost centres is removed from a firm then it has a negative impact on the profit margin of that firm.

43. The global expected actuarial interest, assuming a gross profit margin of 15 % over the period 1995/99, is 6,5 %, within fixed limits of 5,5 % and 7,5 % p.a.

Setzt man eine Bruttogewinnspanne von 15 % für den Zeitraum von 1995-1999 voraus, so ergibt sich rechnerisch über die gesamte Laufzeit eine Verzinsung von voraussichtlich 6,5 % mit einer Mindestverzinsung von 5,5 % und einer Hoechstverzinsung von 7,5 % p. a.

44. It does not take huge rates of returns to mobilize a lot of talent; something like a 50% profit margin for a few years would be an acceptable reward for particularly good entrepreneurship.

45. Pesticide & Other Agrochemical Manufacturing in the UK industry outlook (2020-2025) poll Average industry growth 2020-2025: x.x lock Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the average company profit margin for this industry.

46. However, when setting the interest rate relating to the ‘finance’ aspect of the transaction, VWFS applies a margin for overheads, a profit margin and an allowance for bad debts to its own cost of financing the vehicle.

Bei der Festlegung des Zinssatzes im Finanzierungsteil des Geschäfts hingegen schlägt VWFS seinen eigenen Finanzierungskosten eine Marge für Gemeinkosten, eine Gewinnmarge und eine Wertberichtigung für uneinbringliche Forderungen auf.

47. If the centre itself charges for some of its services at a rate that corresponds to the costs plus a percentage for profits, the same percentage can be used for the profit margin, provided this is not abnormal.

48. According to the applicant, the harm is abnormal in that the loss of the economic value of the office and of the profit margin exceeds normal economic risks and is special in that ship's agents constitute a clearly distinct category of traders

49. (22) The Egyptian exporting producer claimed that the profit margin used by the Commission was abnormally high and that the Commission had not verified the profit normally realised by other exporters or producers on sales of the same general category in Egypt.

50. Cost of goods sold (CS) Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) Profit margin (the ratio of net income to net sales) Gross margin (the difference between the sales and the production costs) Selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A) Net income Income statement Horngren, Charles (2011).