profit and income tax in Germany

profit and income tax [prɔfitændiŋkʌmtæks] Erwerbssteue

Sentence patterns related to "profit and income tax"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "profit and income tax" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "profit and income tax", or refer to the context using the word "profit and income tax" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. To have the students learn more in the fields of Individual Income Tax, Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax, Estate and Gift Tax and tax planning.

2. In the US, net profit is often associated with net income or profit after tax (see table below).

3. 60 Before-tax income 50 After-tax income

4. Profit before tax

Gewinn vor Steuern

5. We have income tax, inheritance tax, and others.

6. Profit after tax and cash flow.

7. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates;

Beispiele dafür sind Steuerstundungen, Investitionsteuergutschriften, erhöhte Abschreibungsmöglichkeiten und ermäßigte Einkommensteuersätze;

8. Income tax, corporate tax, and property tax are examples of direct taxes.

9. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates

Beispiele dafür sind Steuerstundungen, Investitionsteuergutschriften, erhöhte Abschreibungsmöglichkeiten und ermäßigte Einkommensteuersätze

10. Germany increased the minimum personal income tax allowance and child allowances and adjusted the income tax brackets.

Deutschland hat den Einkommensteuer-Grundfreibetrag, den Kinderfreibetrag und das Kindergeld erhöht und die Einkommensteuertarife angepasst.

11. Chart Money income and after-tax income as a ratio of factor income.

12. He said Start-ups will be exempted from paying income tax on their profit for the first three years.

13. 2.3.2. Profit after tax and cash flow.

2.3.2 Gewinn nach Steuern und Cashflow

14. 26 As a branch of financial accounting, accounting for income tax is different frow income tax accounting and it deals with the difference between accounting income and taxable income.

15. Tax-Advantaged Preferred Securities and Income Fund

16. 169 Income concepts Market income and after-tax income are related by the following equation:

17. Market income + government transfers – income taxes = After-tax income Market income comprises four categories:

18. A tax credit is allowed for any underlying foreign income and withholding tax payments related to the income.

19. Personal income tax has been cut form your income.

20. Current income (net accumulated profit), profit of the previous year before distribution.

Laufender Ertrag (akkumulierter Reingewinn), noch nicht abgeführter Vorjahrsgewinn.

21. Extraordinary profit or (-) loss after tax

Außerordentliche Gewinne oder (-) Verluste nach Steuern

22. Capital income tax is flat-rate 29 % whereas the tax on earned income is progressive.

23. Cooperatives and Income Tax Principles James R

24. Obviously, profit tax cannot be levied if no profit is earned.

Es versteht sich von selbst, daß eine Besteuerung von Gewinnen nicht möglich ist, wenn kein Gewinn anfällt.

25. (Disposable income and after-tax income are synonymous; this study will use the term aftertax income.)