profligacy in Germany

profligacy [prɔfligəsiː] Lasterhaftigkeit

Sentence patterns related to "profligacy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "profligacy" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "profligacy", or refer to the context using the word "profligacy" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Profligacy, sloth, licentiousness, gluttony, pride.

2. The profligacy of the West shocked him.

3. But public profligacy cannot last for ever.

4. Recession, they reason a penance for past profligacy.

5. Hardest of all will be finding the political will to curb profligacy.

6. But the public continues to equate new public spending with profligacy and corruption.

7. Recession, they reason, must be a penance for past profligacy.

8. Subsequently, this statement was quoted widely in the colony as an evidence of profligacy.

9. But United punished them for their early profligacy in the most clinical of fashion.

10. You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy a low and disgraceful marriage?

11. Today , however , household profligacy, which underpins much of the other debt, has been the problem.

12. Within a decade we were back to our old ways of profligacy and profit, confident that the expansion would continue unabated.

13. In practice, they so mistrust the secrecy and alleged profligacy of Central Office that they refuse to shell out.

14. Thanks to Greek profligacy, German intransigency and Kim-Il-Jong's lunacy, we have U.S. bond buyers that are no longer rational investors.

15. Profligacy is the new prudence. But in Asia, where saving has long been a self-evident virtue, that message has yet to catch on.


17. Other translations speak of it as the “swamp of profligacy” (The New American Bible); the “cesspool of dissipation” (The New Testament, by Kleist and Lilly).

18. Although she was a popular figure locally, she had a strained relationship with her children, and her profligacy ruined the family fortunes.

19. The ruling Party's propagandists in Beijing have been working overtime, huffily putting out statements bashing the United States for its fiscal profligacy and economic sloth.

20. German officials have argued that any open-ended commitment to joint liabilities would encourage errant governments to profligacy, violate Germany's constitution and raise its borrowing costs.

21. He was aedile in 67, praetor in 62, and for the three following years propraetor in Asia, where, though he seems to have abstained from personal Aggrandizement, his profligacy and ill-temper gained him an evil notoriety.

22. He was Aedile in 67, praetor in 62, and for the three following years propraetor in Asia, where, though he seems to have abstained from personal aggrandizement, his profligacy and ill-temper gained him an evil notoriety.

23. After describing the depraved sex worship and corruption of that city, the “Cyclopædia” concludes: “Babylon even stands, therefore in the New Test[ament] (Rev. xvii, 5) as the type of the most shameless profligacy and idolatry.”

“ Nach der Beschreibung des entarteten Sexkultes und der Verderbtheit der Stadt heißt es in der „Cyclopædia“ abschließend: „Babylon steht deshalb sogar im Neuen Test[ament] (Offb. xvii, 5) für den Inbegriff der schamlosesten Lasterhaftigkeit und des Götzendienstes.“

24. A 1783 pejorative use of Crackers specified men who "descended from convicts that were transported from Great Britain to Virginia at different times, and inherit so much profligacy from their ancestors, that they are the most abandoned set of men on earth"