pregnancies in Germany

pregnancies [pregnənsiz] Schwangerschafte

Sentence patterns related to "pregnancies"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pregnancies" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pregnancies", or refer to the context using the word "pregnancies" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Cryptic pregnancies aren’t …

2. ▪ Out-of-wedlock pregnancies

3. Most ectopic pregnancies (90%) occur in the Fallopian tube which are known as tubal pregnancies.

4. There is also the problem of unwanted pregnancies.

5. Lake County leads the region in teen pregnancies.

6. One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage .

7. Condoms can help prevent pregnancies and

8. Placental Abruption affects less than 1% of pregnancies

9. Researchers say preeclampsia affects about five percent of pregnancies.

10. Also on the rise are repeat pregnancies among teens.

11. * We are protected from out-of-wedlock pregnancies.

12. In sub-Saharan Africa, teenage pregnancies result in high-cost pregnancies and delivery complications such as toxemia, anemia, premature delivery, prolonged labour, and death.

13. 63% of ectopic pregnancies present with an Adnexal mass

14. Teenage pregnancies and homosexuality run riot among church members.

15. In unfavorable conditions, female kangaroos can pause their pregnancies.

16. Their pregnancies are likely to be troublesome and repetitive.

17. This method is used in advanced pregnancies, four to six months.

18. Half of all gestational Choriocarcinomas start off as molar pregnancies.

19. On the outcomes of 211 Anencephalic pregnancies carried to term

20. A soaring rate of teenage pregnancies, abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases.

21. Odours of unfamiliar male mice may terminate pregnancies, i.e. the Bruce effect.

22. The stereotype is of stories exclusively concerned with drugs and unwanted pregnancies.

23. Most women with Cryptic pregnancies discover they're pregnant after week 20

24. At 20 weeks, about one in four pregnancies are Breech presentation

25. Unwanted pregnancies and restricted access to family planning information and contraceptives;

26. Obstetrical History . Past pregnancies, durations and outcomes, preterm deliveries, operative deliveries.

27. Since the wartime population needed replenishment, pregnancies were a good sign.

28. Chemical pregnancies may account for 50 to 75 percent of all miscarriages.

29. “Two of every five pregnancies” in New York City end in abortion.

In der Stadt New York werden „zwei von fünf Schwangerschaften“ durch Abtreibung beendet.

30. Pregnancies are meant to be happy and fulfilling moments in any woman's life.

31. Unplanned pregnancies in the US each year are estimated at 3 million.

32. In other words, more Aneuploid embryos are formed than ever show up as pregnancies, and more pregnancies with Aneuploid embryos spontaneously terminate at some early stage than ever continue to term.

33. Some teen pregnancies end in miscarriage , and about one third end in abortion .

34. Acardiac Fetus is very rare only occuring in approximately 1 in 34,000 pregnancies

35. The twin pregnancies with the least complications have two Amnions and two chorions

36. Has your menstrual cycle been regular , and have you had any past pregnancies ?

37. These include 15-19-year-old women in poor countries, who currently have the least access to contraception, and women who have multiple pregnancies in quick succession, by allowing them to space out their pregnancies.

38. Choriocarcinoma occurs after pregnancy in 1 in 30,000 pregnancies in the United States.

39. Prediction of perinatal compromise in pregnancies close to or At term is challenging

40. · Teenage pregnancies followed by illegal abortion procedures that cause bleeding, infection and death;

41. Circumvallate placenta is a rare condition that affects only 1 to 7% of total pregnancies

42. In 2012, syphilis affected 360 000 pregnancies through stillbirths, neonatal deaths, prematurity, and infected babies.

43. Objective To study the effect of delayed and postdate pregnancies on parturients and newborns.

44. 27 He read of animals with prolonged pregnancies whose fetuses lacked a pituitary gland.

45. There is a strong possibility, however, that phantom pregnancies will recur at successive heats.

46. Methods Clinical data of 240 delayed, postdate and normal pregnancies were reviewed and analyzed.

47. Surely the worldwide epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, broken homes, and teenage pregnancies speak for themselves.

48. Contraception is one method used to control the number and timing of pregnancies (family planning)

49. 13 John Bracken scanned the ewes with ultrasound and, by March, he was detecting pregnancies.

50. Early age at marriage and high fertility have contributed to a large number of adolescent pregnancies.