preheated in Germany

preheated [priːhiːtid] wärmte vo

Sentence patterns related to "preheated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preheated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preheated", or refer to the context using the word "preheated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The combustion air is not preheated in a regenerative air preheater.

Die Verbrennungsluft wird nicht in einem regenerativen Luftvorwärmer vorgewärmt.

2. Use hot gases from the launder as preheated combustion air

Verwendung der heißen Gase aus den Gießrinnen als vorgewärmte Verbrennungsluft

3. Air is preheated as it passes through the porous housing to the fuel cell stack.

4. Place in preheated oven and bake until silo is crisp and brown, about 30 minutes.

5. A filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary.

ein Filter (DAF) für die Verdünnungsluft, das gegebenenfalls vorgeheizt werden kann.

6. A filter (D) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary

7. A filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary

8. Place the Arepa on the preheated griddle and continue forming the rest in the same manner

9. A filter (D) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary. ein Filter (D) für die Verdünnungsluft, das gegebenenfalls vorgeheizt werden kann.

10. It also doesn’t supply preheated secondary air to the flames as they rise off the wood.

11. Season the meat and cook on a preheated griddle pan for about 15 minutes for rare.

12. A filter Dilution Air Filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary.

ein Filter (DAF) für die Verdünnungsluft, das gegebenenfalls vorgeheizt werden kann.

13. The cooling air may be preheated to a temperature that is higher than an expected ambient temperature.

14. Also important is not to leave the lever at the air filter in the "preheated air" position.

Wichtig ist auch, das man nicht wohlmeinend ganzjährlich italienische Temperaturen simulieren will und den Hebel am Luftfilter auf warm stellt.

15. Place boar in a roasting pan and add water to pan. Roast in preheated oven for 40 minutes.

16. Alternatively, roast in preheated oven for 7 to 9 minutes or place under broiler for 3 to 4 minutes per side.

17. These Burgers can also be baked in an oven preheated at 350 degrees for 30 minutes rather than frying.

18. 13 Place boar in a roasting pan and add water to pan. Roast in preheated oven for 40 minutes.

19. Bake Babkas in preheated oven until until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped, about 30 to 45 minutes

20. Preheat oven to 325 F.. Toast pine nuts in preheated oven until they are lightly golden, about 8 minutes.

21. When your oven has preheated, place the baking dish/Brats in the oven and bake at 400 for 10 minutes

22. Top with the mashed potato and bake in a preheated oven at 190C, 375F or Gas Mark 5 for 30 minutes.

23. Bake Baklawa in the center of the preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes until the pastry is light golden brown

24. Roast turkey in preheated oven, basting every 20 minutes and adding water to the pan if the glaze starts to caramelize.

25. 19 Alternatively, roast in preheated oven for 7 to 9 minutes or place under broiler for 3 to 4 minutes per side.

26. First, they would shape the dough into flat disks and then place them in a preheated oven (10), which was usually located outside.

27. The simulation results show that when preheated air temperature increases the maximum temperature gets larger, the temperature gradient becomes lower and the flame length longer.

28. The engine shrouding includes air transfer ducts that channel air from a condenser, where the air is preheated, to intakes of air-to-air heat exchangers where the air is further heated.

29. Dry salt compresses reduce all kinds of pain, though they should only be used cold when treating acute rheumatic inflammation. For a warm treatment, however, briefly heat up the dry, salt-filled cloth bag in a preheated 60 ° C oven (not in the microwave!).

Trockene Salzauflagen lindern Schmerzen aller Art, sollten bei akuten rheumatischen Entzündungen aber nur kühl angewendet werden.Für eine warme Anwendung das trockene, mit Salz gefüllte Leinensäckchen kurz in den auf 60 ° C vorgeheizten Backofen (nicht in die Mikrowelle!

30. Most Branzino are just a little over a pound, and cooking time should be no more than 25-30 minutes in a 350 degree preheated oven, I use a convection oven and it takes about 18-20 minutes for me

31. Feed-water heaters, e.g. preheaters Accumulators for preheated water Controlling water feed or water level; Automatic water feeding or water-level regulators (steam traps F16T; measuring or indicating instruments G01; for indicating water level G01F; level control in general G05D 9/00)

32. A method is described for preheating annealing products in a hood-type annealing system comprising two annealing bases (1, 2) receiving the annealing products (3, 4) under a protective hood (7, 8), wherein the annealing products (3) to be subjected to heat treatment in a protective hood (8) are preheated by way of a gaseous heat transfer medium which is circulated between the two protective hoods (7, 8) and absorbs heat from annealing products (4) heat-treated in a protective hood (7) and dissipates it to the annealing products (3) to be preheated in the other protective hood (8).

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Vorwärmen von Glühgut in einer Haubenglühanlage mit zwei das Glühgut (3, 4) unter einer Schutzhaube (7, 8) aufnehmenden Glühsockeln (1, 2) beschrieben, wobei das in einer Schutzhaube (8) einer Wärmebehandlung zu unterziehende Glühgut (3) mit Hilfe eines gasförmigen Wärmeträgers vorgewärmt wird, der zwischen den beiden Schutzhauben (7, 8) im Kreislauf geführt wird und Wärme von einem in einer Schutzhaube (7) wärmebehandelten Glühgut (4) aufnimmt und an das vorzuwärmende Glühgut (3) in der anderen Schutzhaube (8) abgibt.

33. Put the pie plate on the preheated baking sheet and reduce the oven temp to 400.Bake until the edges of the Crust are starting to turn golden and the bottom of the Crust has lost its translucent "raw" look, 10 to 12 minutes (carefully pull up the edge of the foil to take a peek)

34. A pellet-receiving container (12) including an air flow-directing agitator (24, 96) mounted in the bottom (18) thereof and cooperating with forced inflow of air initially introduced through a heater element (64) preheated to at least approximately 375° Fahrenheit for intimate unencumbered contact of the entire surface area of each pellet with the hot air.